Is Allah a Canaanite god or Arabian god?
Is Allah a Canaanite god or Arabian god?
Allah is cognate with El/Elohi.
Fuck no. Allah is just the Arabic word for god.
Okay so it seems like Abraham worshiped a god called El but over time the Jews decided to merge him with the god Yahweh- So is this correct ?
Yes I get that but look, the concept of Allah as THE God as opposed to one of many or just a word for god has to come from somewhere, and the Quran states it comes from Abraham- implying he came from the Israelites who in turn took him from the Canaanites(or were just a subset of canaanites)
Yeah it seems to be similar to the general term for "god"in semetic languages, including Akkadian.
Yeah, Moses saw that the jewniggers prefered the Mt. Sinai deity to more developed ideas of godhood
so then Islam is right in saying Jews corrupted the definition of God ?
but Allah started his career as a tribal idol too
allah = god = Jahweh = El
>has to come from somewhere
Judaism. Where did the Jews get it from? Egypt. Where did THEY get it from? Unknown, seems to be a native Egyptian innovation.
>HURR the Jeews are evildumb because MUH SINAI
>DURR but Pisslam is the truth because MUH KAABA
This one is not like the others. Yahweh started his career as a regular god, one among many, El / God / Allah were always "gods among gods".
t. Shlomo Shekelberg
So ...what you're saying is that Allah has always existed under one name or another ?
Allahu Akbar Takbir. This confirms Islam as one true religion
He is the only God.
>giving a shit about sand religion #9001
The akkadians are not Egyptian
the christian God is also Allah though, so its YHWH in Judaism
So when how and why yhweh becomes el? Who was yhweh before and any sources about yhweh before becoming el-god f gods?
Allah is a moon goddess.
[Citation needed]
In the same way that god=holy spirit=father=son
It's not so much that he became identified with El so much as the word "El" became identified with the Egyptian monotheistic god of Moses. "El" was the name of a god, but it was also the usual word for "god", so as the Hebrews reined their new doctrine of Yahwehist monotheism, it was natural they would come to use this word to signify their deity, a process accelerated by their reverence for the name of their god (a VERY Egyptian motif) which caused them to find new ways to refer to their god without using his ineffable name. So it's not so much that the old pagan god El became conflated with Yahweh as that his name became re-purposed as a title of Yahweh.
His citation is Jack Chick. No joke, this is literally where this retarded "Allah is a moon god" foolishness comes from.