How is Christianity doctrinally compatible with any other form of government other than absolute monarchy? If the monarch has a divine mandate to rule why should he be accountable to anyone but God?
How is Christianity doctrinally compatible with any other form of government other than absolute monarchy...
Why doesn't the pope just choose his own successor?
Can't the christian just counter and say that every actuality is willed by god, therefore if democracy takes over, it was because god made it take over, etc?
Find me the Biblical passages that says Kings have a divine mandate to rule
Unlike Islam, Christianity is not preoccupied with worldly government because there is no sharia in Christianity that must be implemented in order to have a society that is pleasing to God. Instead Christians view secular government as something to be tolerated and respected so long as it does not impede following Christ regardless of whatever form that government may take. Christians believe that leaders have been put in place by God and therefore their authority is to be respected but their judgments are not given any weight beyond the material level. What I mean is a Christian who has broken the law ought to cooperate with whatever judgment is made upon him by secular authorities but this judgment has no bearing on his status before God. Paul and countless other Christians have been imprisoned and regarded as criminals by the state but they remain blameless before God because they have been redeemed by Christ. The point is that there is no one correct form of government that Christians must adhere to so long as they follow Christ's teachings which can be applied to virtually any political system.
It isn't. Any so called christian not ruled by a monarch is destined for the fire.
It's God's Kingdom, not republic.
The college of cardinals isn't superior to the Pope despite selecting him. Conciliarism (from the Council of Pisa) was clearly denounced as heretical
Kingdom of Heaven has nothing to do with European style monarchies
God is 3 persons, so the best possible system is Absolute Triumverncy
um no, sweetie. arianism is the light.
>Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God. (2) Whosoever therefore resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of God: and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation. (3) For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to the evil. Wilt thou then not be afraid of the power? do that which is good, and thou shalt have praise of the same: (4) For he is the minister of God to thee for good.
Fucking kek, where do you live? The """""""""""kingdom"""""" of Denmark?
Pls no heretics
i think you're twisting that to fit an agenda.
It's a literal statement by Paul. How the hell can I twist it?
>Render unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's
No since the Pope is Christ's vicar on Earth and if he anoints a monarch it's divine. Proddys could use that argument tho.
Where in the current Catechism does it say this?
There's historical precedent in the coronation of Holy Roman Emperors by the pope. I'm not aware of anything that invalidates this.
>catholic fanfiction
Given that Christian society flourished before the 1600s under all kinds of systems of government probably no
Because the idea that a mere man can have a divine mandate to rule is just retarded.
The only ruler is Christ, anyone else is a tyrant and usurper.
>how is Catholicism, orthodoxy and all its heretical sects compatible with anything but absolute monarchy
Really made me think user