Why do German POWs look so happy to be captured?
It's almost like they were relieved to no longer have to slaughter people for their autistic psychopath of a "fuhrer".
Why do German POWs look so happy to be captured?
It's almost like they were relieved to no longer have to slaughter people for their autistic psychopath of a "fuhrer".
They were happy to
1) Get a way from their immediate superiors, many of whom were assholes.
2) Get captured by western allies rather than by the Russians.
Maybe its part of the anti defetism ideology, so its like a coocky actitude
This photo was taken after the Red Army captured Koenigsberg, the first major defeat on German territory for the Wehrmacht. Their captors and the people who took the photo were Red Army troops.
More smiling captured German POWs. In any photo from the Eastern Front, a good 20% of the soldiers are smiling.
I think anyone but the most deluded fanatic knew the war was over by 1944. Cockiness would explain smiling German POWs in Stalingrad, but not Koenigsberg.
When life fucks you up beyond measure what else is left but to smile.
Because you're supposed to smile when someone takes a picture.
Because you're no longer fighting a war and risking your life on a daily basis?? Any man could smile in such circumstances.
They probably had a "the war is over" mentality, until they were safely in the camps of course.
the german forces were exhausted long before the war ended. men would repeatedly flee, many of course cpatured and shot. they werent dumb, they knew the stories being fed to them didnt match up with their experiences. many writings by german troops seem just as tired and wanting to be done with it as anyone else. you have to realise how long these people spent at war, for a campaign that was only supposed to last a year at most.
>no longer fighting a war and risking your life on a daily basis
>only to get ass raped by thirsty slavs, brutally killed, and dumped in some pit
Nah man I'd say it depends.
Only happy if they got captured by western allies like the US and Britain which treated them alright. German POWs captured by the Soviets are miserable, bloody messes mostly.
OP pic was taken by a Soviet cameraman. Coincidentally Ive never seen smiling Germans captured by US or Britain
Things were so rough in Stalingrad and it didnt get better once the battle was over so i doubt any of the axis POWs were smiling
what did soviets do to german pows? they freed finnish ones after some years
no german pows ever toiled away to the end of their days in some far off work camp in our countries
The conditioning of the nazi regime at play here. In the back of their heads was if I don't smile for this photo the gestapo will drag me away and beat me for not being a happy patriotic citizen. This is what immediately ran through their head when they saw a camera, it was only later after the camera man had left that they realised they were about to be marched hundreds of kilometres without food or medical treatment to be dumped into a gulag where they would either die from starvation or disease and may not be released even after the war would eventually end.
There was probably another soviet standing next to the camera man then. Holding a machine gun and yelling "smile or I will shoot you in the motherfucking heads" then letting off a warning spray of fire into the air.
You have seen one now.
Although these two were old and were conscripted in the volksturm at the end of the war
Maybe because you can use it to subdue other Germs?
Who would you rather be a POW to Veeky Forums the Soviets or the Japanese
Soviet survival rates are marginally better.
Yes, that's exactely what happened...
Maybe it's that weird PTSD thing where you snap and are happy no matter what's going on?
Like this WWI soldier who's clearly insane and smiling.
Why do Jews look so happy under Nazi rule?
Because the holohoax was just one big fat lie.
What else could it be?
Maybe the Germans were just trying to spite Paulus. Who as a rule never fucking smiled.
1. They don't have to die.
2. They are not captured by the Soviets.
Why do Soviet slave laborers look so happy to be transported to the Reich?
It's almost like they were relieved to work for the fuhrer instead of getting slaughtered by their autistic psychopath of a "comrade general secretary"
Well, that's one photo of german pows looking happy so that is why. Maybe someone ripped a huge fart or something
I think this thread backfired.
The dead ones look happier
Died defending his race. Nothing is more respectable, there is a glorious spot in heaven for him
Actually he died for Krupp, Volkswagen, Bayer, and the literally Jewish Rotschilds who put Hitler in power.
>literally Jewish Rotschilds who put Hitler in power.
A good soldier always has good morale. Thus the smiles.
That cutie looking at the camera, no wonder the Russian raped their way to Berlin
Go to Amazon and look up ''Wall Street and the rise of Hitler''. The world's biggest banks and corporations were terrified that the Soviet Union was industrializing without their ''aid'', so they funded Hitler to destroy it. The heads of those banks and corporations coincidentally were Jewish
It's funny how you put Volkswagen in that list as if it's some capitalist fat-cat corporation, when it was a governmental project.
Prove it.
Is is really that hard to reverse google search an image
Yeah I'm sure the CEO of Volkswagen got paid similarly to a regular assembly line worker L O L
Stormfaggotry is a mental illness induced by no physical contact with females, middle school bullying, and an abusive father son relationship. Just recognize the person you're responding to is mentally defective and move on
The Germans in OP's pic were captured by Soviets at Köningsberg
Do you people even read the thread
I'm not a communist so that statement means nothing to me.
A ''national'' ''socialist'' who doesn't care that workers of his nation are exploited to enrich some fat pig? What a surprise. The only thing the Nazis cared about was their owners and their profit margins. No amount of German working class blood was too great a sacrifice on the altar of German corporate profit.
>Go to Amazon and look up ''Wall Street and the rise of Hitler''. The world's biggest banks and corporations were terrified that the Soviet Union was industrializing without their ''aid'', so they funded Hitler to destroy it.
You do know the author of that book also wrote a book regarding the financing of the Bolsheviks by Wall Street capitalists, right?