What would the UK be like today if the Boleyn sisters never happened?

What would the UK be like today if the Boleyn sisters never happened?

England would still be swept up by the Reformation. Too many political enemies were staunch Catholics for the more pragmatic monarchs to avoid the alternative that Protestantism gave them.

Plus the memory of the Wars of the Roses meant that Henry VIII desperately wanted a son no matter what.

Yet he never got one. Really makes you think.


Read a book retard, he had a son Edward VI

I think user was trying to say he never got a male heir, a male who succeeded the throne after him. In the end it was a girl.

But Edward VI did succeed his father....

Yes but after his death it was ultimately Elizabeth who became the active ruler of England.

And after Elizabeth's death it was James. That's how succession works.

Lmao wrong again. Mary Tudor followed Edward, dummy. Also for all Henry knew he succeeded as his son outlived him bu six years and was already headed to tale the throne before dying.

But a better way to put it is henry failed to propagate a line descended directly from him. However James I was a descendant of VIIIs aunt so the tudor genetics lived on so to speak

His mission ultimately failed in the long run though.

Can we just agree that Mary was the only good Tudor? If only she hadn't been disinherited, she would've gotten married and would've stood a better chance.

I only like her because I like to imagine a world where the Hapsburgs control Austria, Spain, the low countries and England.

The Irish would probably have been less chimps too.

You think they ever lezzed out with each other?

Probably not much different. Henry would've found some other bint to bugger. He had a chip on his shoulder about Catherine of Aragon and his brother long before Anne was on the scene.

what would modern day New York be like if a fly didnt land on Sun Tzu's nose during grade school?

It would have less Chinese people.

I was thinking this just now as well

Henry, Somerset, Norfolk, Catherine of Aragon
Anne of Cleaves, Mary I, Edward VI, Cranmer, Wolsey, Howard, Robert Cecil
Cromwell, More, Suffolk, Dudley, Boelyn, Jane Seymour, Parr, Burghley, Elizabeth I

Prove me wrong