Once again, you didn't hold, you didn't listen.
NEO @ $9.54 (Up 17%)
Sucks doesn't it?
Once again, you didn't hold, you didn't listen.
NEO @ $9.54 (Up 17%)
Sucks doesn't it?
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Yeah because ive been trying to get my account with bittrex working for over a week now. Dumbest customer support ive ever dealt with. Thanks for rubbing it in though.
Check twitter this thing is about to pop 355k
Check Twitter for what?
>tfw only 11ANS
It's okay user you have time. Please believe buddy.
9.70 BTW
Fucking feels good man. Traded all my LTC away for NEO. Great support, definitely expect good shit long term.
why is it still called ans on bittrex
Why are you still a cunt?
Same reason its called BCC on bittrex, they dont care and if they did they are incompetent.
Nice Run, now sell sell sell
nothing new happend only buy the rumor sell the news
NEO announcing they are working directly with China is not rumor.
Chinese forums saids coinbase will be adding neo
Uh oh.... The rocket is only getting started.
NEO is going to pull a DASH
sell the news?
More news is coming, check the twitter.
This literally feels like ETH sub $11. So fucking exciting.
atleast you can buy a lambo in a few years. HODL
They fucking better, tired of shaving 1/10 of my gains due to fees.
Wow! If I held what I had some time ago I could have doubled! Instead I made over 10x trading shitcoins on Cryptopia. I really missed out on this one!
after weeks of stagnation alts are on the move again.
lamboland i'm coming, whoop whoop!
I mean, you could have done both, but you're not really missing much I guess. This is only the beginning.
the real shit begins in 2018. as eth early this year from 8$ to massive pump. when everything is order itll begin. today is just pumping because of the news but when the next big thing is implemented ggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg
>0,874 ANS
>13 GNT
Enjoy your 5 dollar gains.
>Enjoy your 5 dollar gains.
you're damn right i do. thank you.
What's the point go mow your neighbors lawn or something.
thats the spirit. Godspeed!
You re-invest and make double next time idiot. Then you reinvest that and repeat. I fucking hate people like you.
Good for you. Reinvest that shit and repeat until Lamboland. Fuck anyone who gives you shit about any amount of profit.
user-kun, is everything ok at home? Just beacuse you two don't share investment strategies doesn't mean you have to hate all of him!
It's for concept checks and building confidence. I'll bet user-kun could invest much more, but he's being safe, and wise. Maybe he doesn't know as much as the thinks, right? Maybe it's best to take it slow because he has a family on the way, fuck man. No one knows.
give me your adress dude i got 5 bucks i could spare i dont mind. fuck these stingy asshats.
If the guy only has 5 bucks and doubles his money then he should be proud of that. It's not about strategy it's about someone being a douche to someone else who made a good trade because they are an elitist prick.
Nobody should be proud of having 5 dollars. God, anyone can make 50 dollars a day in America.
>give me your adress dude i got 5 bucks i could spare i dont mind
haha, this is Veeky Forums, nobody spends a buck on a address posted here. but lets give it a try, some of you guys are okay.
>doubling your money regularly
that means putting everything on the line, you will lose everything before you hit 20
i sent 5 bucks not even memeing. its not much but if i had more id give more. i mean i understand preserving capital and shit but jesus the stingy pieces of shits on this board. if i had millions id prolly give 50k away to people i thought needed it. none of that "roll for dubs" bullshit.
good luck. invest it wisely my dude.
You, sir, are pathetic.
suck my dick.
hope it was a btc adress.
Price down to 350k
Weak hands getting out
yes, it was, already see it pending. thank you, sir!
>invest it wisely
ANT is having a dip right now, so i think this answers your question, it will go into a looong hodl.
Dude, how old are you? You sound like you're 15 or something. Get a fucking job and then invest part of your money. Investing pathetic 5 dollars won't change anything. I'm embarrassed by you right now.
you should look at XEM
Nearly doubled my investment on this, still hodling, wanna see where this is going to be in a years time.
You cannot be serious
wow this supposed bloodbath week sure is fucking me in the ass
>Bought ans
>Waited 24 hrs for the wallet to sync
>Transferred to wallet
>Still nothing
How long does it normally take for antshares to be transferred to the wallet?
put your address in here antcha.in
it should show up with your balance and the block number.
>actually transferring that shit to some bugged chink wallet instead of just daytrading it on exchanges
>t. fag who is too poor to own enough ANS to be worth staking
weak hands.. or the people who are actually smart and selling now. Do you honestly think this will never hit the $7 - $9 range again? It's basically free money to sell now and then buy back later.
It will likely go back down with the:
1) Chinese waking up soon and selling to take profit
2) typical weekend dip
3) realization that the tweet was not news, but something we've known already. Article is old
It went through. The wallet is just buggy
The gas (antcoin) may itself become tradeable someday, might as well try to accumulate that too.
Hope you're right user. Seems like a lot of momentum behind it right now though.
I'm thinking of selling now and buying back cheaper. I've doubled me shekels so far.
>only 41 NEO
I managed to scrape together 100 NEO over the past month I'm poor guys do I hold.
it will probably dip in the weekend but not to the 5$ range again. All depends at what price you bought them.
Are u fucking kidding me? HODL!!!
Will those 1000$ now save your life? If yes then sell. If not, fucking wait.
Hmm, I'll just buy more instead if it dips, rather than take a chance.
It's still pretty far from the ATH, and they still haven't made a proper wallet.
Neo/slantshares is a scam.
t. bagholder who bought at the ATH because of "much Chinese ethereum" hype.
Still time shits going to outer space by next week.
>puppy drafts bat clock riki against doom lich and lets mp solo safe again
is puppey retarded?
wrong thread lmao
Do I put in a sell order at 0.0040? and buy back in after a slight dip? Or do guys think the giant 0.0040 sell wall will get obliterated.
fuck they lost
Midone can't win the game alone man
It will break through 400 if it goes up there again
You have to download the entire ANS blockchain (seen at the bottom right) before it shows.
Takes awhile
don't put so much faith in walls holding a price back
they can get pulled instantly whenever they want
just bought 5k
press the red button to eject
Oh man you were totally right user hahahaha
Holding from .005. When will I get my money back?
download the blockchain from their website and replace it with the default wallet chain. It'll sync in 5 minutes instead of days. Also fuck all these fudders. I enjoy seeing some of them getting burned every time NEOS does something unexpected. It will eventually happen to all of them which is fair karma for all their shitposting.
Its called NEOS on bittrex. Buy that now.
I just bought 100k :)
Wait until the next fake partnership announcement.
NEOS is different coin. Do not fall for this, it is ANS but changing name to NEO on 8th = moon.
>Makes fake government partnership announcements
Excellent coin
I have 1700 NEO and I feel poor...
i hope no noob will fall for the "chinese eth" meme scam
>Triple top
Please no
Not now
I just rebought at 360k
Every time this fucking coin hits its head on the artificial ceilings it plummets to the depths of hell
Nice head and shoulders, back to 350k.
Not through the weekend yet. Plus, the "news" of China partnership wasn't even true. Let's see how things look come Monday. If you think that this doesn't drop back around $8, you're being too optimistic.
The goal here is higher floors. That's what's going to push us higher in the long run and proves stability.
>Visible nervous investors with stacks like 1.5BTC each
>Instead of putting ONE sell order and forcing everyone from buying from them, they play chase with eachother fighting for who can sell the lowest
>Without a single person even buying between their price adjustments
I despise all of you
Your are disgusting filth
Fucking wait FIVE MINUTES god fucking damn and stop sabotaging yourself
Look at the newly minted baghodler
I'm still in a 0.7BTC profit, asshole
It's just frustrating to see this fucking retarded practice showing up ALL THE TIME from children who are too nervous to wait five minutes because they're gambling their allowance, and they won't be able to buy tendies if they lose it
I'm hodling 1500 and I thought I was being greedy.
why. thats like having 1700 ETH in january.
We have hype scheduled for 8th of august. It could drop back to 8 or 6 or whatever afterwards, but I do strongly believe we will not fall before 8th.
>only 99
fucking cuckbase takes a week to turn my fiat into juice
I bought in around $6. Can I sell now you think and get back in around $7? I want to maximize my total amount of ants for liftoff. Right now I have 180 and this could net me another 50 ants. I don't want to miss the rocket though.
Don't expect $7 again.
the rocket is happening on august 8th, probably won't go to 7 anymore