What can Veeky Forums tell me about Turkic people and their history, like significant figures, culture, events or other significant things.
Turkic History
Kazakhstan is a big country
Length: thirty meter, width: six meter
For you
Any good reading material on the Turks before they became more settled?
a lot of turkic peoples (esp. around the volga river) probably used to be finno-ugric and were fithing against the turko-mongolic horde until they lost and were assimilated
also azeris seem to be higher and generally look more persian since they their ancestors were probably median as well as turkic
also i've heard turkish women have more european DNA left from the times anatolia was mostly european than women of many european peoples today
also the populatiry of hippie sufism in turkey may be the result of their ancestors often being islamicized orthodox (and often heretical) christian
also the young turks who overthrew the ottoman sultan and established a more western-style republic were often descendants of the Dönmeh, who were followed of the jewish messianic figure named sabbatai zevi into islam when he converted
they had some very interesting ideas and are credited with popularizing the idea of secular state in the region
gershom scholem wrote a book on sevi and his followers
also turkmenistan is a post-soviet north korea that had free electricity, water, natural gas and oil until very recently
although there is a catch in all this free stuff, google that
uzbek culture borrowed havily from the iranian (probably since the time of Timur), architecture in Samarkand and Bukhara is fucking awesome
also a lot of weed in the fergana valley
also there are a lot of russians in northern kazakhstan, up to the point where some fringe politicians in russia call to annex the region
there is also a russian cosmodrome in kazakhstan calle baikonur. a lot of russian rockets explode fust a jew second after the start so the air is polluted with very poisonous chemical called heptyl which has lead to almost complete extinction of saiga antelope
also there were turkic fucking runes
also they turkicized (or probably mongolized) buddha as bur(k)han, which is derived from "buddha khan"
also they probably worship a sky god named Tengri in ancient times and that names sounds kinda similar to the summerian sky god Dingir whose cuneiform symbol is a a simplified depiction of a star
that's the old hungarian runes
you mean the orkhon script
Western Balkans have had more Turkic influence than Eastern Anatolia
There are still Turks living in the Balkans even if most of them were genocided by the Balkanites who are probably Turkic rape babies
There's a difference between Turkic world and Turkish world.
Turkish world = Cultures and history linked with people of Turkey, the country. Limited to Turkey and maybe some former Ottoman countries.
Turkic world = cultures and linguistic group linked around the world. The scope for the latter is much bigger and includes people of Asia and Europe. It also includes a wide array of timeline if you want to get into history.
Turkish people confuse the two and think WE WUZ TURKIC N SHIET.
Picture related, greater Turkic map.
Aren't there actual turkic tribes in Eastern Anatolia. While in the Balkans it's just converts
as you can see i made a shitton of mistakes, mostly in terms of language, but i would definitely check everything i wrote here before making any conclusions
i'm an interested amateur and a drop-off linguist, not a historian or anything
(i am generally not that retarted when it comes to english, it's just that i was in a hurry to write down everything i remembered and didn't check my grammar before posting)
As far as I know the tribes settled in Anatolia along the border of the Byzantine empire and during the Ottoman empire some of them were exiled to the Balkans in order to make them sedentary
Yeah but the Turkish world is in the Turkic circle too (even if it got mixed with Mediterranean and Middle Eastern cultures as well)
China solved the Turkic problem on two of their main dynasties. During Han dynasty and during Tang dynasties.
Han removed the Xiongnu which were a confederate of nomadic groups that included some turkic people. Tang removed the Gokturks tribes which is where the word "turk" comes from.
What do you think of the Xiongnu?
I heard that there were the Proto-Turko-Mognols mixed with Indo-European Scythians
They were a confederate of nomads that were ruled by east/west side. You're right that they were mixed group of people. They replaced an older indo-european superpower in the area, the Yeuzhi. Once they pushed the Yeuzhi out to the west/south-west, the Xiongnu took power. The former enemies of Yeuzhi probably joined the Xiongnu group.
I don't think Scythians were in the Xiongnu group, however a Scythian related tribes like the Sogdians probably were. Scythians make contact with Xiongnu after China pushes Xiongnu out (over few centuries). The Xiongnus that escaped westward pushed the Scythians further west, and this started the great barbarian invasions of the Rome. Once the final Xiongnu were pushed out of China's borders, the Xiongnu consolidated their power near the Ural mountains. Later on attacking Romans and once again attacking China back.
>women have a separate DNA lineage than men in a population
you heard wrong
>extinction of saiga antelope
The near-extinction of saiga was caused by a bacterial infection. Although, it is true that the rockets use polluting chemicals that are deadly as fuck.
Korolev was against using such poisonous propulsion, but the Soviet leadership decided otherwise.
2 of them are not like the other
wtf turk is great
the vast majority of people in turkey are not turkic
poo in loos are literally more turkic
iran is literally more turkic
>watch this show in the 00s
>think it is edgy and fun just like the intarwebz
>watch it again now
>looks like lame cringy shit
I don't like these feels, what's happening
So Turks are just Anatolian/Arab/Southern European mutts or Mongolian mutts?
this is so wrong there are people in fucking turkmenistan and uzbekistan who don't look mongoloid
also tatars and chuvashes look more slavic than turkic
i don't understand why you're all targeting us turks
wtf where do people get ideas like this???
More or less yea, turkic admixture in turkey is minimal to non-existent.
Uzbeks/turkmen are intermixed with native iranic populations who existed on those lands before the turkics moved in, resulting in varying phenotypes - actual turkics look like kyrgyz, kazakh etc. very mongoloid phenotype
turks are literally a mix of native anatolian, greek, balkan, arab and kurd
>i don't understand why you're all targeting us turks
turks are oghuz turkics together with azeris and turkmens
they were already half caucasoid and half mongoloid even before moving to anatolia
just because we mixed doesn't mean we don't have turkic blood
also ethnicity is determined by culture, language and to some extend, religion
if we're not turkic then why do greeks, italians, spaniards get to be "european" along with swedes, poles and germans? southern meds are just arabs assimilated to indo-european culture then
this site makes fucking memes about hungarians by portraying them as mongols while they look like average slavs
why doesn't anyone go to them and say "you're not uralic stop being friendly with finns REEEEE"
>southern meds are just arabs assimilated to indo-european culture then
genetics proves otherwise, geographically the closest 'arab's to southern euros are north africans - and north africans are very different from southern euros both genetically and in phenotype
north africans are often 13-25% nigger lol
anyway point is, turks living in turkey are not turkic at all aside from speaking the language, if you take some poo in loo and bring him to britain, he's not english
>not turkic at all
and what makes you so sure, if i may ask?
there have been numerous migrations to anatolia from central asia after the battle of manzikert and during the mongol invasion
if i make a dna test and get at least 5% turkic dna will you suck my cock
WE WUZ KHANZ *gets fucked in the butthole by fellow gayreek*
that 5% means nothing since even poo in loos have that amount
why do you say "at all" if there's at least 5%?
also i would really like to have a source on your "turkic poo in loos"
yeah sure there were ruled by turkic dynasties as well but no way they have more turkic dna than turks
this sentence doesn't make any sense
because even among turks, 5% is pushing it, turks are mostly arab/anatolian/kurd/greek/balkan, that's a fact of life, speaking a turkic language does not mean you're turkic - you have nothing in common with actual turkic people
they have some of the most diverse looks thanks to being a buffert zone for war and conquest for over 2000 years
average anatolian turk has at least 15% central asian admixture
arabs never lived in anatolia
kurds migrated to eastern anatolia after we came here before they were living up in the mountains
if actual greeks ever lived in anatolia it was on the western coast while the others were assimilated anatolians, greeks are invaders as well
what the actual fuck
>you have nothing in common with actual turkic people
yeah, no
we share many cultural ties with central asia like music, stories, even warfare tactics
they are usurpers by nature
>average anatolian turk has at least 15% central asian admixture
if it makes you sleep better
Here is an actual genetic test done on both Turks and Central Asians.
"Turks" in Turkey have about as much Turkic admixture as Pashtuns, they literally have like 5x as much Arab admixture as they do Turkic admixture.
You do realize that "turk" is an umbrella term aimed at central asian steppe nomads right?
Real nationalities are oghuz, kipchak, cuman etc.
Just because an oghuz doesn't look like a kipchak doesn't mean they're not related
Also, anatolia was always a crossroads where central asian arrivals could never reach majority, that's why the ottomans settled them in rumelia
>turks are oghuz turkics together with azeris and turkmens
No. Turks are Anatolians and other native ethnicities that got mixed together under Oghuz Turkic influence. Azeris are Iranians and Caucasian Albanians that were also mixed together under Oghuz Turkic influence. They were assimiliated, doesnt make them Turkic.
>they were already half caucasoid and half mongoloid even before moving to anatolia
Not true
>just because we mixed doesn't mean we don't have turkic blood
As I said, max. 10%
>also ethnicity is determined by culture, language and to some extend, religion
Your culture is closer to the nations around you then to Turkic nations. Same about your religion. And your language is filled with leanwords from these nations around you.
>last "argument"
Thats a joke right
Let's see
>Georgia : have nothing in common
>Armenia : better not talk about it
>Iran : only islam and some rugs(?)
>Iraq & Syria : islam
>Greece : similar food
>Bulgaria : nothing in common
yeah that makes a great argument
also, loan words : central asians do not even speak their own languages anymore, don't come to us with loandwords trash
>Georgia : have nothing in common
Apparently they and Iranian-Azeri's have alot in commong genetically.
>The latest comparative study (2013) on the complete mitochondrial DNA diversity in Iranians has indicated that Iranian Azeris are more related to the people of Georgia, than they are to other Iranians, as well as to Armenians. However the same multidimensional scaling plot shows that Azeris from the Caucasus, despite their supposed common origin with Iranian Azeris, cluster closer with other Iranians (e.g. Persians, etc.) than they do with Iranian Azeris.
Which makes no fucking sense whatsoever geographically.
Why are you lying?
Anaturks cuisine and traditions were heavily influenced by Georgians, Armenians, Iranians, Levantines, Greeks and Bulgarians. 99% of "Turkish" cuisine exists in all these countries. And not because Turks were the first doing it, no, its because they took it from them while being mixed.
>Which makes no fucking sense whatsoever geographically.
Azeris are the remains of Caucasian Albania, a native Caucasian state. Georgians are Native Caucasians, thats why they are related.
>Azeris are the remains of Caucasian Albania, a native Caucasian state. Georgians are Native Caucasians, thats why they are related.
Read the comment I linked from the article again.
It says those living closer to the Georgians in the Republic of Azerbajan are more related to Persians while Iranian-Azeris are the ones genetically close to Georgian people.
Again, makes no sense geographically unless there was some huge ass Georgian colony in Ardabil/Tabriz.
It's official, you're a central asian russian
now listen here you commie leftover :
We have more in common with central asian turkic nations than all of our neighbors combined
We have the same holidays, same traditions, same symbols, same legends, same folk-stories, same tune in folk songs, same names even
We share none of that with our current neighbors
before you bring up "muh genetics" arguement are you sure that people in kygyzstan or uzbekistan are 100% turkic therefore has no foreign genes?
Seljuks were not fullblood chinks they were mixed in the first place, turkish people did not come to anatolia in a matter of days it took centuries
yet here you basically say, your eyes are not mongoloid therefore you're not related to any other turkic state
great thread
Not the previous poster but I find it hilarious how Anatolian natives try to LARP as Asiatic steppenigs.
To be fair, they're the cultural heirs to the Oghuz Turks who no longer exist. By this same token, Hungarians should still be able to resonate with their Magyar ancestors.
Nobody expects the Mongols
>To be fair, they're the cultural heirs to the Oghuz Turks who no longer exist.
I'm no doubting the cultural legacy,but I still find it jarring how modern Anatolian Turks try to claim Attila,the Xiongnu polity etc.
The historical Kimek Khanate were similar to modern day Tuvinians,Altaians and Buryats.
>We have more in common with central asian turkic nations than all of our neighbors combined
no, you have more in common with greece/balkans/iran than you do with any real turkic countries
They're islamized anatolians, who were previously hellenized anatolians
you're like a broken clock aren't you?
is your communist education making you impossible to come up with different arguements which weren't already discussed?
In all seriousness,even African Americans have a much higher ratio of European ancestry when compared to Anatolian Turks and the earliest khaganates.
there's more than one person in this thread against you lol
>We have more in common with central asian turkic nations than all of our neighbors combined
M8 you roaches are literally kurds LARPing as steppe warriors.
Even your own nationalists can't tell the difference.
right, so that's why kurds are always chimping out against us, good to know
I think the Russian conquest might have something to do with it.
>you're a central asian russian
No, I am from the Caucasus.
>We have more in common with central asian turkic nations than all of our neighbors combined
You have more in common with Armenians than all Central Asian nations together.
>We have the same holidays, same traditions, same symbols, same legends, same folk-stories, same tune in folk songs, same names even
Forced on by Ataturk and his ideology, nothing thats actually yours.
>Seljuks were not fullblood chinks they were mixed in the first place
I know they were not, but that doesnt make you to Seljuks. Seljuks were mixed with Iranian nations in Central Asia. Not with Anatolians/surrounding.
>Forced on by Ataturk and his ideology, nothing thats actually yours.
[citation needed]
>Atatürks reforms never happened
>what is oghuz
>what is kipchak
>what are the differences between turkic peoples
>what are the reforms of atatürk
>what are ataturk's views on central asian turks
>Forced on by Ataturk and his ideology, nothing thats actually yours.
Ataturk was against that kind of LARPing and wanted to create an individual Turkish identity not influenced by any "outside Turkish" memes, Ottomanism, Islam or "muh Turan".
Look up Kermalism
>This is who Mehmet sees in the mirror
Don't worry lad, the real Turkics are laughing at every Mehmet who claims steppe ancestry.
>one guy on Veeky Forums represents his whole country
i'm not even a turk but that's retarded
holy kek the fucking leaf and the chechen in germany are at Veeky Forums
Turks are not pure Turkic neither there are pure Anatolid
Stop spreading your autism
that graph disproves what you said retard
Wait a sec gonna reformulate the sentence
"Turks are not pure Turkic, nor they are pure Anatolid"
>what is dutch
>what is german
>what are the difference between germanic peoples
>what are the reforms of Atatürk
>what are ataturk's views on central asian turks
Look them up.
>individual Turkish identity
Based on We Wuz Khangz.
the green polo looks pretty asiatic
>what is mtDNA?
>Based on We Wuz Khangz
It's not