Who would win?

Who would win?

The Wehrmacht at its peak in 1941 including foreign divisions


The Modern German Army

neither side have an airforce.

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1941, no question

The modern German military is a joke.

Germany wants to create a EU army to bypass its military force limits.

Beware the eternal kraut!

no question

It doesn't matter how shit they are, the 1941 German army would struggle to deal with any modern tanks.

Very few modern militaries would lose to any world war 2 era militaries. Modern radar, gps, night vision, armor, etc. Not to mention the difference in weaponry and equipment for individual soldiers. The technological differences from 70+ years ago are too great.

Depends, have the Germans finally paid for actual rifles? Or are they still doing military exercises with black brooms instead?

Not to mention the Whrmacht soldiers from 1941 wouldn't be able to shoot to kill.

the range of effective engagement for each infantry is so disproportionately different that a larger wehrmacht wouldn't make much of a difference. also leopard II>>>

You guys forget that Germany in WWII was black. The average German soldier today would cower in front of the black warrior.

The sad thing is that both of your posts are ridiculous, yet they are simultaneously believable.

Modern tanks, artillery and small arms are God-tier compared to 1941.
Add other modern tools like night vision and GPS and such, and the moderns can take on a nigh infinite amount of '41-ers.

>More soldiers.

>Technology obviously inferior, but still excellent.

>Nearly unshakable dedication.

>most of your equipment is horse drawn
>excellent technology


>Nazi technology= horse drawn




Good shitpost.

>Retarded plans for land battleship = excellent technology.

Boy, Lem for sure was genius engineer, with his excellent nazi tier projects. And he was only sci-fi writer...

>muh experimental failed projects that weren't even functional in 1945
Whereaboos are the dumbest people on earth. What's next? Panthers and Tigers? This is 1941 you insufferable idiot.

>60,000 regulars vs millions

Operational in 1945, how do you think the Soviets captured one?

Sub-discussing general Nazi technology, nothing to do with the original question user.....

>Horse-drawn transportation was most important for Germany, as it was relatively lacking in natural oil resources. Infantry and horse-drawn artillery formed the bulk of the German Army throughout the war; only one-fifth of the Army belonged to mobile panzer and mechanized divisions. Each German infantry division employed thousands of horses and thousands of men taking care of them. Despite losses of horses to enemy action, exposure and disease, Germany maintained a steady supply of work and saddle horses until 1945.

I wasn't implying they didn't use horses for many things, user was implying that made their technology obsolete......


>The Red Army was substantially motorized from 1939–1941 but lost most of its war equipment in Operation Barbarossa. These losses were temporarily remedied by forming masses of mounted infantry which were used as strike forces in the Battle of Moscow. Heavy casualties and a shortage of horses soon compelled the Soviets to reduce the number of cavalry divisions. As tank production and Allied supplies made up for the losses of 1941, the cavalry was merged with tank units, forming more effective strike groups.

>w-well they used horses ebil nazis btfo!
why do people keep spouting this? sure the wehrmacht used horses, so did most other armies at the time
the US army was the only one able to fully motorize

The British and Canadian divisions that landed in Europe as well.

By the end of the war, they were the least motorized, because the US auto industry had motorized the militaries of the US, UK, and USSR.


I'd take the the goddamn Boy Scouts with ARs, mortars and RPGs over the Nazis in '41.

Thanks to the US

Who can't all be on the battlefield at the same time.

>no air force
Use 0.03% of ICBM's.
Not even flexing.

Women, children and sub-90 iq african imports armed with broomsticks vs prime europe conquest-tier legions


The only advantage the Wehrmacht seems to have is manpower. The Wehrmacht trademarked blitzkrieg(tm) would be nothing against modern Bundeswehr military doctrine which has the ability to use modern GPS, communications devices, signaling devices, radar and NVDs which would put the Wehrmacht in disadvantage in every conventional military engagement and allow the Bundeswehr to out maneuver their older counterpart rather easily.

1,914 Soviet Unions would beat both

>implying the modern german is not black

>Implying anyone is white

Jesus christ, Germany.

Right so you're telling me that the 60k regulars would win? Due to the Wehrmacht who have so many troops that they can't even place them all on the same field?
Also its not the middle ages, a campaign with even WW1 technology can span hundreds of miles

Head on is a big no no
But the Wehrmacht has enough men to employ human wave tactics like Iran in their war with Iraq.
The dedication will only make the nazi waves more fearless and efficient

Here's a suprise, nobody in reality is an RTS automaton that carries out their orders to the death. Real people lose their nerves when their tank company was wiped out in the span of a minute by enemy tanks they can't see, can't hit, and can't outrun.

Consider that the Puma's 30mm shooting APFSDS is enough to penetrate every Wehrmacht AFV in 1941, and with MEXAS installed, immune across the front profile to every Wehrmacht AFV in 1941.

Why bother having a millitary when you got ameriniggers getting blown up by IEDs in desertshitfuckistan in your stead?

With a competent commander, modern German army would win easily by playing their strengths (superior mobility and intelligence gathering) and striking the Wehrmacht where it really hurts - command and logistic centers.

Avoiding any open battles and city sieges would also be very crucial.

Here's a suprise, armies with more than 20x the numerical superiority tend to win.
>can't see
Thank you for confirming that this is indeed bait

>implying a 1949s military has any way of spotting a modern tank/IFV

They are going to destroy your pathetic cuck mobiles with their potent Aryan semen, you cuck!

Too bad the modern German army is outnumbered like 50 to 1. The 1941 German army could just swamp them with massed artillery and hordes of relatively shitty tanks and infantry.

Only when the technology difference isn't greater than 70 years.

>Airforce that is able to operate with impunity
>Fully Mechanized forces.
>Overwhelming tech advantage.

I still hate that these scenarios always compare a war ready nation vs a nation at peace.

yes, it's not like modern tanks are pretty much impregnable to weaponry in the wehrmacht kit or that the bundeswehr has equipment that can identify and eliminate enemy troop concentrations without any potential of counter attack.

Modern beyond-visual-range capability is a real bitch. Your 1941 troops and tanks wouldn't even understand what hit them. Let alone be able to mount any meaningful counter attack.

The modern german army has about 250 Leopoard II Tanks and some of them don´t even work, because they are used too much in practice. There are plans to produce more of them, but that is not decided yet.

Peak numbers and morale with 1945 tech, I'd give it to Wehrmacht.

Otherwise, they have no means to combat modern tanks and aircraft.

1 leopard could take out dozens of Wehrmacht tanks without being hit even once

>Otherwise, they have no means to combat modern tanks and aircraft.
Imagine being as fucking stupid and illiterate as you.

What are they supposed to do? Try to cover them in bodies until they won't be able to move?

you complete mongoloid, how exactly are 1941 Wehrmacht supposed to deal with hypersonic jet fighters?

>neither side have an airforce.

Tanks, how are they supposed to scratch them in '41? They would struggle with IFV's, not to mention tanks.

That's a dumb condition, but modern tanks would still be nearly unstoppable murder machines.

>I reply to threads without reading the OP

gj retards

>neither side has an air force
>hypersonic jet fighters

You see, the German army, which you should know is not the same thing as the German airforce, possesses these wonderous things called helicopters. Said mythical creatures can readily engage and neutralize threats with no means of air defense.

>no means of air defense.

Honestly, Flak 88's had terrible accuracy for downing objects that weren't flying straight line and even then they had to use several to box them in.

Helicopters aren't exactly known to be fast and easy to maneuver. Besides, there doesn't even need to be a direct hit since they used fragmentation shells.

We had this discussion on the Steel Division game... Low flying aircraft cannot be hit by Flak 88s which were designed to take out high flying bombers. 20mm AA machine guns on the other hand.

I mean if the helicopter stayed still for a few minutes they could aim it, but these things had problems taking out low flying allied aircraft like the rocket shooting planes.

>couldn't save Bismarck from 80mph biplanes flying at a hundred feet

so many autists in this thread. Leopard II only carries what, 40 rounds for the main gun? that's only 10,000 rounds before they're next to useless. nice try modernfags

Assuming supply lines can travel through the time warp, the Bundeswehr clears the floor with a Nazi-era military, even if they only have slightly under 180,000 men.

Modern artillery and armor devastate any army from 76 years ago. The Wehrmacht's only benefit is their overwhelming numbers, but 5,000,000 infantrymen cannot expect to destroy their enemies if they use such grossly outdated technology.

Pic related is what would happen.


>Who would win?
>be modern German
>fight old german army
>kill them all
>causes time paradox
Yeah great idea.

The Germans would win. They would uncuck their sons and grand sons, and make Germany great again.

1941 Heer doesn't have all that much in the way of heavy equipment actually.

Wikipedia gives the amount of equipment involved at the start of Barbarossa as

> 3,350 tanks
> 2,770 aircraft
> 7,200 artillery pieces

Most of the tanks were still Panzer 2, Panzer 3, and Panzer 38t. None of those are a threat to Pumas, never-mind Leopard 2's.

7,200 artillery pieces is also not as much as one would think, considering most of those were light 75's or 105's.

It makes me sad to imagine Germans killing each other like that.

That video was one of the absolute dumbest things I've seen in a while and let me know that Lindy was a complete knownothing hack

Does the modern German Army even have enough bullets and bombs to take down their ancestors? I mean it's all well and good that their tanks are impregnable, but can they keep them supplied? That's always been Germany's biggest weakness.

At what point does this devolve to screaming Germanics bashing each other with clubs?