How accurate of a depiction of ancient Egypt is this?
Assassin's Creed Origins
Other urls found in this thread:
>American Revolution
>French Revolution
>The next one is gonna be the Russian revolution, right?
Not at all. There's a black person shown, and he's not a slave.
Also, giant Resi Evil style asp.
>Implying people would want to play another game set in some European city
Ancient Egypt is fantastic. First game I know of in this setting on this scale.
apparently ancient Egypt was ancient Ethiopia.
>American revolution
>European city
user, I....
It seems to be a bit muddled... I mean, they are constructing monuments from an earlier period while the romans are running around egypt?
what year is this supposed to be?
Fuck you, Axum was a cool-ass empire.
ASS-assins creed as been shit after the second game. Only the first two were good.
is this full on we wuz?
ubisoft seems more and more eager to make niggers play vidya but dunno if they care
>guard has a made-up wooden mace with spikes
>when real life egypt had perfectly good and much cooled stone maces
what are you guys getting on about? People in that vid were various shades of brown.
Much like ancient egypt!
yeah yeah but you know they kept getting closer and closer to modern day and now...egypt, of all of them? there were plenty of empires to pick between altair and wewuz
More so than the cities in 1.
why are they going the extramile of an egyptian setting and then decide that greek periode would be the best time`?
They've been working on this game for a whole 2 years user :^)
Not at all, as usual. The asscreed games have never been a valuable source of information outside of their in-game wikipedias, which are kind of cool actually.
The game is full on fantasy at this point, but it'll probably be more fun because of that, which is good.
I don't mind the protagonist tho, I mean, whatever, he looks like a nigger, but he's just an actor. And it's not like they're going full WE WUZ KANGS by making him an emperor or something (r-right?).
No, What bothers me is that they are purposely creating a shitstorm in order to sell more copies and i'm tired of seeing race-b8 every single day on the internet with ignorant fukwits spewing nonsense from all sides.
Because they can have an innocent black child buying ancient Egyptian skittles arrowed down by rasist Greek cops.
>Trailer literally starts by WE
No one is creating a shitstorm. Only aut-rightists bitch about things like skin color in fucking video games. The rest of us don't give a shit.
They did yes
i still think that it's an retarded idea to set up a game in egypt thousands of years after the peak of their civilization. Why not go for the 20th Dynastie and a plot about the tension between the priests and the pharaos and the looting of the valley of the kings etc.....
To expand to Rome later I guess
how the hell would they be able to get granite statues of that size to siwa?
WHaawhtT thE FucKS is the remote controlled arrow doing at the end?
They will actually make a triology out of this. Egypt first, Greece second, Rome third.
The US is still a colony for most of the game so technically he's right
What is even there at this time for the Assassins to do?
kill templars
find the apple
pass down the message
More ancient aliens shit.
Ancient Egyptians were dark red/brown as many historians of the time (chiefly Herod) described them. Does this game depict them as that? if it depicts them as blacks than it's meme history/alternative history/SJW dreams.
Three threads on videogames on page 1 and no threads about Hitler.
Has Veeky Forums turned a corner? For better or worse?
desu Russia is rather unlike the rest of Europe. I'd love to see a game take place in Moscow.
We have 5 games. 2 take place in Europe, 3 take place out of Europe. I don't really see the issue of having a game in Moscow instead of generic Arabian nights local # 7471 (I know Egypt wasn't Arab at that time, i'm being tongue and cheek)
Most black people aren't literally black.
AC completely went sideways when they just randomly decided to kill Desmond because fuck you.
It's a fucking trainwreck now and it should just die already. But that will never happen because Ubisoft is always hungry for money.
America's Black population is 12%. For some reason, Western developers are incredibly hungry for that 12%'s welfare checks. I'd imagine Blacks should spend money feeding their kids instead of buying Assassins creed and battlefield, but what do I know?
>he believes herod is a reliabel source
he also giant ants that collect gold and live in arabia
How is any of that related to my post? Are you implying only black people play Assassin's Creed?
Seems OK to me. Sure sure if the MC is going to be Egyptian or not. He looks more Ethiopian to me, but I agree it looks suspicious.
No. I'm implying Ubisoft is desperate for blacks to play their shitty games for some reason. Like I said, they are greedy for welfare checks.
Those are Afro-Americans, product of centuries of black-white breeding.
Of course you do. Some autist complains, some other autist responds.
I can only think of one black protagonist (Adewale) and that's just some shitty DLC for Black Flag.
But they are considered "black". That is how being black works, one drop rule.
>That is how being black works, one drop rule.
One drop rule is ignorant American autism that's neither practical nor logical taken outside the context of the American South. desu it was neither practical nor logical in the American South either.
Given the very concept of race is problematic, the only solution for it is to consider those who were actually your ancestors. And I highly doubt any of the ancestors of the American slaves were in any relation to Egypt.
I never said they were related to black Americans. Why are black Americans always dragged into this conversation to be bashed? Why the jealousy? I myself am the descendant of Caribbean pirates, and colonial era Anglos and Africans.
I dragged them into this conversation because the WE WUZ meme basically applies to the current part of the Afro-American population claiming connection to ancient Egypt, hence me dragging them due to the game taking place there.
I don't give a shit about racial implications in video games. I want to discuss actual gameplay, the fun stuff, not endless debates whether X is white or black.
That is a fringe element that doesn't even deserve attention. Insecure whites bring them up more than anybody.
Afrocentrism is mainstream among blacks and sjw whites.
So is this Ptolemaic Egypt or what
> I mean, they are constructing monuments from an earlier period while the romans are running around egypt?
They kept building Egyptian temples in the old style for over 1700 years, this was made during Ptolemaic rule.
Yeah, since it has the lighthouse of Alexandria it must be
Then again, >nubians in Ptolemaic Egypt
i think not
It also says >Temple of Amun at one point, so it mgiht be set in downstream Egypt where Amun was more important and where there would have been more Nubians
Why you think not?
xD because they made an epic giant wall to keep out le subhuman negroes out?
Ptomelaic sources never mention Nubians as part of their polity. They actually carefully divide the populace up, ethnically into Egyptians, Greeks, Macedonians, Jews etc., which leads me to believe that there wasn't a signifciatn number of them in Lower Egypt
Its amazing how consistent and integral and unchanged Egyptians remained all that time, all those invasions and they were still the same, they were only considerably changed after the Christkek byzantine romans and the Muslim invasions. The Romans permanently changed Egyptians culturally, the Arabs completely changed them racially/gene wise.
There was nothing to stop Nubian merchants or immigrants to be there
The fact that they weren't under direct control of Nubians doesn't mean Nubians didn't go to Egypt.
Nubians weren't ruled by Ancient Egyptians but they were employed as mercenaries since remote times.
Sure, I don't disagree. However, from the trailer, it looks like every second person walking around is dark-skinned. I admit that it's a bit autistic, but here
cont. here we have pretty accurate population statistics recorded in ancient times, why not use those
>the Arabs completely changed them racially/gene wise.
I almost was thinking you weren't a retard, now I wanna strangle you to death while your mother's watching
I don't see any dark skinned person
Woah calm down Maleek
People screeching about this make all the sensible people on the right look bad.
Look harder
Back the fuck off??
>complaining that people living and working in a place with lots of sun are dark skinned
you do know that not every dark skinned person is black, right?
God saw it fit to keep the races seperated and Egypt non-black.
Why do Ubisoft go against his plan?
Anyway, not that I really give a shit, I don't play games anymore but they should have made the population actually Egyptian and many of the guards Nubian.
It's good that they're changing things up, do the same thing for too long and it gets stale.
Oh right. We're talking about Assassin's Creed :^)
>, he looks like a nigger,
with an eagle-nose?
Naw, man.