What were the defining features of Jomon culture aside from no rice?
What were the defining features of Jomon culture aside from no rice?
How did the Yamato replace them?
genocide right? Bigger numbers due to being able to make more food.
What features do you mean particularly? Art? fashion? Culture? ethnicity?
I guess my question is, was it conquest? How did the Yamato become the dominant culture on the Japanese islands?
but user, only white people can comitt genocide
>was it conquest? How did the Yamato become the dominant culture
Like I said, your mention of rice farming, which created a major grain source( grains are easily stored) to feed more people and thus an army, points towards conquest/ genocide.
No, otherwise the Armenian genocide by Ottomans wouldn't be a well known event.
People maybe focus on whites more since they did it more times than Asians.
Pottery and Jewels, mainly.
Same way neolithic Anatolians replaced the peoples they encountered. Agriculture gave them a huge population advantage, they could field bigger armies and they could swamp the natives genetically by interbreeding.
They exterminated them.
>tfw when you'll never spend days making the perfect fat alien sculpture with sempai
>tfw you'll never get to laugh at your stupid gaijin cousins back in the old country (Siberia)
>tfw when you'll never be laid to rest in a giant keyhole
Feels bad man
>tfw like 400 people still speak your language
>tfw your bear rituals are banned by those fucking slit-eyed seaweed munching warmlanders
>tfw nobody wants a man with naturally abundant body hair
Ainu here, I feel you man. Fucking japs invading our clay. REMOVE POCKY remove pocky you are the jap stink your are the jap face
Literally who?
This is now Ainu general, wa-jin shot on sight
No nippon qts mirin your massive Ainu beard? I assume you have a massive Ainu beard.
Why did Ainu worship beards?
Yes. I use special Ainuric incantations every morning to make it as strong as a steel blade, so I can excerzise my lower jaw muscles performing beardstands
Honestly this one is pretty attractive
that's cause we're white people
>bearded women are considered sexy to the Ainu
Do they view greece as the promised land?
Have you seen those mexican chicks? hot as fuck
Cavalli-Sforza places the Ainu in his “Northeast and East Asian" genetic cluster.[45]
Anthropologist Joseph Powell of the University of New Mexico wrote "...we follow Brace and Hunt (1990) and Turner (1990) in viewing the Ainu as a southeast Asian population derived from early Jomon peoples of Japan, who have their closest biological affinity with south Asians rather than western Eurasia peoples".[46]
Mark J. Hudson, Professor of Anthropology at Nishikyushu University, Kanzaki, Saga, Japan, said Japan was settled by a "Proto-Mongoloid" population in the Pleistocene who became the Jōmon and their features can be seen in the Ainu and Okinawan people.[47]
In 1893, Anthropologist Arnold Henry Savage Landor described the Ainu as having deep-set eyes and an eye shape typical of Europeans, with a large and prominent browridge, large ears, hairy and prone to baldness, slightly flattened hook nose with large and broad nostrils, prominent cheek bones, large mouth and thick lips and a long region from nose to mouth and small chin region.[48]
Omoto has also shown that the Ainu are Mongoloid, and not Caucasoid, on the basis of fingerprints and dental morphology.[49]
ok, thanks
I love these things.
yeah. I noticed that after the Yamato culture took over, wearing jewelry, even for the upper class and especially for men, became more and more rare and limmited to gold hair pins. Noble ladies for example, did not wear earrings, bracelets, necklaces, or rings really. It completely disappeared by the end of Heian period. I wonder what it was.
Culture of modest restraint
Left or right? Johmon barbarian or Yayoi civilian?
I side with whatever Kobayashi Yuu is
>southlander or southlander?
REMOVE POCKY remove pocky you are worst jap. you are the jap idiot you are the turk smell. return to siberia. to our siberia cousins you may come our contry. you may live in the zoo….ahahahaha ,japan we will never forgeve you. cetnik rascal FUck but fuck asshole jap stink tokyo sqhipere shqipare..nip genocide best day of my life. take a bath of dead nip..ahahahahahJAPAN WE WILL GET YOU!!
There are many fashion factoids about the Yayoi people and Jomon people. For example, they both removed their front teeth (some argue that tooth blackening emerged as a compromise to pulling.) The consensus used to be that Yayoi people adopted it from the Jomon or that tooth removal slowly disappeared after the Yayoi took over, but these practices are found in coastal Chinese and Taiwanese aborigines, someone bothered to do a comparative study:
Now it's more likely that they abandoned it because the Chinese and Korean aristocracy frowned down on it.
Chinese sources also mention that Wa people had tattooed faces, although they don't specify what types of tattoos.
they literally predate what we call Mongoloids today. They may represent a proto-Mongoloid branch, but they certainly appear to be Dravidian/Australoid influenced.
t. Kim Ji-hoon
Why do so many uneducated people here think that Jomon=Ainu? Educate your self. Ainu were confined to the northern hokkaido island away from the mainland. It was the Jomon (who the emishi tribe descended from) that were occupying the mainland before the Yamato came. The were then pushed northward more and more until Yamato conquered completely. Archeological evidence has debunked the idea that the two were closely related.
Right looks like she has downs
I heard fashion trends that developed was rebellion against Chinese culture after the Nara period when Japan became it's own independent country. This was seen the most in Heian period. Don't know why it persisted until the Meiji era though, considering at that point, they didn't care anymore and they even adopted some chinese hair styles again, namely up-dos.
But left girl can't even write her own name. Right cutie have letters, eat delicious rice and soy beans, also can cut you with metal knife. While left girl munching chestnuts.
so we're yayoi basically people who came from what would have been modern day Korea? I can totally see it with the flat faces...
Shh, don't interrupt our fantasies
Agriculture decreases life expectancy, requires more back-breaking labor than hunting and gathering, and allows the formation of centralized political states that oppress the common man. Primitivism is the ultimate redpill
Actually, they were considerably mixed. To the extent that majority of Yamato have double eye lid nowadays.
Ainu were the only people in Asia to stand up against the Hwan-guk empire during the hyperwar
kys faggot
This. Why aren't we discussing the ainu's integral role in helping Finland to defeat the Hwan?
I doubt it was rebellion against Chinese culture (although it might have been rebellion against Korean culture, after relations soured when the friendly kingdom of Baekje fell to regional rivals in the 7th century)
It was probably just the court fashion of a relatively isolated and increasingly prosperous country doing its own thing. They rejected native fashions just as they did foreign ones.
It's fairer to say that Yayoi people had genetic and cultural ties to many people in East Asia, mainly South Korea and Jiangsu (kingdoms of Yue and Wu)
Fucking Yamatos. Sink them all.
When ya make a boat as big as none other boat and name it after yar ethniticys name from back then in the olden days to fite tha gaijin who wont sell you oil no mo come talk to me boeh
Machi doesn't look hairy like typical Ainu.
What do you expect, the japs draw everyone the same
you wouldn't want your loli growing stubble now would you?
>but they certainly appear to be Dravidian/Australoid influenced.
Ainu are mix of Jomon and Paleosiberian populations.
The Jomon ancestors of modern day Ainus,Ryukyuans and Japanese split off prior to bifurcation of East Asian highlanders/lowlanders.
Polynesians and Austro-Asiatic speakers are East Asians with significant admixture from other clades within Eastern non-Africans(East Asians,Andaman Islanders,Australasians and the putative ASI).
Its not a typical Ainu show. Its an anime show about a socially inept village shrine girl.
>seriously using meme tier 18th century anthropology terms
>denying genetic studies
Yeah, nah,
you're retarded