Is it even possible to turn your life around past the age of 21?

Is it even possible to turn your life around past the age of 21?

>never graduated highschool
>kissless virgin
>no job experience
>no friends
>Masturbate to cuckold porn everyday
>Skinnyfat dyel despite lifting for 9 months
>No drivers license
>No skills
>brainlet who can barely stay focused on reading for more than 10-15 minutes
>Spend at least 8-10 hours a day on Veeky Forums, minimum

tired of living such a pathetic "life". how can i fix myself?

live frugally and buy shitcoins

take this to /r9k/

You sound like you're too weird already to turn things around

Stop watching porn
Keep lifting
get a drivers license
stop cumming when you masterbate

buy crypto with min wage money/

simple op. You already know what your doing wrong.

if you're lifting a lot but not losing weight it's probably because you're pigging out too much at home brah

It's too late for you. The best possible solution is to find some way to live quietly as a hermit away from all people so that nobody can see how pathetic you are.

i dont understand how i can guage progress

when should i weigh myself i dont have a scale so i use the one at my gym

Force yourself away from the internet! Everything else is then coming by itself.
Do regular workouts to support this process of getting "clean" from too much internet. Ask yourself what you really want to achieve in life till next year and then write it down on paper. Create habits to overcome the initial struggle you will have without instant gratification from the internet. Good luck user, because it won't be easy.

Age has nothing to do with this, sorry to say this but your brain is defective.


stop posting this thread every 3 days

get a job. work as many hours as you can and if you have people to give you a lift until you get a drivers license and cheapest car.

you gotta grind dude. take up all the min wage jobs and fill your schedule up. youll be too busy to post.

I feel cucked by working though. Everything feels like work with no reward then.

some good advice on here.

as somebody who was just as useless as you until the age of 24, take the advice on getting any old shitty job.

save up enough to get laid by a pro
save up the money to drive

your life will be 100 times better, you could even quit your job at that point and go back to living the life of fuckery and youll be better for the experience

Honestly, steroids and lift moar. That will change your attitude and will make you alpha as fuck.

Then start working in a pub

You need discipline
If you can't learn it yourself, might as well let someone else teach it to you
If you're in a western country I'd recommend looking into the military. I'm assuming you're in the US, so I you play your cards right you could leave the service with a fat bank account, the GI Bill and whatever else skills you manage to pick up in the service

>Go to coding school
> Meet a bunch of tech guys and befriend them.
>Create a scam coin that you mine at least 50% of.
>Get YouTubers to shill your shitcoin.
>Dump everything ATH and become a millionaire.

just become a trap user and your life will become a lot more interesting

is just a cycle or two okay or do i have to blast high doses for the benefits

An Hero before it gets any worse.

you don't need a scale, just don't eat as much.

then how will i continue to make strength progress

>have a CS degree
>work from home managing codemonkeys making 70k

I fucking hate it so much. Staying home all day every day ALONE dealing with pajeets over the internet is miserable. I am so lonely, and I LIVE with my girlfriend. I feel like such a fucking loser, because I'm sitting here alone all summer wallowing in my own self-hatred.

The worst part of it is, I've had 20+ interviews at really cool tech companies(I live near a big tech hub), but they all want someone with more hands-on experience, and I've been MANAGING pajeets for a year, so they think I forgot to code, even though I was a Java developer from ages 20-22 for this same company.

I'm currently starting a personal project which is basically going to be a prediction-engine for crypto prices, I think if I put that on my resume and it uses enough flavor-of-the-month tech, it should get me a seat somewhere.

Most people don't find God because they never look low enough.

You build yourself up from what you can alreadt handle. If you can handle a minimum wage job, take it. You aren't worth any better until you've earned it.

No one deserves anything in this world, everyone earns it.

If it's possible to ruin your life, it's possible to fix it

>it should get me a seat somewhere
lol faggot you're here forever

Weigh before and after and keep track in a pocket log book. Work out for awhile to boost confidence and then go lie on resumes. It's what I did and it worked out much better than I had perceived.

jokes on you, i've only been here 2 days

what did you lie about on your resume? can you give me some ideas to do the same

nah jokes still on you

pls repoly