>It's another episode of user going to sleep at 4 am and waking up at 3pm
>It's ANOTHER episode of user not looking for a job, doing nothing at all the whole day and his parents being unhappy with him
>It's another episode of user not doing anything and being unhappy with himself
It's another episode of user going to sleep at 4 am and waking up at 3pm
Other urls found in this thread:
>no mention of cryptos
sort yourself out m8.
No money to buy those because im neet and i dont know anything abotu cryptos anyways so i'd just get scammed
Just look for a regular job. I thought i would never get a job so i gave up looking and became depressed but one day i decided i was going to get a job no matter what. So i applied to one job per day and after about a month i got an interview and got the a job.
You can get hired user. The key is to not get discouraged and quit looking. You will be rejected probably 100 times before you finally get one.
And how did getting the job make you feel?
I have been siting in a truck all day getting 27 a hour and Hating every min of it
Step 1: Play hard.
Step 2: Live a comfy life.
Start looking for a job you pos (proof of stake)!
get any job and opportunities will start presenting themselves. at one point you will have too much opportunities and too little time to act on them.. then you will dread the days you had all the time in the world and did nothing. just get out of this state ASAP
BTC, ETH, XMR are here to stay.
Get a job and buy the dips.
I'm starting to feel this might be correct. I sometimes think about how many opportunities i would have to make friends or maybe even get a girlfriend if i had a job
And how are you feeling now? Give it a shot. If you don't like it, quit. Even the trying can be gratifying. I believe in you.
thank you mr. cat...
Hey user, it could be worse.
You could be living in a shitty 3rd world country, where the only jobs available will have you working 60 hours per week for 300 USD/month.
bro..thats our lifes, we are slave to the illuminattis...that's it...
Be free in your heart just like the buddha guy here on biz before.
ps:coming from the guy working 50h p/week for 250 usd sallary in Brazil :)
Step 1) Get shitty McJob
Step 2) Buy ETH, XMR, BTC every paycheck, as much as you can afford while still paying bills and saving 5-10% of your income
Assuming you make min wage, apply for food stamps and other welfare. Don't be too proud.
this guy is exactly right
How about BBC?
>it's another episode of wrong thread in the wrong board
>its another episode of a retarded brainlet posting self pitty post so others can feel sorry for him
you have all day to learn about crypto
How the fuck do you sleep that long OP
quite easily desu
>tfw doing shitty programming jobs on upwork while trying to make my own endeavors profitable
>tfw failing
>tfw all my ideas are shit
>tfw unsure whether to make a resume, steal, or just kill myself.
>tfw turned $100 of crypto into $40
> he didn't buy bitcoin at $900
just kys user, you missed the fun with the smart anons.
Volunteer for something. Fucking anything. It looks good on a CV and most employers won't question it. If you have some skills you can expand on it. If you don't you learn it & apply it before blowing it up to spend 10 mins in the interview talking about it.
I dont' want to talk about the job user: if you show you aren't a complete social retard you have a good shot. If you can share war stories about something you're in. You would be surprised about brass in a company taking a personal interest in charities (for tax reasons, but they like to talk about it i.e. about how fucking great they are).
Learn something ffs - there's a lot to be said for being a wagecuck until pension/share plan kicks in and/or you have money saved up to start your own business.
Are you a fucking baby? Set your alarm for 6am and fucking get up at that time, after a few days of this you will be bored to the point of KYS at which point you can either do that or find something to occupy your time like a fucking job. If you just want to jerk off all day do it on faggot cam and that can also be your job.
i can't because then ill be tired
i sleep somuch because the only thing i really do in my life is go to the gym so i get really tired probably because i have low testosterone
Bro fuck a job. I've had a job for 3 months now and all I do is work and go to school.
All my relationships have suffered because of it and I am a slave. Fuck a job.
but how will i eat or invest or do anything without a job
I'm tired of asking my mom for money when i want to buy a pizza. It makes me feel guilty and bad.
Not saying you don't need it but it still sucks
>>tfw doing shitty programming jobs on upwork while trying to make my own endeavors profitable
How profitable is this? I took a quick look but it seemed to be full of Indians taking $2/hour so I bailed...
get yourself checked for ADD
What you think the rest of us arn't fucking tired all day every fucking day? Get used to it or in other words become less of a pussy. Fucking tired. This fucking guy.
don't compete at that pricepoint. i would say just try to get a real job desu since it's just another form of cuckery
wagecuck attitude
I will but can you give me the rundown on programming on Upwork? What price point do you compete at? It sounds like a good stepping stone for a junior dev position, I'm just afraid of that $2 Indian phenomenon as I said. Would really appreciate any additional details senpai
just do it faggot
I am going to you nigger
I just want some info man FUCK
This literally describes me.
1. get any job.
2. meet new different people because of new
3. feel better because you have your own
money at least.
4. STILL be depressed because you'll never be fucking happy because your jobs gonna suck and you wish you had studied more when you had the time.
That's it. No more fucking around. Get a fucking job. It doesn't matter where, start at Walmart or any where, just find income. Get a clock, go to sleep at 10-11 PM and wake up at 8 AM. No excuses, just fucking do it. Keep up the excercise, that's a good start, but cut the pizza shit. No more. You'll spend about $10 bucks for one fucking meal, even more if you get it delivered. Buy local produce, eat fruits and make your own lunches. Get yourself a notepad and write down your expenses and earnings. Spend wisely. Learn about cryptos if you want, the choice is yours, but don't fucking cry at a loss. Learn what you did wrong and keep going. Don't fucking stop. Quit feeling like shit and DO SOMETHING. Life has its ups and downs, so quit staying down doing fuck all and go up.
>just become a slave bro
damn I make twice that every 2 weeks and even thats not great
>just become a wagecuck dude
classic advice normalfag
u'll never understand our struggle
Thanks user :(((
I'm going to sound gay as fuck but I know what it's like to wealthy and what it's like to be poor. I used to be spoiled and conceited until I saw the other side. I am wagecucking at the moment, but I don't fucking care. I used to be pay check to pay check but good savings and smart money got me farther. I know it fucking sucks to be poor and it fucking sucks to slave off hours. So do something about it, instead of sitting down and complaining. Invest money, save money and go somewhere with it.
I refuse to work. im just not going to do it, simple as that.
Then you have a few options, although some are absolute scum. Try cryptos with money you get from friends/family and see where you go, although I'm certain you know about this. Look up shit on Amazon, toys/collectibles specifically and go around flea markets or bargain stores and find shit, refurbish and resell at a higher price. Recycle cans for literal pennies if you so wish. Now, if you want quicker cash, do prostitution work. It's still work but you get something in return, not just cash. If you're female, get pregnant and get proof that the father is the child and you'll get a check rolling in for 18 years. Utter shit if you do this, however.
dont black people make good money from credit card fraud
should i try that
That's really hard to get away with and the penalties are pretty hard (if you live in America). But nothing is really stopping you from taking a loan (assuming good credit score) and getting the fuck out and moving to a third world country. USD will buy you more in those places.
Good, hopefully you'll follow suit. Not everyone is against you.
Sorry couldn't reply back sooner. Um. I it felt good because all the hard work paid off. I had to quit that job though because they wanted me to travel and i couldn't do that. But now that i know persistence pays off i'll just repeat my job search routine and i'll be working again soon enough. But yea theres jobs out there you just gotta be persistent.
use credit cards to buy buttcoins. obviously not literally, you fucking coon, use the cc's to get cash and then buy buttcoins from buttcoin atm's or localbuttcoin.
Crime is actually hard work and if you get caught you do hard time. In the end it's easier to just get a job. Hell even just a part time job would be better than crime. Cause. well. let's face it. You ain't no master criminal.
My dad literally firm handshook me into a job I never asked for and demanded I take it... it was a community college teaching job but I am a virtual shut in. I am not that wretched yet so am seriously considering this offer but I feel extremely nervous about being a teacher because of social phobia and no experience ever teaching not even in school. Also I think if I deny it, I might get kicked out finally.
Feeling very strange right now.
Just take it. And while your there, in your spare time look for another job if you don't like the teaching job. Best thing about it is you'll be financially independent and can get an apartment and get away from the parents.
you really don't have control over your own life until you move out on your own and have your own job.
You already work out so:
>Work Out Harder
>Begin an Off-Computer Hobby like:
Homebrewing, Cooking, Start an herb garden,
purging/cleaning/painting rooms in your house, offer elder neighbors or relatives housework help
There's a lot of jobs that you can do remotely/not stuck working normal hours for, start there, force yourself to do it for 4 months, and then move on. The next job you take will not be your job for life, and you can leave whenever, but you need to prove to yourself you're not a quitter.
You're not user, you just got into a bad routine of self-defeating.
Fill out capchas for faucet coins. Mine with your computer and leech of your parents' electricity.
Literally Google this shit.
If you're still attention whoring, you're not gonna make it and I'll be laughing over your grave when you kill yourself.
this sounds like role playing to me.
do you seriously think you can support yourself financially mining shit coins and filling out captchas in your parents basement all day?
no but it's a start
my computer is literally fucking trash
i would make literally nothing, render my computer unusable and my mom monitors the electricity anyway, she would ask why the fuck the costs have literally doubled because electricity is expensive af here
Take Zoloft. Seriously, it will slowly make you a better person. I'm gonna guess there's an underlying anxiety causing you to be too afraid to do things. Zoloft will make you give a lot less fucks.
i though ssri = bad. How long have you taken it?
Damn dude who is your father I want to congratulate him
by sucking his cock.
FAGGET --------
no U
stop shilling this shit
There's nothing being shilled. It's free info.
NEO should be bought too
no matter what you think or say that coin will stay and just got confirmation for a state deal
>it's another episode of user going to bed at 9 pm to wake up at 4 am
>it's another episode of user doing the work of 3 people for the price of one
>it's another episode of user making pitiful gains that he invests into crypto and only makes marginal weekly gains on
>it's another episode where user counts down the days until he can live off his crypto gains like a NEET
get ur FUCKING ass up, and do it NOWWW u faggot i said NOW
Don't worry, soon you'll be longing for these days back again after working some shit job for a while.
I'm a pharmafag and SSRIs got a bad rap. They definitely helped me and tons of others. The main thing if your not actually depressed is that they reduce anxiety quite effectively. Anxiety causes of a lot of people to not do what they need to do in life and once you have that controlled you'll see a major difference.
take this shit to r9k.
youre literally just bitching here, how the fuck are anons supposed to help you if you wont even do shit for yourself
>ita another episode of anons parents wanting a grandkid
>its another episode of anons parents tell you that maybe you can find a girl at work
>its another episode of anons parents asking if he tried online dating
>its another episode of user showing up at a another family function with no partner ever while even the youngest is getting some action
>its another episode of user remembering that everyone thought he was creepy and will never get laid
>tfw marrying high school sweetheart
jesus christ if people were telling me to find a girl at work i'd kill myself