Why were Danton and Marat such ugly motherfuckers. Just look at this guy's face: I can't even look at it without cringing and wondering how a face could have such awful proportions.
Why were Danton and Marat such ugly motherfuckers...
>Meanwhile, on the Royalist side...
>Mes amis, si j'avance, suivez-moi! Si je recule, tuez-moi! Si je meurs, vengez-moi!
Jokes aside, revolutionaries were murderers and mob leaders.
Pic didn't send.
>Why were Danton and Marat such ugly motherfuckers.
Because they where French, inferior genetics and such.
>Ugly autist reeee'd so hard he caused the masonic takeover of his country
The French Revolution was the first beta uprising and most leading revolutionaries were angry manlets who couldn't get laid.
handsome guy. saint-just was handsome though too
danton was notoriously debauched
Didn't Danton have some kind of horrible skin condition and he needed to spend most of each day in his bath?
Beta uprising
That was Marat
that was marat. ill post the famous pic of him
this one by jl david which is heavily idealized
Danton got kicked in the face by a bull twice as a child. He then proceeded to get smallpox, and grow to a massive size. From the numerous affairs and several children it doesn't seem to have been an issue for him.
Ah, thx, my mistake.
the Archangel
Physiognomy is real. Ugly beliefs are often held by ugly people. You can easily see this today in hideous tattooed and pierced weirdos and their anti-civilization ideologies.
>Only Danton and Marat
Whole French revolutionary goverment looked like potato gallery
Danton reputedly used his ugliness as a political asset, he was well aware of it and used it to intimidate others. He looked mean, and he spoke mean.
Robespierre is the real ugly manlet of the bunch.
Was it a beta uprising?
Kinda, you can find many similarities between revolution leaders and modern virgin betas.
For example revolutionary gazette writers made pornographic fanfics of what is going on in Versailles.
Meanwhile on the royalist side
They sure did.
This one depicts Marie Antoinette and one of her friends having sex after the brutal August 10th Tuileries massacre and the royal family's imprisonment.
dropped my image, I did.