Be warned that We Wuz (with Negroes saying they wuz Carthaginians, Egyptians, Israelities, Greeks,
etc.) will go on a rampage next February once this movie comes out. Even if they had just enough foresight to put the setting in East Africa instead of the West Africa.
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We must counter We Wuz with You Wuznt.
White people have an unhealthy obsession with black people.
You're as annoying as them desu
Only the New Worlders.
Wakanda use to be in East Africa. They are fools for changing it.
Got to make it relevant for Basketball Americans.
Obama was half Kenyan. They could have related to "A country around Kenya."
Northern Europeans are wewuzin as hard these days and with less evidence and reason. Egyptians, israelites and greeks made more contact with blacks than they did with scandinavians. I found the negroes more amusing and less anoying
why the fuck do people care about this more than they do about, say, Stargate
>Egyptians, israelites and greeks made more contact with blacks than they did with scandinavians.
I mean sure, but Greeks and Israelites had more contact with Celts than Blacks.
Israelites come from Ethiopia.
Actually in colonial places or contact with Africans it's pretty similar.
Israelite are native Canaanites mixed with Egyptians.
Piss of Shaniqua.
>ey yo you white muffugga if it weren't for your ancestors muh peoples would be colonizing Mars now
Wow you faggots just cant stop thinking about us can you?
More like non-whites have an unhealthy obsession with whites, which is why all of them want to move to the West.
Wakanda is it's own thing, though.
It's not ancient egypt or anything.
It's Black Atlantis, done intentionally.
Canaanites (and so Israelites) were what happened when migrants from the East interbred with settled Levantines. "Ethiopian Jews" are just LARPers that the Israel's government humors.
The falcon is the best black super hero ever since him being a super hero doesn't revolve around him being black.
>Doesn't distinguish between Negroes, Egyptians, and Maghrebis for admixture sources
I know you're a Leftypol troll, but try harder.
Aren't Beta Israel just remenants of Jews that lived in Aksum? The kingdom apparently practiced Judaism as well.
>Negroes keep shoving themselves into Eurasian civilization history
>Yur da obsees
What about (usally /pol/tard ) who sperg about We Wuz every time they see black person in fiction?
It's disturbing how obsessed so many people here are with black people of any time. It's a legit psychosis at this point.
You really are, is a fucking capeshit movie
They already do that
>niggers of every variety want to move to the west
>wow the west sure is obsessed with niggers
unironically jews
>Rub your dirty nigger lack of culture all over everything, ruining it in the process
>Why are you obsesseddded!!1
it's more (((businessmen))) replacing caucasoids with their pet savages in revised histories, to their pleased hooting and shouting.
Neither history nor humanities.
>historical erasure has nothing to do with history
>the co-opting of other races' cultures by africans who have no culture has nothing to do with the humanities
I'm sure you also thing terrorism has nothing to do with islam
>historical erasure
Wakanda is fictional, seriously you guys should make a WE WUZ general and stop ruining the board
>pretending WE WUZZIN is just capeshieet
>trying to shut down conversation
Go away leftypol.
The OP is refering to black panther is he not, even if it doesn't have anything to do with history