It's 15...

It's 15,000 BC and you're roasting a boar with your m8s when a pack of protodogs pick up the scent and walk up to your camp.

You want to kill them all indiscriminately for food but your m8 insists that you only kill the aggressive ones and allow the more placid ones to breed because he is convinced traits such as aggression and friendliness can be passed through the generations.

Who is in the wrong here?


I wait and see which ones produce offspring and snatch them pups up. The friend is perhaps right to want the one that is aggressive, but it is its offspring which may be more dominant and more likely to succeed. I want the one that is at the top of the dominance hierarchy

>roughly speaking

Tell him he's a dumbass, roast the dogs and tame the boar instead.

>raising some disease ridden beast
>trying to raise a beast that is already roasting

Where on the Earth are we located, OP? This will tell us if raising the boar is a good idea or not

Tell him he's a faggot and that we should inbreed them to the point where they are crippled and can barely breathe. Just as a fuck you to the gods.

i agreed to getting one of those when i was drunk. how fucked am i?

>15,000 BC
>believing traits are hereditary
stay away from the Shaman and stay more down to earth, we all know traits come only from the spirits that posses them. Oog totally raised a bear from childhood to be its friend but it then got possessed by a spirit and attacked him.

>reproduces like crazy
>every part can be consumed, and is tasty as fuck
>eats literaly all the shit we don't want to eat

>takes time to reproduce (and, by consequence, mutate)
>agressive and carnivorous
>will eat some of our hard earned food
>not tasty at all, very little fat

>possessing animals
I bet you're still not convinced sex leads to children.

The spirit was later on killed by Torak who can befriend any animal proving that aggressiveness is a social construct.

The link between sex and children has never been proven, faggot. Just yesterday Uggina gave birth, but as an unmarried woman she has never left her father's hut! Conceptionfags need to go and stay go.

Children are a result of womens wombs being possesssd by ancestors spirits. Everybody look at this dummy not knowing where babies come from!

What use do we have for them? It's 15,000 BC we've been over this, the Shamans agree animals are only for food.

That's apples and oranges though. Boars are also wild and threatening like wolves can be, but boars would(and are) raised as food. Dogs are companions that serve more useful functions such as hunting and protection.

In for a good time. Don't treat it like you're poverty stricken and use common sense. I've had them since I was a child and couldn't ask for better dogs.

so nothing to do with me sticking my dick into the hole babies come from until I make cummies

Why didn't we domesticate raccoons?

Too clever.

Dogs are haram too according to those wacky mudslimes

Fugs fucking disgust me, every time i see one i get this massive fucking urge to stop its head into the ground. Bit unsettling desu.

>itt: roc/k/ meets Veeky Forums

>implying there would have been a debate

Read up on proper training or you'll end up with a huge pain in the ass that does let you invite attractive women back home.

Also Indians are retarded.

>roast the dogs
t. Ching Chang Chong.


why would people think that far
its more like "this one is friendly imma give it some food and see if it keeps coming back. haha, it does! check this guy out, everyone!"

Call my mate a retard and kill the food then roast it.

>15,000 BC
>believes in evolution
As a fair and balanced conservative, I find this highly offensive to my world view.

I'll take the biggest one that's not very aggressive, but defensive of the cubs.
Shepard dogs are the fucking best.

sound words and encouraging to. i'm sort of pumped and terrified at the same time.

i like this post

Remeber that all the shit Uog is getting for making fire is unprecedented
Og made the spear and yet he was tied to a stick and forced to watch chad pleasure his wife


You befriend the puppers
>can hunt
>just needs scraps
>advanced sense of smell to compliment your human sight
>bites things real good
>doggos r fast
>can learn human gestures and vocal sounds/tones

A good puppo is essential for the health and well-being of any man, ancient or modern
