Where is it?

where is it?

Obviously in Ethiopia. How else do you think a semi functional decent country for the region it's in surrounded absolute shit countries survives on a daily basis without getting flooded by third worlders?

underground church - carved from rock

I really hope il duce didn't bomb it by accident

but if he did that would explain why my county is cursed

You also executed Jesus mate...

we gave they Jews a choice either Barabbas the murder or Jesus , guess what they chose

Barabbas was probably a riot instigator and a Jewish revolutionary, if there even was a choice to begin with the pharisees in the audience would of course vote for the revolutionary that they were bankrolling over some radical rabbi who preached about not challenging the Romans.

In a warehouse in the US. Jesus Christ, did none of you watch Raiders of the Lost Ark?

Lol, literally about to make this exact post.

Somewhere very safe

There is this weird part in first Samuel where the Jews bring the Ark into battle, but they get BTFOD (because they are attributing power to an object not God) and Caananites actually get the Ark. They set up Baals and Asteroths around it and God earthquakes them and gives them all hyper plauge so the they send it back to the Jews with money to apologise.

If it ever existed, the Babylonians probably destroyed it. Honestly, I think Tudor Parfitt's discovery of the Ngoma Lugundu (something considered sort of like a spiritual successor or representation of the Ark by African Jews) is probably the closest we'll ever get to "locating" it.

The only tie Ethiopia has to the Ark is the Kebra Negast, which was basically medieval propaganda. There isn't really an actual historical basis to think it ended up there.

It was all in yer mind harry

They put it unattended on an ox cart and the oxen took it back to Jerusalem. Just another minor miracle in the bible.

Probably melted down to some roman coin.

lmao good day


only right answer

Probably taken by the Babylonians and melted down

See, the Jews chose themselves over God. This is why they are a bastard people.

It's in my backyard desu
