I made $200 today :)

i made $200 today :)

Share the love my white bro.

Help to your blood brother. Be a legend.


gimmie gimmie

Fuck off.

Congrats op :) you're up $320 total now if my calculations are right

You know the rules. Sharpie in the pooper and I'll send 0.5 BTC

Started with $300 and I'm at 1250+ now. feelsgoodman.jpg

Tell me more about this sharpie in the pooper deal

I am a white male. Go away im not a degenerate. I have an honour. So send if you want to help. Don't make fun of me.

A DGB bagholder said he'd do anything for 0.5 BTC to make up for his losses.
First user who posts their losses and posts a pic of a sharpie in their butthole timestamped and I'll throw in 0.5 BCC with it.


How about just a pen? I need money and don't have a sharpie on hand

I did that yesterday but I didn't get paid

Good on you

Today I made about 1.50. Just got in yesterday at 50 bucks

I work as a controls engineer at Tesla for the model 3 project.

I make 360$ a shift, and on top of that I get $280 of tax-free per deim for being out here, so do the math kiddo on what I make working 7 days a week.

To everyone: Whats the most you have made in a day from cryptoshit?

I made 1.5 btc off 2 between Monday and Tuesday, that's my best 24h so far. I'm up from $100 on June 13th to $13k today.


made ~0.5 from DGB during the forking. Hope to quadruple that within the next month.

10 bucks from SIGT, and 5 from LTC a month ago, I'm not very proud of missing some pumps.

600k panda coin

Don't you know, Pajeet? Whites have a long history of putting things in the butt. Prove your Aryan heritage.

Two pen and I'll throw in another 0.5 BTC

i bet you could buy a good pusy with that moniey

but you made it in a sleezy way

180k a year before tax?