How will you be remembered Veeky Forums?
How will you be remembered Veeky Forums?
a random irrelevant autist born in an irrelevant couuntry and who will probably kill himself once his parents are dead.
minor entertainer
published artist
As the first in a wave of cruel, insatiable racial centrists.
No, that's me.
But really, what's the easiest way to be remembered by a large number of people?
Mass shooting
implying 99.9999799% of the people who ever lived are worth remembering
kill an important figure
Brother. Son. Possibly some other things.
>really? Shot himself just to avoid a few months of prison time? What a bitch.
>yeah, he also hit on my little sister on like 3 separate occasions. She's fucking 16.
If I died today it will probably be "pretty nice guy"
can't predict the future though
I do not have a grandeur personality. I do not care if other people remember me, or how they remember me as.
Our name will be forgotten in time,
and no one will remember our works;
our life will pass away like the traces of a cloud,
and be scattered like mist
that is chased by the rays of the sun
and overcome by its heat.
Have some sort of manifesto too, post it on social media, youtube comments sections (that you know will get lots of views), CNN, MSNBC, Fox comments sections, etc. for months beforehand
this, become a mass shooter
writing a couple history books, pretty inaccessible though
I honestly care about being remembered. Manuel Bandeira wrote about a definition that can be translated as "absolute death" (Morte Absoluta). When you die without leaving a shadow, a risk, a memory on no one's mind. When someone read your name on a file and ask: "Who was he?". Only one more grain of life that was forgotten.
I would really like avoiding this situation. Dont know how, however.
Be the next Hitler
It's crazy that beyond a few family members and friends no one will remember 99.9% of people 50 years after their death
When I think about the most notable figures that are known worldwide I mostly think of military figures, leaders, and conquerors. Not really easy to become one of those though...
Would you rather be famous in life but as time goes on forgotten, or insignificant in life but leave behind works that will become world renowned long after you're gone?
Is there more value in one or the other or shouldn't you attach value to things like this.
If a lot of people will remember me then it will be most likely controversial. I don´t know what exactly, because i don´t know the future.