What did leftypol and friends mean by this?

What did leftypol and friends mean by this?

>he spends his spare time lurking on websites he hates and then coming back to the website he's ruining to bitch about the website he hates

That they want to turn Veeky Forums into a sjw safespace free from thought.

Why are you triggered that someone found your kind planning a raid?

>you're ruining Veeky Forums if you don't swallow my sjw shit

Nobody on plebbit takes r/soc (not leftypol) seriously anyhow..

/leftypol/ and r/socialism hate each other.

>/leftypol/ and r/socialism hate each other.
hahaha, this is what sjw shills actually want us to believe.

It's just faggots larping as covert agents, nothing will come of this.

Not him but iirc one of those things is anarchist and the other is hardcore Leninist.

The far-left spends most of its time arguing among itself. Spend a few hours delving into the black hole of tankie/ML Twitter and you'll see.

t. former Marxist


Pick one

You do realize that leftypol, reddit and revleft have formed a coalition?

>both hate white people
>both are SJW safespaces
>both are under the thumb of the Leftist establishment
You were saying?

>not addressing the original argument

That you're soft and weak and easily overcome.

You can learn a lot from your enemies, if you pay attention.

chickenoflight here, AMA

How's your wife's son doing?

Quite good, thank you for asking.

it's a free space. can't ban nor upvote here. why the paranoia?

Lmao thinking revleft is relevant. Why leftypol would ally with r/soc (which bans catgirls, apologizes for rape scandals and labels them "brocialist") after mocking them for this is beyond me.

liberals are not very bright.

This is what I thought. If Theres is a leftist revolution once they control the state they would start fighting eachother on what to do. In the end most likely the commies would win

Marxists are by very definition opposed to liberalism.

the ironic thing is that this is what /pol/ does to the rest of this site. You can go on the board and there are regular social media "raids". Both sides are the same, extremism attracts psychopaths and people who have fucked up mental health. Left, right, both are angsty ugly virgins most likely rejected by their communities

You don't even have to go hypothetical. There are plenty of 20th century examples of leftists killing each other.

>Veeky Forums is literally discussing reddit.

Neo-liberalism and communism are two sides of the same coin.

"feels > reals" - Evola

wow, /leftypol/ and reddit are just as cancerous as /pol/

/pol/ expects us to jump up and down with glee when they post 10 threads about "why africa a shit" "omg I got triggered by clickbait waaah" "look at my favorite youtube nuphilosopher I jerk off over and won't accept any criticism of"

/newpol/ expects us to jump up and down with glee when they post 10 threads about "WE WUZ KANGZ N SHEEIT" "omg I got triggered by a nonleftist narrative of history waaah" "look at my favorite commie I schlick over and won't accept any criticism of"

they are very similar, truly amazing

meanwhile interesting threads about sumeria, the romance of three kingdoms, nihilism, patrician tastes in art and architecture, historical fashion get pushed to the archive


"Neoliberalism"and "liberalism" refer to completely different things, at least in US politics. Neoliberal does not just mean "new liberal".

they type pretty corny desu

>>both hate white people
>>both are SJW safespaces
I would say that both are safespaces
>>>both are under the thumb of the Leftist establishment
there is nothing leftist in the estabilshment

haha busted

>"feels > reals" - Evola
Liberalism whole ideology is feels greater than reals.
>I'm a women today because I feel like it
>Fags should marry too!
>Muh universal suffrage
>Women are 100% equal to men.
>Let in aliens because it's virtue signaling. Who cares if they destroy the nation?

/leftypol/ has like 600 users in total. Veeky Forums has 200,000 different users every hour. How the fuck do you think they have the numbers to effect anything. It'd be like peeing in a river and expecting it to turn yellow.

Someone who calls you out for being a retard isn't automatically a leftist interloper yknow.

Those liberal humanist nerds are an insult to communism.

All ideologies are "Feels>Reals".

They also think that socialists on r/FULLCOMMUNISM and r/socialism have anything to share with lefty/pol/tards. To them they're just reactionary naive socialists.

I visit /leftypol/ from time to time, but I agree all these Communism threads are trite and boring, just as worse as the Hitler threads.

I think this board would be much better if it was just a history board, I don't come here to read political analysis on a vietnamese puppet show forum.

>meanwhile interesting threads about [...] nihilism
Kill yourself, you absolute piece of shit. Even the redditfaggots and /pol/ are nowhere near as bad as you.

If you're thread doesn't have bait, an egregrious example of the humanities or a Fascist or Leninist dictator in the OP then there's no reason even replying.

and when you react on the idiotic Africa threads with sane answers they chimp out at you

No, its true. r/socialism started war over catgirls.

>Making these threads everyday and replying the same inane shit to people who call you out on your bullshit
Inb4 le this is not your safespace, le sjw


The artist of their bannes was revealed to previously have drawn catgirls, which the mods consider to be top misogyny. I don't remember if they banned the banner artist or what, but there was a lot of drama.

They also will ban you for using ableist slurs like "dumb" and "stupid". Even shitredditsays thinks they go too far.

>muh invasions

A few limpwristed reddit lefties """"raiding""""" Veeky Forums is water under the bridge. Pissing in an ocean of piss, etc. Anything reddit can do Veeky Forums 4chan already does on its own.

It annoys me that ideologues of both extremes infest this board to pump their ideology at the expense of actual historical discussion, but that's the price you pay for anonymity. Learn to either debate (or preferably ignore if they're offtopic/retarded) people you disagree with.

If more people learned how to use the hide thread button, or at least diligenty saged and reported if they couldn't resist posting in shitpost / /pol/ / /leftypol/ threads, this board would be a better place.

wtf i hate catgirls now

Soros, the EU and the Democrats would disagree with you there

None of these are leftist.

why do you go on redit?

Also, shrug. This is supposed to be a space for free exchange of thoughts. Wackadoos everywhere are allowed to post their insane ideologies.

Then why do your antifa friends defend them?

who cares, if they want to start some shit threads it will not make Veeky Forums any shittier
If they are off-topic they can get removed (normally not since this is Veeky Forums and the mods dont care)
and if its on-topic it doesnt get enough bumps to stay

You're scared of other ideologies, which means YOU want a safe space

ooh, you capitalized. That makes it super on point!

This isn't Veeky Forums related content.
Please keep this kind of content where it belongs

>being anti fascist makes you a leftist by default

That's not to mention that being defended by leftists also doesn't magically mean you have to be a leftist.

R/socialism is run by insane sjw Trotskyists who mostly care about socialism because they believe it could eradicate structures like racism and misogyny and transphobia. About a third of the posts there have nothing to to do with socialism. It's just standard progressive stuff.

Leftypol is an unholy union of nerdy academic Marxists, hardcore Stalinists, and anarchists. Nazbols and Marxist feminists pop in occasionally. Their only uniting feature is an opposition to liberal politics, and the liberal ideological conceptions embraced by so-called socialists on Reddit.

r/socialism hates Leftypol more than they hate regular /pol/ because whenever the Reddit mods do some headass shit Leftypol gets a ton of new members. It's gotten so bad that openly supporting Leftypol (or a pro-Leftypol sub like r/shittankiessay) can get you banned by r/socialism mods.

Revleft doesn't really exist anymore because they all migrated to leftypol