ITT books that predicted the future
ITT books that predicted the future
The bible
Did a much better job than 1984 (although to be fair 1984 wasn't about the future but rather a direct criticism of totalitarianism). Huxley himself lamented that he didn't foresee nuclear power, but I don't see that as a failing of the novel since it never mentioned where the World Society gets its power from anyway.
1984 was a critique of totalitarian practices that were happening at the time of writing.
It was a (fantastic) anti-stalinist propaganda piece
Yes, that's what I said.
Nope, Animal Farm is about Stalinism, 1984 was more about totalitarianism in general and was heavily informed by Orwell's service during WW2.
BNW didn't really predict anything, the things that did come to pass only did so in broad strokes (eg, society being upside down).
More specific examples of "prediction" are better found in Fahrenheit 451, which predicted the death of good videogames 20 years before videogames were a thing at all. It also predicted the general rise of anti-intellectualism and the unwillingness of parents to actually parent or guide their children (along with the rise of counter culture).
BNW did an excellent job in depicting the normalization of degeneracy/hedonism(drugs, casual sex, etc) nihilism and the jettisoning of all traditional values and isolation of those who adhere to them.
Pro tip: if you disagree with this you're likely one of the normies Hux was writing about
>tl;dr Hux predicted the normie as we understand him
Also the role of mass media
Degeneracy and hendonism were always normalized. The difference isn't in it's presence, but who has access to it. In the "upside right" society, it's a thing only adults get access to but only after a collective event in which all accepted members of society partake in. In the "upside down" society, drugs pain and sex are administered to children from birth as a means of conditioning them. But in both societies, they exist.
This is notable because in the "upside right" society, everyone is expected to grow over their life whereas in the "upside down" society everyone is conditioned from birth and is expected to be exactly the same (happy) until they choose to commit painless suicide.
Neil Postman comments on this a lot more (and in a nonfiction setting) in his excellent 1995 book "The End of Education" which I highly recommend.
>Traditional society
>people get drunk off their ass and have casual sex
>Contemporary society
>people get drunk off their ass and have casual sex
I don't see a difference.
Things like orgies, abusing drugs, NEETs, atheism, etc were always looked down on. It's only in our post modern Prigressive Secular Society like Hux writes about that it's not scandalous to talk and practice them
>Pro tip: if you disagree with this you're likely one of the normies Hux was writing about
I do disagree but Huxley's message wasn't about rejecting hendonism insomuch as it was understanding it's role in shaping a healthy adult. In the book, all the people who reject hendonism end up alone and isolated from the rest of society, rendered totally irrelevant except for the occasional academic breakthrough or TV special. Both societies incorporate and accept it, but only one (traditional society) uses it as a means to *grow* and *evolve* rather than *condition* or *form*.
before i clicked the thumbnail it looked like it said "the six million" lmao
>these nobles who represent 1% of the population are representative
>this one example of a peasant fuck up is representative
Libcucks love using this one. It's like if some lib from 3000 AD used gay trannies as an example of contemporary moral codes.
Orgies and drugs were traditionally components of religious rituals (think drinking the wine of jesus), it only stopped when Anglo Puritanism became dominant. Atheism is still largely a stupid thing, mostly because people have created new gods (nationalism and communism) to fulfill their desire to be part of a larger picture. NEETdom is a separate and largely mental issue (not a cultural one).
>It's only in our post modern Prigressive Secular Society like Hux writes about that it's not scandalous to talk and practice them
It only became illegal to drink in public in the late nineteenth century, about the same time when minors were prohibited from drinking alcohol. Additionally the greatest progressive achievement ever, Prohibition, was the abolition of (legal) alcohol sales within the United States. The modern drug/alcohol deregulation movement is largely a response against progressivism, not a part of it. Progressives are still against inebriation, even if it's for a secular reason (think of the children) and not jesus.
Traditionally, drugs and alcohol were open to everybody as was sex. It's still like that in countries like Mexico, where kids whore themselves out on the street just like their ancestors did two hundred years ago. The "degenerate" things are still present, but they are used differently and serve a different purpose.
It predicted that at the end of time, Morgoth will be freed from the Abyss and rule on the Earth for 1,000 years before God intervenes and rekts his shit, ushering in a New Creation and an eternal kingdom of God on Earth.
People all up and down the social/political hierarchy have engaged in those activities since they were possible. People fuck at any opportunity. If there's any situation where people can be alone, fucking will occur, period, and good luck stopping it. If you don't think that, you are delusional as fuck about human nature. And in fact, people got drunk more often in the traditional societies you glorify. That was the primary pastime.
BNW hasn't come to pass yet, but the technology of genefixing your kids will usher in something very like the genetic caste system, and the societal collapse into triviality and hedonism is well underway. Remember he wrote this shit in the 1920's, that's some impressive foresight.
is darwinism a Jewish conspiracy as the Protocols say?
>the societal collapse into triviality and hedonism is well underway. Remember he wrote this shit in the 1920's, that's some impressive foresight.
100% agree. i continue to beamazed at how well he pegged our society in that regard.
shit nigger, it's almost as if he had advance knowledge of what would happen, given his societal class makes all the important decisions regarding which direction society will go in
More likely society will resegregate between whites and nonwhites. That's the most obvious, immediate, and raw effect of genefixing.
No, what's going to happen is that non-whites genetically modify their children to look whiter, and the future will belong to a Chinese-Indian international capitalist class with blonde hair and blue eyes.
>Double think
>New speak
How much of this is because of the fall of Christianity to science?
Chinks are just another asian tiger, they'll hit the same brick wall Japan did in the 90s. India will remain shit until they dump all the ethnic quotas.
Christianity didn't fall to science, it fell to industrial society. Nothing in the bible (or the koran, for that matter) contradicts scientific thought. However, both ideologies cannot coexist with a society where mass production (of everything from books to clothes to TVs and phones) exists. Nation states (more specifically, their public and private bureaucracies) proved to be more capable in providing for peoples' needs than a church.
As for anti-intellectualism, Bradbury's whole point was that all media would be reduced to gossip tier garbage ("clickbait") and people would choose to escape reality in videogames. This would obviously cascade into a much larger cast of problems for society (rebellious kids, authoritarian governments, drug abuse, war) that could potentially destroy the entire system.
>nationalism and communism
Those aren't new gods you idiot.
>Nothing in the bible (or the koran, for that matter) contradicts scientific thought.
besides most of genesis and OT passages claiming that the earth is flat? yes I know that medieval christians didnt believe the earth was flat.
Both 1984 and Brave New World were inspired by "We", and neither work is particular original, which you'd know if you weren't a fucking illiterate monkey.
>(or the koran, for that matter) contradicts scientific thought.
On the contrary the Koran explicitly states that there are no natural laws, that everything is sustained by a continuous act of will of God, and this verse has often been used to persecute scientific inquiry.
They are new gods. Lady Liberty is a modern Athena, Uncle Sam a modern Ares. The new soviet man is a modern buddha.
no it isn't stop makign bullshit up.
Why isn't it so? People worship their idealized form of their country like others worship their idealized form of Jesus or Mohammed.
"War of the Worlds" successfully predicted the usage of chemical weapons in warfare over a decade before WW1.
>what is the city of tyre
Are you retarded? 1984 was not about predicting the future at all, it was about a future where the globe falls to Stalinism on steroids, and shows what would happen if the then growing totalitarianism of the 1940s grew to our front lawns in nations like Britain. It's an excellent critique of Orwell's era.