>complaints about we wuzzing
>drowns Veeky Forums with it
yeah OP hahaha fucking blacks XDDD
The awful armor was the point of the screenshot for making this thread. What's with the goofy strawman, dude?
Sorry user, I'm just tired of it
>The protagonist have a telepathic connection with his bird
>Those helmets tho
What kind of helmets are they?
history is anything but boring , why do these cocksuckers feel like they need to change it for?
>two-handed swinging of a khopesh
>slicing with the rounded edge
Were we born to suffer, Veeky Forums?
Their brains are used to schlock (anime, zack snyder, etc) so they can't apreciate good earthly aesthetics
>Zack Synder unironically believes the 300 movie was completely historically accurate
>when you realize the actual story is much more interesting than mutant orcs and mumakils and gunpowder ninjas and armored rhynos
There's so many aspects of it that are greater and more spectacular than the film that I wouldn't know where to start
what era does this game take place?
I have a feeling romans are going to be the bad guys if I know the liberals well enough
43 BC iirc.
>try to acknowledge that egypt was a greek state at the time by evoking hack snyder's bastardized greek equipment
>WEWUZ them anyway
Who the fuck are they supposed to be?
ugh killing imperialist romans while they bitch about the library of Alexandria burning down
well good thing I don't play videogames anymore
>slicing with the rounded edge
I believe this is correct, though. The outside is the sharp edge. It may look like a sickle but it evolved from the epsilon axe.
Pic related
Is that a wooden shield?
Someone needs to make a fucking game about the Troubles or the Yugoslavian civil war. Blood feuds, rivalries, atrocities. Feel like it'd have good aesthetics.
What's with all the bones shit? they're not subsaharans
Does anybody have a screenshot of that greentext thread about Caesar having to fuck ugly inbred Cleopatra?
Who in this screenshot is actually black?
>Two medieval orders existed in Ancient Egypt
This series makes me cringe more and more for every game released
Black people have a huge inferiority complex due their lack of historical achievement. pls no bully
That armor looks retarded
the vast majority of shields throughout history were made using wood, yes
It's sparking when the Khopesh hits it.
Wish people would stop with the We Wuz memes
His skin is dark, but that's it
His facial structure is that of a caucasian, not a negroid
He's not a sub-saharan African
What are the guys he's fighting supposed to be?
What the fuck is he fighting? Are those Greeks? They look like shit
It wasn't uncommon to reinforce a wooden shield with a metal sheet, rim, or boss
>think OP is laughing about how retarded the new total war dlc is for rome 2
>realize this is the new AC game
wow they really went downhill since brotherhood