why has premartial sex increased dramatically the past half century?
Why has premartial sex increased dramatically the past half century?
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It probably hasn't increased as much as you think it is, because it's become much more open and less stigmatized in the west today due to the sexual revolution. The major cause in its increase is probably that nobody's getting married anymore, whereas most people before the sexual revolution were getting married in their late teens.
Birth control, urbanization and mass media normalization.
>in b4 the "people were always hedonistic libertines things were always exactly the same" crowd shows up
Mostly the first one.
Decline of Christianity
In America, it actually hasn't.
>1967 was 50 years ago
good guys lost wwii
zionist globalism
I can go on but you get the (((point)))
I wonder who could be behind this post.
you mean the background jew to the right of that based nimble navigator?
Well, it was.
Boomers are more promiscuous that either generation that followed them.
>1999 was 37 years ago
Birth control
And thank god for that using a condom sucks. They always come way too lubricated. I assume its for the circumcised Americans.
Man, the boomers really were the shittiest generation.
You mean gone down.
Hahaha y-yeah
Always thought Silent Generation was WWI but I guess that was the lost generation.
> Millions deploy to WWI
> 150k dead despite Americans joining at the very end of the war
> Euros get super AIDS flu
> A million dead in the US, population actually declines for the first time in history
> " USA didn't suffer at all from the war"
Off topic, just a pet peeve
Why does it matter? Because you still aint getting none?
I mean for fuck's sake. Humans have been fucking without being married for millennium despite what the propaganda says.
Nuns and monks. Fucking all the time.
Kings and mistresses. Fucking all the time.
Peasants and burghers, fucking each other as soon as the girls bleed.
Victorians. Fucking all the time before marriage and with people they aren't married.
Sex after marriage is a fucking meme.
And I still bet you get no sex even then.
Silent gen are Korean war vets
>Why does it matter? Because you still aint getting none?
If you have to say "probably" then it's a bullshit sociology meme being pushed as a means of social engineering.
Why does it matter? You will get robot waifu's in 20 years and no one will breed anymore for pleasure.
If the fedora fits.
It leads to divorce and dysfunctional marriages that make life harder for their children.
>just fuck a soulless robot like the good little unattractive subhuman you are while chad keeps a harem of 200 women
That negates the concept of free will?
Either you have free will to decide your future or your upbringing determines what you do in life?
Which is it?
>which is it
Literally you right now. Fuck off, retard.
Every action has a reaction, anyone can rise above that to be an initiator but that's not most people.
They lack the ability to comprehend the subtle yet diffuse effects sexual culture has on a civilisation.
Free will is a meme.
Reactions are themselves actions. The universe is a series of reactions. There is only one initiator.
"Happy families are all alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way."
Everything was always the same XD
America's role in the war was so weird. We arguably tipped the scale back towards the Allies since we entered right as Russia was pulling out. Despite this, we had very little say about the peace process and everyone from Wilson to Congress was butthurt.
Can you prove it wrong without memeing it up?
The eternal GOP caused WW2 to happen by preventing the Fourteen Points from being implemented.
>tfw the word "probably" can break down a whole argument without the main point being addressed
Man my stupid boomer parents really fucked me up. They were hos. I know my mom was a ho in hs and they were swingers in the 80s and my mom was a ho afterward too. I remember once sitting in a car in Kentucky for hours while she banged some guy at a truck stop. Then my dad gets all Christiany because he did too much coke and prayed to Jesus to not have a heart attack. Right around the time I'm hitting puberty. I could've been getting blowies in 6th grade but I was tainted by the idea that people are supposed to wait until marriage. My town was full of hos while I was going after girls that were planning on waiting until marriage just to kiss. Idk wtf they were thinking making me stay away from sex and drugs and whatnot. Totally fucked up my shit. God my parents sucked. Idc if this has nothing to do with anything I'm glad my mom is dead and I wish my dad were too. Fucking druggie sociopaths couldn't've fucked me up harder if they tried with their boomer morality
>supporting degeneracy
People like you need to be culled.
I blame everyone that didn't support breaking up the German empire into its constituent states like Prussia, Saxony, Bavaria.
People like sex and things were exactly the same.
Also, if we're so degenerate, how come prostitution was super legal in the oh-so-noble past then while nowadays its heavily restricted if not illegal outright?
Checkmate "moralfags."
>"Greatest" Generation
>Literally only fucking 3 people in their whole life
More like Lamest Generation amirite?
So it'd be the same as today except a humanoid robot with an AI like Siri instead of mr.hand?
How are you going to cull anyone if you can't even convince a woman to have sex with you?
>implying anyone can satisfy 2 women on a round the clock basis, let alone 200
Sex isn't degenerate. You're simply a manchild with a fear of intimacy.
Yes user there have always been prostitutes and they have always been from the dregs of society. The new phenomenon that we are experiencing today is educated young women from "normal" families having 10+ sexual partners before marriage.
Having sexual partners isn't prostitution.
>this is unique to this time period
it hasn't
Because women don't get married in their early teens anymore.
No but it does affect one's brain chemistry and makes pair bonding more difficult.
Regardless of their morality, girls from well-to-do families simply couldn't afford having that much sex prior to the advent of readily available birth control because the possibility of pregnancy was too great.
>No but it does affect one's brain chemistry and makes pair bonding more difficult.
Sure, Jan.
Prostitutes were legal the same reason a cess pool exists: you keep the waste concentrated in one area and more manageable.
How do you account for the facts contained in the attached .jpg?
People's standards for a partner increasing with every additional consensual sexual encounter they have. Realizing they have options. Marriage doesn't equal love or a happy, thriving relationship. When you have a better scope or experiences you're less likely to be complacent with a mediocre partner.
So in other words a changed brain chemistry and difficulty paid bonding. I'm glad you agree.
We don't agree sadly. I'm merely explaining that marriage isn't actually a bond, at least not in the way you're saying. People cheat in marriages all the time. People who get divorced are more willing to admit publicly they aren't satisfied with their partner (be it emotionally or sexually), instead of staying married for pride's sake. Usually it's religious people who wait until marriage anyways, so it would make them lose face to divorce and be embarrassed in front of their purityfag peer groups.
You would rather believe in fantasies.
Because before people did it without admitting it, with a fuckton of killed babies and orphans. Moralfags like to believe that the things that happen now, did not exist before because it was done in secret.
Regardless of whatever you think of marriage, taking someone's virginity forms a bond and this means those who are virgins until marriage start their married life off with a stronger foundation than someone who lost their virginity years ago.
What are you trying to say? Everyone should be married to virgin brides because it has the highest rate of success? Are you retarded?
Obviously if you control a woman sexually, she's more likely to be emotionally tethered to you whether she likes it or not. The conclusion we have raised in the last few generations is that controlling women, whether it be sexually, legally, etc is wrong.
>Heritage Study
It's trash
Everyone is controlled sweetheart, it's part of living in a society and yeah kids who grow up in a stable two-parent heterosexual household out preform ((((nontraditional))) families by every metric.
>masturbating with your hand or a pocket vagina is the same as projecting a perversion of an intimate sexual bond onto a robotic husk and fucking that
man the mental gymnastics you pathetic betas do to justify your degeneracy
[citation needed]
>Everyone is controlled sweetheart
What an effective way to not respond to what I said at all, while simultaneously being both edgy and patronizing. If you're just going to say stupid shit like this constantly, I won't even bother having a conversation with (You).
>yeah kids who grow up in a stable two-parent heterosexual household out preform ((((nontraditional))) families by every metric.
Yup, data supports this claim, it's widely accepted. Astronomical divorce rates are bad for a society. The solution to high divorce rates is not, however, forcing people to marry in their late teens/early 20s (aka when they are virgins) and forcing them to remain together because of societal expectations. It isn't necessarily a healthy, happy, or fulfilling relationship, is especially unfair and limiting to women, and gives the next generation fucked up attitudes towards marriage.
Not to mention there are obviously more things in life than breeding the most successful kids possible and taking steps to ensure that happens.
>The conclusion we have raised in the last few generations is that controlling women, whether it be sexually, legally, etc is wrong.
and having seen the results we are much wiser now than those who came before
>being so jaded you don't even think your first time was special or see how it could be for other people
>The conclusion we have raised in the last few generations is that controlling women, whether it be sexually, legally, etc is wrong.
>especially unfair and limiting to women
boo fucking hoo
I mean heaven forbid the vapid whores actually fulfill their sole evolutionary function right?
Why are you so on irritable? You should smile more :) and I never said anything about forcing people to get married in their late teens/early 20s, my argument is that people should wait until marriage to have sex because it increases the likelihood of a healthy environment for children.
Nice strawman.
Are you retarded. You think OP have a single evidence to back up his claim?
Men and women each only have a sole evolutionary function, you retard. Reproduction is the only reason we exist, biologically. Everything else are distractions and conveniences we created for ourselves. We should all be glad we've reached a stage where survival is not our sole purpose for living.
Controlling people in general is wrong? Regardless of what sex they are?
27 “You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall not commit adultery.’ 28 But I say to you that everyone who looks at a woman with lust has already committed adultery with her in his heart. 29 If your right eye causes you to sin, tear it out and throw it away; it is better for you to lose one of your members than for your whole body to be thrown into hell. 30 And if your right hand causes you to sin, cut it off and throw it away; it is better for you to lose one of your members than for your whole body to go into hell.
>We should all be glad we've reached a stage where survival is not our sole purpose for living.
Bloodlines that genuinely feel this way are an evolutionary dead-end, doomed to extinction.
lol do you want OP to provide evidence that the sky is blue as well?
Personally, I don't really prioritize the well being of a child I don't even have yet. I'm going to put my own happiness and life before a hypothetical person. I wouldn't want to get married early or have a kid early for a whole multitude of reasons, if that affects my future child's well being so be it. Life is not that cut and dry.
Says who?
You got me
>I'm going to put my own happiness and life before a hypothetical person
Yes being selfish and shortsighted is your right as a liberated 21st century womyn.
>I don't really prioritize the well being of a child I don't even have yet.
>if that affects my future child's well being so
t. woman who smokes and drinks during pregnancy
silent generation are the people who were alive during ww2 but too young to fight in it, the name came from a statement Nixon made about the 1968 election where he said the "silent majority" was going to put him in office and he did extremely well with people who came of age in the mid 1940s to mid 1950s.
You're retarded friend. The fact that we (as in humanity) occupy our time with the arts or even stupid hobbies is amazing. You think the fact that Descartes wasn't just a walking sperm distributor isn't fantastic? That people have something to offer besides reproduction like everyone other animal?
So you guys both had several kids in your late teens, right? Since that's what we're discussing. You know, prioritizing reproduction based on muh stats rather than living something resembling a fulfilling life.
Not sure what's so selfish about not being married at 18 if I choose not to.
>t-trust me, the grapes are totally sour!
>jews are why I can't get laid!
(((a fulfilling life)))
You're literally asking them to accept an argument based on >muh feels. Who's the one peddling bullshit sociology, them or you?
The original post you responded to made some decent observations. One, that casual sex was absolutely a thing before the sexual revolution (just read a fucking book from the 20s, jeezus dude), but it was taboo and consequently kept more under wraps so it's not part of our pop culture image of those decades; and that one of the reasons for whatever increase there has been is that the average age of marriage has also increased significantly. Which is true.
So tell me, what, exactly, do you even disagree with?
Notice how the only things I included in "fulfilling life" were 1) not having kids early, and 2) not being married early.
The fact that you decide that when I say "fulfilling life" I mean "prostituting myself because I'm a proud 21st century woman" is a strawman.
The coming generations are having surprisingly less sex then the previous ones. It has to do with the sexual revolution of the 60s, and modern oral birth control mostly.
Marriage rates are falling, but surprisingly divorce rates have also fallen and there is an increase in common-law relationships which have basically all the same rights and privileges granted to a marriage.
That's nice dear.
I forgot to mention I'm a man, in case you want to switch it up and tell me the estrogen in the tap water has made me a cuck at a genetic level.
Ok honey.