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Why sell?
who gives a fuck about lazy good for nothing manchildren that play video games?
More like buy more AMD shares
>"according to our sources"
the frontier edition that they sold only did around 30 mh/s with similar specs as the 64 i would take this with a grain of salt
Can I have a link please ? Someone know how much this GPU will cost ? I've bought a RX 480 8gb 6 months ago someone want to buy it from me for 200$
I'm not using it until September should I sell it ?
dumb pajeet
Yeah, honestly you should just sell it to me and cut your losses. I'll do you the favor.
btw, fuck you the real hashrate is 35mh
thats the frontier, this is the VEGA 64 which is basically the same, some people in the original thread where this was posted speculate that this might be due to the new driver optimization, if this is true it might mean that all rx cards might get a 2x increase in hashrate. One way of the other i really doubt it even do 70 let alone 100 even if its magic driver "optimization"
Yes, please.
>tfw bought AMD years ago because Sony was using it in the PlayStation and thought I'd make a fortune
>mfw turns out shitcoin miners saved my fucking ass
100mh is possible.
except the frontier edition has all this as it is essentially the same card, 100 not a chance in hell, 70 maybe if they somehow double the hashrate but at 350w TDP that would make it similar to the current polaris rx
Is LinusShillTips going to do ethereum benchmarks on this?
its because the FE has stuff deactivate in it , according to the article ive read on this, VEGA packs alot of new instructions wich benefit mining alot , also a single nCU can do 512 8bit instructions per tik ? something like that , its nuts , but no RX 4 and 5 series cards wont see a magic doubling as they are GCN4 not 5
Why would you sell just because faster mining equipments is available?
Difficulty is a weak predictor of price at best.
200 is low , check ebay , you can get 300
"cut your losses"
man you are shameless , its very hard to sell a RX card at loss rn
its all rumors user and even so i dont see it being more then 70 if they manage to somehow double the hashes with the drivers which would make it a little better then polaris (but probably for much higher price), in this case i will do the same as in trading, buy the rumor (buy cheap 4/5s from the retards panicking) and sell the news, also i found a guy on youtube who seems to have final chip (crypto nerd is the name of the channel i think) and he also has the same results as claymore published (about 38/39 mhash a card)
>but is that good for gamers
he might have the chip , but w/o the updated driver he runs a partially deactivated chip , same as VEGA FE , its all the same silicone in the end ,
but you are right , its Rumors , i just want em to be true as i dont see gamers buying vega when we have a card that is 14 months old , takes 100w less power and is just as fast or faster whilst being the same price (GTX 1080) , and im saying that as Radeon kid (dual fury here)
>Bunch of folks buy fancy cards.
>Hash Rate Increases.
>Difficulty Increases for short term.
>Difficulty bomb happens in 2018 for the long term.
>PoS on way.
nice number
>gets insider info that this card is a good miner
>man this is bad for gamers
>we better not make a big deal out of this
>posts it on WCCF tech
>gets parroted across the internet
gj hassan you cunt
Wonder what post got