So /pol/ gets BTFO again?
Ancient Egyptians
But egyptians were some kind of brown.
are you /pol/acks triggered they're not fucking nordics or something.
Everybody with two brain cells knows that ancient Egyptians and the current population are practically the same. American blacks are the only ones larping this days.
AssCreed has been shit since 2, and even then it was starting to be a bit obnoxious.
If you don't agree with me you are a pleb
it varies, they mostly fall into some type of tan, light to heavy, but skeletally definitely not black, and the voice actor sounds like he was in blood diamond.
there's also paler north africans that would hav ebeen present in ancient egypt, in fact recent genetic studies show they may have been more common in egypt at the time. You can youtube that oasis, you'll see different shapes and shades but, I kind of feel like they tried to kang things.
personally, i don't give a fuck, never played that game, saw an advert, had a brief chuckle.
>but skeletally
woah, easy there
easy as a butter bean on shrooms 'ma boy.
what do you mean by that?
Is there any possibility that ancient Egyptians could have been a Persian or Berber people, that's how I always thought of them
I don't know, it was spooky
recent studies, they were ero-middle eastern by DNA, it doesn't say much exactly, I know certain tunisian groups show 138% europeanness (that's hardly scientific, and its a shitty way to explain it) in their DNA, so, yeah in all likelyhood, whatever arab/berber/early european/turk/jew, all would fit for this fantasy video game, I guess it depends on the dynasty? what the locals would look like, contexts and stuff.
pigmentation is sort of the icing on the cake though
It takes place in the age of Alexandria yet there's not a single fucking Greek or Roman
I realy haven't looked into the storyline, i guess a black guy isn't 100% inconceivable, just, really unlikely and most good stories involve unbelievable or unlikely characters anyway, this is like 90% of all great works. But I have this feeling there wont be any greeks or romans, and at some point might get cringe worthy.
Fuck off retard. Ancient Egypt is millenniums older than Persians
Reminder the Arab genetic impact on modern Egyptians is minimal. They are as Arab as Lebanese are Jewish.
Does the OP look black besides skin tone?
It's a fucking video game you dickhead.