Be France

>Be France
>Surrender to everyone

Why is this?

Other urls found in this thread:

The reason that France surrendered in WW2 is because they knew in their hearts that Hitler was right.

France surrendered in WWII in the same sense that Germany surrendered in WWI anf WWII: they were beat and had no way to go forward

People make fun of France for surrendering, when they should be making fun of them for the appeasement period.

>posted from a country that wouldn't exist if it weren't for France

>France created Australia

Sorry, I was assuming you're historically illiterate, not that you suffer from crippling shitposting addiction.

Why do people keep insulting the French in WWII as 'surrendering monkeys' rather than 'incompetent monkeys'? The latter one is more damning, I think.

How does it feel knowing that your country has always been irrelevant and will forever be like that?

>american education

I don't get the France surrenders to everyone meme. They obviously surrendered in WW2 following a flanking maneuver by the Wehrmacht which took the French AND the British by total surprise but then the French also had the second largest global empire, there was that whole Napoleon thing and they held on pretty effectively against the Germans during WW1 and the Franco-Prussian wars.

pre-socialist they were bad ass but now there is no going back for them and everyone knows it

>be german
>lose every war you participate in

>they held on pretty effectively in the franco prussian wars

they lost in 10 months

okay, I'll give you that. The French were defeated(according to wikipedia twice), but it wasn't a nationwide occupation, and they only lost the province of Alsace-Lorraine.

How does it feel knowing your country did more for the Nazi cause than against it

Daily reminder that Germany has a 50% win rate in wars with France.

France wasn't the only one involved in appeasement. Most consider Britain to have an even greater role.

You know it's true, shitpostlord

That means it has a 50% loss rate too

This does not change the basic fact that France lost a war to people who weren't even supposed to have a military.

>this image was made by an american
>this thread was made by an american

t. american

>Be France
>start a revolution to overthrow monarchy
>install a guillotine-happy dictatorship
>go back to monarchy
I really was a frenchaboo when I was young but their history is so retarded, they make me want to cry.

vid related

I'm still a franciboo, but their past election cripples my enjoyment. How could such a powerful country continue to kick itself down?

They had Joan of Arc install Charles and fight out the English after one hundred years of turmoil, then Louis XI, the administer king, all the way through the massacre and tjhe wars of religion, til Louis XIV the Sun King and the creation of Versailles, then Louis the Hated née Beloved, the it all ended with number XVI.
First they overthrow a good enlightened king who if they had waited a few more years, things would've gotten better with, then after they depose and destroy him and his family, they install that dictatorship, then WOOP back to a weaker monarch by of the dudes brother.

Then after nearly a hundred years of turmoil, they continue to destroy any creditability they had as one of the greatest nations of history by bad policy and weak politicians.
Their cultures is dead, and the French are dying. They aren't French anymore, they are exactly what everyone memes them to be.

You could say the same for your pussy country too pal

Africa begins at the Loire Valley

Paris would've been leveled if they hadn't surrendered too. All those buildings: gone. No way they would've won, no need to destroy the country in the process.

>tfw Wehraboo who respects French military history

The French have alway been great fighters.


Why are upset over the election of literally the most promising European leader of a generation?

>be Germany
>fight basically the whole world with three retarded allies for four years and only surrender when the strongest nation in the world enters the fray
>be France
>surrender in two weeks after a massive asskicking

ad hominem
moving the goalposts
Why are ouiaboos so retarded?

Cuz he don't suck Putin dick like Trump and LePen.

Louis XVI wasn't enlightened in the slightest, at best he was horribly out of touch, at worst he was a blithering idiot who wouldn't thought eggs come out of the chicken peeled and boiled.

We created Britain so you exist thanks to us

>We created Britain
You got raped by the Vikings to create the Normans who created Britain and left the continent because they preferred it

>You got raped by the Vikings to create the Normans

The bretons pestered us so we gave the Northmen some clay around Rouen to allow them to go to war against the Bretons,

Finally, around 1200, when the Normans got to cocky we BTFO'd them and took back our clay

Technically true, since England is barely more than a French colony turned bad


I heard that the joke is that French are only competent when their leader is not a French male. Joan of d'Arc is a woman, and Nappy was Corsican.

But the german Empire got announced in the Mirrir Hall, their most holy halls.

>what are the french revolutionary wars
>what is the War of the League of Cambrai
>what is WW1
>what is the Hundred Years' War

they only surrender to Germans

>be retarded
>use 2009 meme template
