2 euros by tuesday
2 euros by tuesday
Feelin' comfy
2 satoshi by tuesday *
U r rude
More like 2 euros by November, if you want 10x within a week try guessing the next PnD instead of buying actual good coins.
tfw you forget about your biz_classic stake and come back to 5 more Ark from the past 2 weeks. Feels good mayne
because birthday of preminer developer
I don't understand those words. Explain please.
Also I can't wait to dump my bags at 34k. I've been waiting SO LONG.
>Dumping at any time in next two years
You big dummy
apologize, now!
If I moved half of my Ark out of my wallet for about a day or two, but then moved them back, how does that affect my next delegate payout? The balance is still the same (minus the transaction cost) but I know there are some measures against moving a lot of money into the delegate and taking advantage of the 100% payouts
I'm sure Chang or Moonman will be by soon to explain
My weekly payout was half of what is was the week before (from 2 to 1). What happened? Site has no updates.
As the total volume of ARK increases within the delegacy, the payouts will dilute. This is why biz_classic intends to split into two delegates... --to retain and/or increase payouts. No need to worry brother
hoping one of them or anyone sees this: i put 141 ARK into the client wallet and voted on june 9th - should i be seeing any payout as of yet? i know it will be small
That depends on your delegate payout algo. If they do the calculations all at once during the payout period, then youre fine. If its one of those weird, dynamic, payout ags, then youll just receive a payout proportional to time * amount voted / total arks
for biz? You will probably have to wait awhile before the payout makes sense. You have to consider that the fee of .1 arks will affect your payout substantially. Biz keeps a balance though, so you will get your fair share of arks eventually.
another hype thread?
I will just keep voting bizclassic
another fud thread?
I will just keep voting bizclassic
you cant move me
Do it before 1 AM EST and you'll be fine.*
*This will change after August 23rd and we switch to a True Block Weight payout algorithm where you're credited for each block you help us forge.