does Veeky Forums agree this website is the best online gambling site on the interwebs? I turned $200 into $2000.
Does Veeky Forums agree this website is the best online gambling site on the interwebs? I turned $200 into $2000
>I turned $200 into $2000.
Is it still gambling if you're always a winner?
I want to gamble too... How can I send money to bittrex ? Is there a loan shark I need to talk to? Coinbase to bittrex? ..coinbase takes 3 days for account verification...any alternative?
Lmao at this shilling scammer
muh buttsex coinz
If someone hands you a six shooter but you don't know how many (if any) rounds are loaded and you pull the trigger while pointing the barrel at your head and there are no rounds, is it still a gamble?
Reminder that the mastermind behidn the Cryptsy attacks which shut down the exchange and stole everyone's coins moved to Bittrex.
Bittrex is now provably and knowledgeably engaging in money laundering.
This is why we are seeing so many Bittrex shills here. They will take your money.
So you dont move your coins around. Just sit on a few with a hardware wallet or what exchange are you using ?
turned $300 in $80k
i'll suck their cocks when i visit seattle
So what do we use? Yobit? Polo? Cryptopia? They are all shit tier
Literally every exchange is shady and unregulated, if you want safety goto forex faggot. Altcoins are still the wild west of the financial world
Bong 'ere
Bittrex is a gambling website to me for tax purposes
most of my benefits comes from coinbase, bought lots of ETH under 30$
but bittrex has served me well, made me well over 20k
i look foward to using it again when the bull run gets going again
i want another digibyte or rdd
I think that's how millennial men greet each other here on the West Coast.
Lol polo?
>slow as fuck gui
>transactions take 10 years to fill
>fire at data center
>is not the #1 exchange
Your shilling polo after what happened today. That is funny shit rih der my friend
Would you mind substantiating these serious claims?
Can anyone recommend a way of trading ..should someone buy from coinbase then transfer to an exchange ?
The fastest and easiest way is that. Coinbase has 3% fees and they want like 3 days to verify shit but once u get past that its ok
Why not just trade usd for btc in an exchange and not pay 3%? I'm asking honestly
There's a meme that CB can ban you for doing exchange to exchange transactions. Not sure if it's true or not.
Is crypto monies worth messing with for longer term investing?