>tfw japanese man created bitcoin
>tfw russian man created ethereum
>tfw chinese man created neo
>tfw everyone cries about chinks and pajeets when no american white man has created a decent coin
Tfw japanese man created bitcoin
Other urls found in this thread:
None of those people you mentioned are either chink or pajeet
white man made MTL
Americans do not care. Their currency rules the earth.
You ain't seen nothing yet, just wait until I create Finncoin, it'll be something spectacular that only a Finn could achieve.
I'll keep you updated.
that uplifting lofty hipster video makes it seem scammy as fuck lad
just bought 100k
Satoshi was an american weeb wtf
I dont own metal specifally because of the video. this ceo creeps me out
>tfw Trump could end japan, russia and china with one word
Where can i buy Spurdo Sparde coins
Nothing ever relevant has come out of Finland..
If we nuked you're country today.. nothing of importance would be lost.
Just like how Trump out-alpha North Korea into stop shooting missles eh?
Don't forget the great African Charlie Lee, creator of Litecoin
0/10 apply yourself OP
Even the Brits have STRAT
Fuckin get it together Freedomland
American cypherpunks created Bitcoin.
Why would you spend all that time building nerd shit when you can make your money work for you? I guess that's why you'll always be #3 europoors.
>A bunch of 3rd worlders creating new currency to steal our American wealth
We use the dollar, ever heard of it?
wow stop posting anytime
Bump for cheeseburger fattie merica
>what is Ohni
Zooko Wilcox created zcash
How can you nuke something that doesn't exist?
DGB is fucking american coin
Just wait until I Create Cuckcoin
Nobody knows what nationality Satoshi Nakamoto is. There are speculations that he is British, though.
>>tfw japanese man created bitcoin
>>tfw russian man created ethereum
>>tfw chinese man created neo
>>tfw everyone cries about chinks and pajeets
no pajeet in your list, faggot.
btw pajeet created shitcoin (actual name), exchanged in the designated shitting streets (watch your step!)
espers - you buy for many gains, kind sir
The dollar has no value.
Every nation on earth is moving away from it.
Unless this is addressed right now and not by bombing small nations, the US is doomed.
Russians are white.
Monero is the coin with the most people actually using it to make purchases, rather than just trading it like a digital beanie baby.
bitcoin creator was clearly a brit, Vitalik is white.
That said you forgot about the nigger from STRATIS that made lots of people rich
>>american white man
reading for dummies
Nick Szabo (aka Satoshi Nakamoto) is an american citizen of slavic descent.
lol why do you cucks care about races so much. being racist is just so obnoxious
Hmm, yes why would you care? Why take a German Shepherd when you could have a Pitbull? All dogs are equal remember.
wait, is this actually this jared guy?
he already had a pedo name, but he even LOOKS like one too? are you fucking kidding me?