Hello biz
I have 4k to invest along side my other 10k already invested . What the fuck do I buy . Eth btc or bcc I don't know what the fuck is going on these chinks are being faggots.
Hello biz
I have 4k to invest along side my other 10k already invested . What the fuck do I buy . Eth btc or bcc I don't know what the fuck is going on these chinks are being faggots.
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Unify. Become a whale for the first time in your life.
What is unify
I'm not falling for your fucking fiat meme . Crypto will be worth 500 billion by 2020
The devs and community pretty active. They're on telegram, we're waiting for the BTC BCH shitstorm to go away and the devs will release some new shit. Then it's gonna moon together with the halving of the blocks.
Fuck you ltc is a meme . It's only good for holding value like usdt
BCC for the midnight pump
I had a look at it and it doesn't offer anythign new to other existing cryptos. Why should anyone invest in Unify?