>tfw we're actually the early adopters
>tfw we'll be able to comfortably retire in 5-10 years
>tfw autists will become millionaires while normies get stuck bagholding
Tfw we're actually the early adopters
Other urls found in this thread:
you got it, bro
glorious feeling
We have been saying the same thing for 3 years.
BTC to me is just a glorified savings account
>tfw you're the fools
>tfw you'll be homeless in 5-10 years
>tfw normies will become millionaires while autists get stuck bagholding
I hope so man I hustled hard and have a whole BTC
>3 solid years of cashing out gains to pay the rent
Kill me please, this month has changed nothing. I'm skipping a few meals thanks to this whole y2k scare...
The early adopter Reddit meme has been a thing for years. Bitcoin is eventually going to have another long slump bear market period and a lot of idiots will sell.
I held through the December 2013 ath to the January 2015 low of $170 and continued to buy while a lot of cucks and retards sold. Pretty close to a million in Bitcoin these days; still won't be selling after segwit makes me a Bitcoin millionaire.
I want to make it clear to.you summerfags Bitcoin is the only crypto, stop being newfags getting swindled scammed and suckered
altcoins only exist to sucker in retards and increase the btc holdings of smart peoples
perfect opportunity for guys with not so much money to get ahead while they can
why even write something this blatantly retarded?
bitcoin is the king forever but fuck me ill make my thousands off of these hundred million dollar altcoins
BTC maximalism is literally a cult.
nice larp
"Btc maximilism" is a meme phrase made up by altcoin scammers to deter you from holding bitcoin.
Just like Marxist Jews made up the word "racist" in the early 20th century to try and silence white people
You'd have to be silly to think Bitcoin will be the be-all-end-all of digital currency forever, but it will obviously remain king for a while
I'm sure all the people who put 1 or 2 BTC into the ETH ico really regret it...
lmao. let's put it this way, if you can retire off one BTC at any point in our lifetimes then I'll be worth about half a billion dollars... not gonna happen friendo
nice 11th grade edge opinion there friendo
>friendo 2x
Said every altcoin buyer ever.
You get on the podium and announce to the world you made one dollar when your scamcoin gets pumped, but scamper away into the woodwork and or post pink wojaks when you got dumped on in your sleep.
I sleep well at night with 100% of my crypto in Bitcoin :)
Doesn't matter who made up the phrase. It doesn't change the blind cult-like obsession some people have with btc. All it has going for it is the brand at this point. You people are worse than macfags.
and what do you think is gonna take over BTC? ETH? IOTA? lmao
Could be, could be a crypto that hasn't even been developed yet
or maybe...no crypto will.
Though it definitely won't be ETH because that isn't a straight digital currency
>eth is not a digital currency
This meme is so stupid. No merchant in the world cares whether you think something is a currency or not. If there is some digital thing that customers are willing to hand over, and merchants can easily/quickly liquidate it for fiat, they will accept it if there are enough people who want them to. Stores would accept dick pics as currency if they could instantly convert them to fiat.
Just bought 100k more
I really think you could be wrong. That's because if the economy crashes again and it looks like it will....and the bubble is in the stock market....people will look for anther store of value. If boomer money moves into bitcoin we will see massive gains....and if America goes into recession the rest of the world will get hit. People from all over the world will look for new stores of value. And crypto will be ripe for the taking. I mean no one can buy anything in gold....my neighbors have their dog food delivered to their door....shopping online is the new norm....managing money online is the new norm. Having a digital gold only makes sense. I really think crypto is only beginning to realize its potential.
So, is that what insanity looks like?
Poor soul.
Only if you buy bitcoin cash.
BTC will crash back to 2016 levels.
I always see this posted but nobody ever really backs it up, is there any reason for crypto to grow past BTC hitting around $5000?
I want to invest more money into crypto but I'm afraid of being caught up in the hype of the people who missed out on Bitcoin when they had the chance
Currently? No. I'm in crypto because I am betting on a massive recession and the hyperinflation of the dollar somewhere in the next 5ish years. If that happens (and I think it will) people will look for a new store of value. Bitcoin will be there to answer this problem.
>already become a millionaire
I honestly can't wait.
Thanks user! You've given me a bright idea for a new blockchain using PoD technology over PoS and PoSW.
you know what better stores of value that imaginary bitcoins are?
in no particular order
1) land/real estate
2) gold
3) silver
4) platinum
5) education/degrees (from real top 25 schools)
or pretty much anything tangible
>inb4 I know education isn't tangible
What happens if people pull out of crupto to buy discounted stocks?
The problem with crypto is that it's so damn user not friendly. Took me weeks to understand the basics and get approved... no normie will spend hours to understand it, thus it will never be a viable normie thing until it gets somewhat regulated and centralized.
Diplomas are tangible, and that's the part that matters
in time of war a slice of baloney is much more valuable than a gold bar.... nothing has any intrinsic value. It's all what we make it to be.
We could make leaps in asteroid mining and all of your shiny metal would be worth pennies.
In a deflationary or just all out crash like 2008, Gold price crashed. Why? Because everybody needed to get back to cash, which at the end of the day, is what's king. I think the same will happen to crypto.
Crypto is a good hedge against a hyperinflationary collapse.
If you think peak oil is about to doom us all, I'd look elsewhere.
...if we hold what?
I need a solid list for my 5-10 year plan
Bitbean to the moon
Hold long-term: STRAT, OMG, NEO, DECRED and some pure BTC
>1) land/real estate
until banks give loans to minorities and they destroy your property value. Oh, what great store of wealth! In 30 years, maybe it'll still be worth something!
>2) gold
>3) silver
>4) platinum
>My shiny metals have instrinsic value because....
>5) education/degrees (from real top 25 schools)
I can use my bitcoin like cash though.
gold can't be used like cash.
No, at no point in the past 4000 years has a slice of baloney ever been worth more than a gold bar. Yeah, if you're starving to death you'd pay your entire net worth for some food to survive, that does not make your point applicable to general circumstances. Yes our civilization could advance to the point where we inhabit android bodies and do away with currency all together, what's your point?
well incase you're right I still have probably 8000x or more crypto than you so I guess I'm good, right?
Buy weapons if you want something "safe"
How do you know people holding bitcoin wont just panic sell during a recession?
Sounds like we've got someone who believes anybody gives a shit about his (((education)))
Fucking obliterated.
70 years ago during the war in Berlin or St-Petersburg a slice of baloney was worth much more than a gold bar or a picasso or a 1000$ US dollar. The point is that you're saying some metals have intrinsic value, but they don't.. it all depends on the circumstances. What if AI leaps make us able to change carbon in diamonds cheaply... how much will they be worth? all I'm saying is that your argument about metals is flawed..
Degrees from top schools matter. They get you far ahead in life. The best you could ever hope for is to move out of your mom's basement... so I guess what I said doesn't really apply to you, but to the rest of society it does whether you believe it or not, also no one cares if you believe it or not.
yes banks will lend to destitute minorities so they can buy condos in SF, LA, manhattan and brooklyn high rises ok yeah guess investing in real estate in places everyone in the world wants to live, everyone sell your worthless real estate!
>muh outlier
yeah didn't I cover your point in my post? If you're starving to death, obviously a slice of baloney has high to infinite value. that is not the everyday case nor should you base your investment strategy around it. kys.
These fuckers literally can not touch crypto and they're pissing tthemselves knowing they can't fidget their talons into crypto. They have no idea what the FUCK they're going to do
When saudis start selling oil to the chinks in yuans the dollar is fucked, we're not so far from that happening
Stop with this fucking "asteroid mining" meme. God every time I read this shit I can't help but think what a complete fucking retard the poster must be. The costs associated with asteroid mining would be so goddamn astronomical any precious metals returned from them would likely cost more than mining the shit right here on earth. We don't have the fucking technology to do it anyways you fucking moron. 30 years and untold billions of dollars dicking around on Mars and the best we've sent up there is an oversized remote control car with a Tonka shovel. Just shut the ever loving fuck up with this shit. NOBODY reading this right now is going to see any viable asteroid mining in their lifetimes.
And why the hell would you have to bring it back? It can just be stored on the asteroid itself. Do you think people hold their own gold investments? It is stored in vaults in places like fort knox...
I'm literally getting rich as I type this. I'm not the brightest person. I got into Med School just because I studied like crazy. I put all my money in those coins and I trade almost daily. So far I've got over 2000% gains (I'm dealing with altcoins and BTC since 2013). It's an amazing feeling. I have enough money to retire. Why don't I leave Med School? 'Cause I genuinely like it. Guys, you can also make it. Do your fucking research and never get obsessed over some coin. If it's dropping, fucking sell it. You wanna make money, not be right at all times.
I'm up 1500% in 2 months of trading. This is the easiest market ever and I feel bad robbing the people buying into it.
nobody gives a fuck about your 4-yr marxist indoctrination camp, you got hustled by (((bankers)))
Excellent kino OP image
Well I believe the currency is unstable. If the dollar collapses bitcoin will moon. People will be looking for a store of value and bitcoin is already established.
Degrees from top schools having any value actually do rely on us plebs respecting them. We see what kind of trash they're putting out and if I am right and become a crypto millionaire I wouldn't give those schools a dime of my money to educate my children. You're paying for the name on those degrees....the professors have clearly lost their minds. If you got a degree in anything other than stem you got screwed.....even if its from a top 25 school.
Its fun watching the tables turn
Im bagholding 1000 ltc. Is ltc over or will i be able to buy a lambo in a few years?
If you've decided to hold then I suggest you hold. Litecoin is solid tech and has a lot going for it..nothing can pump all day everyday. Its fairly steady right now you're not getting totally dumped on.
you're a bastard for suckering people into dumps
I genuinely dont get this crashproof store of value meme.
Half of the world doesnt have easily accessible, reliable internet yet. Computer literacy is still very low, even in the richer parts of the west. Most people can't do anything beyond msoffice and browsing the web. The very word thrown around to describe people incapable of understanding crypto is "normie", as in "normal", as in "your local grocery store owner/doctor/canadian plumber/basic service provider"
Yes, surely land or gold arent perfectly safe, easy to trade or turn into something useful, but normies understand them in principle. You can build stuff out of one and on top of the other.
Btc is more like the dollar than gold, and it took a war and a lot of lying and jewing to get it where it is.
Actually, no. Yes 90% of university are jokes and just extensions of high school for an immature and childish generation, but the top schools are communities for extremely bright and hardworking people. Humans are social creatures and you naturally become like the people you're around. If you're around very intelligent and hardworking people all the time, you will become a better version of yourself.
It's foolish to think going to a good college is everything, but it's also foolish to think it's useless and simply a status indicator for plebs to admire. Grow up.
How many BTC do I need to hold in a few years to make it guys?
>5) education/degrees (from real top 25 schools)
you live in your mom's basement and her boyfriend treats you like shit and your real dad thinks you're gay. accurate?
21. Only 1 million people in the world would be able to match you.
oh look someone who knows what's up.
china is putting pressure on saudis by buying from russia and iran in yuan. that expands their market share in the worlds biggest oil market and makes saudi look bad. i do think that saudis will be the last to switch but by that time they will have no choice.
trump is clearly attacking the problem from two sides. hes sanctioning anyone who even looks in the directon of a possible yuan-oil-fixing (game over for USD) while preparing the US for the inevitable (propping up the domestic energy sector etc. US will be an exporter alright, to get in hard currency as in Euro and Yuan)
also notice how EU is suddenly growing balls regarding Russia sanctions. the game is on
>And why the hell would you have to bring it back? It can just be stored on the asteroid itself.
I own one trillion ounces of Gold!!!
Safely stored on a fucking asteroid :)
>Half of the world doesnt have easily accessible, reliable internet yet. Computer literacy is still very low, even in the richer parts of the west. Most people can't do anything beyond msoffice and browsing the web. The very word thrown around to describe people incapable of understanding crypto is "normie", as in "normal", as in "your local grocery store owner/doctor/canadian plumber/basic service provider"
This is why you're still in the early adopter phase.
>Yes, surely land or gold arent perfectly safe, easy to trade or turn into something useful, but normies understand them in principle. You can build stuff out of one and on top of the other.
>Btc is more like the dollar than gold, and it took a war and a lot of lying and jewing to get it where it is.
It is both, depending on who you talk to. The only thing anyone has to agree on is whether the medium has value.
We live in truly interesting times, no matter how this experiment ends up.