What faith is Veeky Forums?
>cant choose pagan
fuck you
agnosticism is the only true way to go until god presents himself
>no pagan option
Almost half of Veeky Forums is pagan
your all witches?
I used to be a militant Atheist but I grew up a bit a feel more open to something greater/an afterlife. I don't really dig all the new age crap and I personally believe that we can't say for certain what happens to us until we die.
I'm Zoroastrian because I have a bias to older monotheistic religions.
Veeky Forums is a universalist Baha'i board
No, witchery is neo-wiccan horseshit. Wiccan worshiping is plastic and contemporary, with no basis in european culture. Wiccan neo-paganism to real paganism is what Mormonism is to Christianity.
I considered adding it but thought Pagan is an even broader umbrella term than Christian so it'd just be "Other" in the poll.
Athiest is there
It's about as broad as Christianity is. With Christians you have Protestants, Catholics, and Orthodox and they can be broken down even further. With pagans you have Germanic, Hellenic, and Slavic pagans basically.
>With Christians you have Protestants, Catholics, and Orthodox
>there are only 3 different kinds of christians and pagans
lol no
I'm aware there's more than 3 different types of pagan beliefs, those 3 are just the main ones.
And I said Christianity could be broken down further but I wasn't going to list every single one-- Lutheran, Roman Catholic, whatever.
Try gnosticism.
See There are more than those three and not "break down"able from those three either.
all of them
>cant filter all religious people
why even post
I bet my boots that "other" is up to 15% because you forgot to add Neo-Pagan to the roster.
>Christians are unironically the majority
No wonder this board is shit
you may want to look up the definition of majority
also if you combine atheist and agnostic votes then its the largets group
>muh safe space
If it's a circle jerk you want reddit is always a opinion
>combining atheist's with agnostics
the difference is night and day
In what way?
Veeky Forums is thoroughly Nestorian.
For some reason, i doubt Veeky Forums is this diverse
Ones willingly to believe
It's this reason that atheist call agnostics "pussies"
More specifically agnostics say there is a possibility and don't deal in absolutes.
That's not what agnosticism is at all. It's an even more absolute position than atheism. It doesn't mean "willingly to believe" it means being utterly unconvinced of anything other than empirical evidence.
Gnostic knowledge is spiritual knowledge, agnosticism is being utterly disdainful of spiritual knowledge, if you look up Thomas Huxley, who literally invented the "agnostic" he is like Richard Dawkins on steroids when it comes to religion. He primarily invented the word to distance himself from people making philosophical arguments against religion rather than purely scientific ones.
a person who believes that nothing is known or can be known of the existence or nature of God or of anything beyond material phenomena; a person who claims neither faith nor disbelief in God.
Elaborate how agnostics are more absolute than atheist.
>still being a shirkfag
You just said it. In what way do you interpret what you just quoted as "willingly to believe" (sic).
You didn't answer my question
How is a agnostic more absolute than a atheist.
We don't make assertions and say they are true without proof
>in what way do you interpret what you just quoted as "willingly to believe"
That it might be possible even if i don't believe it
The definition quoted here which fits with exactly what I said here I'm not the sort of poster that chucks around insults or tries to be rude but I don't know what to say if you don't understand words.
Agnostic means to not know
Gnostic means to know
You're changing the subject from agnostic and atheist to agnostic and gnostic.
Nice attempt with the red herring but you keep dodging my question
Agnostic means that it is absolutely impossible to have any knowledge of supernatural claims of god, not I'm 50/50 and prepared to be convinced. Exactly as quoted here and exactly as I said here That is why it is a more extreme position than atheism because it is the position any pro-God spiritiual claims are utterly worthless and don't even need to be addressed..
>That is why it is a more extreme position than atheism because it is the position any pro-God spiritiual claims are utterly worthless and don't even need to be addressed..
Agnosticism is of the essence of science, whether ancient or modern. It simply means that a man shall not say he knows or believes that which he has no scientific grounds for professing to know or believe. Consequently, agnosticism puts aside not only the greater part of popular theology, but also the greater part of anti-theology
—Thomas Henry Huxley
Neither confirms nor denies
Not seeing how that is a absolute
>That is why it is a more extreme position than atheism because it is the position any pro-God spiritiual claims are utterly worthless and don't even need to be addressed..
>any pro-God spiritiual claims are utterly worthless and don't even need to be addressed..
Atheist say that all the time
Dont believe me?
Go to r/atheism
Exactly what I said again, this again agrees with exactly what I said and disagrees with what you said. Why do you keep quoting things that entirely disagree with you and entirely agree with what I said here ?
How does it agree with what you say if it doesn't confirm nor deny?
Are you telling me atheist are open to spiritual pro-god arguments?
Because that's a lie and you know it.
>How does it agree with what you say if it doesn't confirm nor deny?
I'll repeat some of the things I have said for you because I am off to bed.
>That's not what agnosticism is at all. It's an even more absolute position than atheism. It doesn't mean "willingly to believe" it means being utterly unconvinced of anything other than empirical evidence.
>Gnostic knowledge is spiritual knowledge, agnosticism is being utterly disdainful of spiritual knowledge, if you look up Thomas Huxley, who literally invented the "agnostic" he is like Richard Dawkins on steroids when it comes to religion. He primarily invented the word to distance himself from people making philosophical arguments against religion rather than purely scientific ones.
>Agnostic means that it is absolutely impossible to have any knowledge of supernatural claims of god, not I'm 50/50 and prepared to be convinced.
Agnosticism does not mean "I'm willing to be convinced" or "I'm 50/50".
>Are you telling me atheist are open to spiritual pro-god arguments?
I'm agnostic, not atheist, I don't think your gnostic arguments deserve to be addressed at all as they are worthless.
Good night.
you say that like god will present himself, it wouldn't be faith or religion if god streaked across the sky shooting fireballs at the unfaithful and curing cancer with magic nano-angels for those that prayed to him
Atheistic Scientism
*tips politely*
Real talk, are Veeky Forums' (and Veeky Forums's in general) Christians people who've been raised in that religion or did you come into it later in life?
If you identify as a Christian, please answer this question.
You're not a scientist and you insult science with your existence.
Say that to my face you little bitch.
*targets face*
You're not a scientist and you insult science with your existence.
>>>reddit is that way.
You're not fooling anybody with that reddit posting.
Add Yahweh vs Leviathan
I'm curious, too.
Converted in college
Later in life. Was raised with no real "religious" convictions since my dad is an atheist Jew and my mother is Jewish but only cares about tradition and as far as I know could care less about the actual religion.
Not according to the poll.
Because there is no pagan option you dumbass
Pick other retard.
I like the spread so far. It's nice and kind of diverse.
Shoutout to the three hindu / buddhist bros out there desu
>looks around at the world
>God has not presented himself
wew lad
>Later in life. Was raised with no real "religious" convictions since my dad is an atheist Jew and my mother is Jewish but only cares about tradition and as far as I know could care less about the actual religion.
What are your thoughts on the Palestinian-Israeli conflict? Most Jews and Christians i know go into genocide mode even considering the Palestinian Christians let alone Muslim ones.
Yeah I was surprised there wasn't a greater Buddhist/Hindu representation. And if Hindubros are out there, what do you guys think about the cycle of ages/humans living tens of thousands of years? Are they just metaphorical?
>I don't know what history is
There ought to be a word for us like, "Expectant Agnostics."
In my case I'm an agnostic who deeply hopes that a benevolent god exists but not the sociopath from the Bible.
If there's no afterlife then I'm getting my brain put in cryo until I can be downloaded into a computer with my consciousness intact.
For me there is nothing more terrifying than oblivion.
Fucking moron.
>There are unironic, non LARPing, non culturally, genuinely religious people here
Why? Not hating, I do admire and respect many religions in a way. Find they have beautiful art, have good morals, do good for society in some cases, and contain wisdom. But genuinely swallowing the idea of a man dying and rising is in another category.
>have good morals
Like slavery in the bible or killing apostates in islam?
It is written gods word so don't even start with muh context or metaphorical excuses.
Religions have a poor moral compass
This was a similar survey taken about a month after /his was first formed, it had almost 600 participants.
12 flavors of being a cock smoking secular liberal, this board is retarded.
>what is faith
>muh morality
Morality is subjective habibi
That's the equivalent of buying a lottery ticket after having seen the numbers
Plot twist, everybody with a ticket won
One would argue why it matters to God if people believe before or after he reveals himself; or why a God interested in the salvation of everyone would then do the bare minimum required to sustain followers instead of BTFOing doubt so that everyone can be interested in salvation.
I know its faith but why have faith?
Just stopping by to remind everybody agnostic isn't a religious belief and all of you who picked that option are more than likely just atheists.
I have been to Israel once. I can honestly say I haven't informed myself enough on the conflict to confidently take a hard stance. I am against all forms of violence, however it seems that in human history there are conquerors and the conquered. And if Israel wish to be the conquerors I hope they just fucking get it over with. My sympathy for Muslims really only goes so far.
You will never admit to yourself you're the one missing out of something. You will never ask yourself why do you not have faith and actually do provide a coherent answer to the question, that explains why you do not believe in religion as opposed to not believe in one or two religionS. You will always assume religious behavior to be the abnormal thing even when it's clearly the opposite, no matter how closer it might be to an universal experience of human communities through space and time, compared to its absence and often falsely prophesized disappearance.
We both know this conversation is pointless, and that however curious you might claim to be you are not, so I'll skip to the part where I tell you what you wanted to hear: it's because you alone are right and everybody else is wrong, the evidence has spoken.
i dont see finnish neopaganism here, user
>Raised Catholic (though my dad's an atheist and my mother was never too sure about her faith, they still raised us Catholic)
>Lapsed into either agnostic or atheist (not entirely certain) for about a decade
>Then went back into being a practising Catholic
Now I'm learning to pray in Latin
>however it seems that in human history there are conquerors and the conquered
So ''Might is right'' then eh? Well i hope you don't complain when the roles are reversed.