/pol/ack here. What's your take on the holocaust? Did it happen or is it bullshit?
/pol/ack here. What's your take on the holocaust? Did it happen or is it bullshit?
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We have had this thread literally thousands of times.
The answer is yes, it was always yes.
No need to be hostile. I was just genuinely interested.
> Implying you haven't made this thread twice just today.
I'm sorry, the image had nothing to do with my post really.
I was just quite proud of making it a while ago.
If you're interested in the evidence, here are a few decent sources.
The short answer is that there's a fairly large amount of documentation from German sources describing the final solution.
Although the Jews were the largest single group of non-combatants killed by the Third Reich, Soviet POWs, mental patients, gypsies, and Poles were also killed in very large numbers.
Then read a fucking book on the subject and stop bringing your bullshit here.
You might find this interesting.
> Courts of law have also rejected Holocaust denial claims and passed several laws against holocaust denial
This is though policing. Now why would they do that unless they know someone's going to see through their bullshit?
I don't know much about he rest of the ho suet but I extensively looked into treblinka death camp and I do not believe a single jew was gassed there
I think most plausibly it was just a transit camp for Jews being deported into the eastern territories
Why would the germs lug a submarine engine halfway across Europe to kill people in evidently with a low output of diesel (or was that steam? Or cyanide? Or suffocation? - all of these were once accepted as the method of death at treblinka until they settled in the submarine engine after testimony from an officer obtained under torture), when all around the countryside there was a litany of far more effecoent and cheap wood gas stoves?
How do you turn 750000 people into dust without a trace? Why has there never been a body found that was gassed? Where did all the wood come from to burn these bodies? We're talking train after train after train of wood. No records of these of course.
Why did a death camp only contain two shitty barbed wire fences, interspersed with dead wood so one could easily climb over or set in fire?
Why was the train station arrival platform not closed in with fences? Not a single person tried to walk off? Out of 750000 not one slipped through 100 or so guards?
Why did a life at survey not pick up any evidence of mass burials?
Why did a smithsonian dig dig down in the middle if the supposed death camp, a place supposedly packet with human ashes bones teeth and personal effects, and find nothing but a sharks teeth and a tile?
Why is the place weirdly paved over?
Why is it so convenient Jewish law prohibits an excavation?
Why did the sindercommandos never try and help their fellow race men. Two fences easily climbed, or burned, nothing but countryside beyond but no get led them to their deaths over and over by the hundreds of thousands
Why do the official sources contain such blatant propoganda like "Ivan the terrible" who would whip Jews with his catoninetail?
For the same reason why defending ISIS will get you put on a watchlist in most of the civilized world: it's a signifier of a dangerous cultist.
>Why did a smithsonian dig dig down in the middle if the supposed death camp, a place supposedly packet with human ashes bones teeth and personal effects, and find nothing but a sharks teeth and a tile?
Who are you talking about?
You might find this informative.
The smithsonian university did an excavation at treblinka, found nothing but shark teeth, a christain gravesite outside the camp, and a tile they falsely presented as coming from the gas chamber (been proven it wasn't)
Their lidar survey showed no real evidence of these supposed mass graves that used to hold -1 million people
Sauce, nigga. No one going your word for it.
>Not a single person tried to walk off?
Could you show me a source, please?
yes, but on a much much smaller scale, and only because they were unable to move the populations out of europe like they planned.
If the Allied nations had used better diplomacy, they could have been spared. In exile, but alive.
It happened but it was the SS and the Nazi party who did it
The Wehrmacht and the average german dindu nuffin
No, it never happened. Most of the people who died in the "Holocaust" died of Typhus. There was no six million.
>Typhus resulted in disproportionate death rates where jews died at a higher rate than for example British POWs
Really makes you think
You are comparing apples and oranges.
And of course the rates of which you speak are likely fabricated for shekels.
>>Whites have a disproportionate average IQ to blacks.
>Really makes you think
>Courts of law have also rejected Holocaust denial claims
Hey, that's one's legitimate
>offer money to anyone who can prove the Holocaust happened
>an old guy with a tattoo on his ankle calls you to collect
>refuse to pay
>get sued
>federal district court blows you the fuck out, rules "Jews were gassed at Auschwitz" is a legally proven statement
>be Holocaust denier
>Jew calls you a fraud
>sue them for libel
>court rules that you are in fact a fraud
I looked up and I only found out about a Smithsonian Channel documentary about a British archaeologist's work at Treblinka. smithsonianchannel.com
probably because you are wasting the court's time and resources trying to "prove" that the holocaust did not happen.
Yes but they would have been perfectly aware of what was going to happen to the jews.
It would depend a lot on the area and the unit.
Some Wehrmacht units were ordered to load all of the Jews onto trains, and shoot anyone who was too sick to get on the train or who fought back.
Those guys were probably pretty sure what was going on.
But if you were a U-boat pilot in the Atlantic you wouldn't know shit.
Even if you can't prove anything about death camps (which you can) the actions of the Einsatzgruppen and other military forces in Eastern Europe should be enough. Inb4 prove it, there's mountains of evidence and dispatches from the front, clean Wehrmacht is bullshit too since there's plenty of war crimes against jews and other undesirables in their own records.
How so?
Which are the real rates then?
What is even your point?
If anyone else knows about what is referencing, please post a source. Anyway, have a bump, OP.
And yet reparations were paid on a survivor basis.
Really makes me think.
Here's a bump.