>When I was a kid, my mom got sick and died, and that's when I knew there was no god.
Because truly, if there was a god, his highest priority would be making sure you're happy.
>When I was a kid, my mom got sick and died, and that's when I knew there was no god.
Because truly, if there was a god, his highest priority would be making sure you're happy.
Other urls found in this thread:
>When I was a kid, my entire family was rounded up, put on a train in carriages meant for cattle with so many other people that some were crushed to death, trained for 3 days without food or water wherein most of the people died including my mother, let out only to find out i was at some place called auschwitz where i would watch my grandparents and little sister be selected (it was the last time I ever saw them), survived with my father in the camp for two years before he died weeks away from liberation of tuberculosis, all that time seeing everything i loved and cherished die and wither away, my culture becoming extinct, witnessing the greatest of all atrocities, guards cruelty torturing other inmates, babies thrown in the air and used for target practice by the germans, and finally surviving weighing little more than a corpse after being put through a death march across the countryside by the nazi guards who were trying to destroy the evidence of their crimes against humanity
Jesus Christ stop being a little bitch. Like God would be bothered to make sure you're happy, he has toast to appear on and crackers to transform into.
>Humans do bad things to other humans therefore God can't exist.
Why are so retarded like this?
>mortal man thinks he has morality better figured out than the god who created the entire universe
If he does exist but does not interfere in the face of such incredible barbarity then he's not a god worthy of my worship.
*tips fedora*
How do you know that? In all honesty, Vishnu is more righteous than Yahweh
He's still right
>God, who created all matter and energy in the universe, and created conscious being such as myself, is not worthy of my worship, according to all the wisdom in my three pound brain.
What type of mental problems make you come up with a story about a depressed person with a dead mother for the sole purpose of mocking this fictional character? Are you schizo? Getting into arguements with the depressed atheist that lives in your head and posting them on a history board.
Because Christians like OP have a very rigid worldview with no room for opposing views
>I should worship the Mary Sue this guy just made up with his three pound brain
is that really your argument?
*tips banana into anus*
and he did a shit job
>genetic diseases
>natural catastrophies
>result of humans being evil
Suffering is defined by it's contrast to comfort.
Since there would be no conceivable metric to determine suffering from comfort, as the universe is composed of only one state, how would you know that you live in a universe entirely without suffering rather than a universe entirely without comfort?
Cry moar faggot
>Ihr Glück ist Trug und ihre Freiheit Schein.
I'd be fine with a universe without mass murder, or terminally sick children.
That happened to one of my closest friends and it is literally what he believes. It breaks my heart and I pray for him often.
God cares about whether or not you masturbate. He cares about whether or not you have anal sex. Surely he would care about the death and the suffering of another being?
God is all caring and all loving afterall, isn't he?
Why *wouldn't* it be his highest priority. It's not he only can do so much at the same time. He don't have a schedule to fill.
An omnipotent entity doesn't have priorities, he can do everything.
Another insecure Christians thread. I'm honestly happy the fedora meme wasn't around when I was younger, or I might have settled into complacent groupthink and remained comfortable not challenging the ridiculousness of interpreting the Bible as literal accounts of actual events and phenomena.
No need for (You), I'll see myself out.
Maybe there no one God and the gods that introduced themselves to humanity in the past all had to go fuck off to the far edges of space to fight the god of entropy and dark matter and dark energy aren't actually results of plain matter that only interacts with gravity but instead the impact our sensors can calculate from gods the size of entire galaxies duking it out and using diving energy powers on one another.
I find that this is a lie that religious people tell themselves -- that people don't believe in god for some tragic Freudian reason.
>mortal man assumes god's morality is significantly more retarded than even his own barely post-barbaric moral system
>Because truly, if there was a god, his highest priority would be making sure you're happy.
literally how did you come up with that
I feel like someone should've pointed out that Epicurus himself never said this by now
>Because truly, if there was a god, his highest priority would be making sure you're happy.
Well then, why does God want to see me suffer?
>Why did God create cancer?
First rhetoric I hear every time from athiest retards
Well, why did he?
speak for yourself, you made the thread
>I read this old book that isn't even written from its original sources and language and thats how I knew there was God
God any proof of god? Didn't think so.
Why do you faggots always treat every religion and philosophy like its Protestantism or literalist branches of Islam? Are you really this narrow minded?
God couldn't care less about a hylic like yourself and the other fedoras in this thread.
If he's omnipotent, why aren't you living in a universal utopia? Does God follow rules?
Well, it means that god either is not good or does not care about his creation, or both. Which means that even if god exists, it does not deserve adulation.
Because it would violate the NAP
>who is the demiurge?
>Oh my, why would God care for a lowly smuck like me! Wait, he created me... but I dun goofed and now I've got to play along with the game..wait, isn't he omnipotent, all seeing and good? Why won't he just, make everything right?
>puny man deciding that the god who created him is "not good"
I hate this meme. Epicurus is my favourite philosopher, and he gets paired with fedora-core "problem of evil" crap
>god created me
Thats sure gonna surprise the hell out of mom and dad
pretty sure it was attributed to him by a 4th or 5th century christian. i see no reason to doubt it more than the sayings attributed to anyone else
Victim complex is a very unattractive character trait. You should work on it.
if you had been created by Satan would you worship him?
God is a vain greedy wrathful hypocrite. If you believe God is real, and also think he's on your side you're a idiot.
If god is as powerful as the Bible says then it would take no effort whatsoever to end all suffering in the universe. But no, just because a couple of chucklefucks a few "thousand" years ago ate a fruit, all of humanity (who he allegedly loves SO much) is punished for it.
So God isn't actually a benevolent being?
>implying the world wasn't perfect when God made it and we screwed it up
>live for a span if 75-100 years
>universe is only visible from your perspective
>think you have the complete conception of life and reality as an omniscient god
Human hubris is pretty funny to me.
Now here's the question: am I referring to atheists or theists here?
Why would a creator entity only cater to humanity's happiness?
Are ants not His creation? Birds? Giraffes? Bacteria?
What makes humanity special? Because you can read?
If not in that instance then how about at the very least giving the multitude of predamned a measure of hope?
Well that's the idea, you accept your place under a god that personally care about the individual in a genuine real sense. Works for mass government. Works for mass religion, on those that lay themselves subservient, un informed, and unplacated for the duration of process of such to become informed, educated, peaceful, righteous, all those good and holy as noble pursuit.
both pretend to know something they don't
>implying that actually happened
>he thinks the entity that controls his immediate reality must be the absolute
Vishnu may very well be God.
>Inshot my brother when I was five because he wouldn't have a cookie and my parents left a loaded gun out and never bothered to teach us anything.
>they're great parents though
*>I shot my brother when I was five because he wouldn't let me have a cookie
Whew at least I got trips tho
OP's rhetorical point is that just because life is hard is no excuse to disbelieve in god. But in fact it's exactly the opposite of what he thinks he's so smart to conclude. He also thinks to little of humanity's concerns, and has too much humility, to the point of slave morality
the appropriate conclusion, given human historical traditions of god, is a sort of flowchart, which goes like this. If there's a genuinely benevolent god(s), fine, great, whatever. If god is an asshole, then the only genuinely moral approach to him is to reject him, even and especially in the case that he acts against you or yours. What does it matter if god's design has some greater good in purpose which requires that you be damned? Absolutely nothing, of course. To understand this is the beginning of wisdom, and to deny this is the beginning of a stupid humility which goes again to the slave morality.
And if there's no god at all, even better. A few other cases can be sketched, but we pass over these for the moment. The point is that in every case, god is to be rejected, and sophistry along the lines of the OP does not achieve what it believes that it achieves. In particular, historical adult normie sensibilities about religion as being basically good are also still false, because their "cultural necessity" does not prove the goodness of religion, but simply the fallibility of man insofar as he cannot do without his cults. This is exactly what general apologetics get wrong.
We can, should, must and will endeavor to become those beasts who can be at peace without religion.
>an all powerful being has to prioritize things
>A random existence appears
>Its God
>Proceeds to make science shit because of instant understanding
>Universe forms and shit
>Earth comes
>Humans start to pop up
Humans reach time where you think they should believe in you
>Zoroastrian appears
>Not effective
>Judaism Appears
>better,but not by much
>Christianity appears
>Islam Appears
>Years Later Being detected something wrong
>Some fucking faggot doubts existence because he didnt get his fucking one shekel
>starts athiesm
>Other faggots start to doubt existence because they believe God should fucking care about every problem
>Degeneracy and shit because of that
>erases own existence because of that dead meme and now god is truly dead
thats how i see it
Absolutely unironically goddamn right. This is one of the lemmas which is actually insuperable by theologians, because they too appeal to the unscientific and the sublime for their arguments. The difference being that our value system is genuinely better in that it more thorougly appeals to a logos.
The rules of observation include not interfering with the experiment in progress.
Exactly. If he has to prioritize some things over others, is he really all powerful?
Wow, its almost like he who creates consciousness is a total dick
>don't mind the man behind the curtain
>being unable to make a world where all creatures are happy
Pick one
Don't forget the part where they kicked you out of the house and disinherited you and your descendants.
That is the storyline to night fucktard
>Unless my sorry victim complex ass gets whatever I feel is just God isn't on my side
>universe is only visible from your perspective
>think you have the complete conception of life and reality as an omniscient god
Pretty much a strawman. Not everyone who accepts a religion feels their religion is infallible or that they know everything.
>>Degeneracy and shit because of that
>>erases own existence [because people don't worship him anymore and he has no mana regen because of that] and now god is truly dead
>meanwhile world is going to chaos because of degeneracy
>shit hits the fan
>people are desperate and turn to god once again
>because of massive influx of spiritual energy (prayers, offerings or mere calls for help) - mana regen is on again, god appears and eventually fixes things up
>things are going good
>>Years Later Being detected something wrong
>>Some fucking faggot doubts existence because he didnt get his fucking one shekel
and it all starts again
>sidestepping perfectly valid arguments because you strawman anyone who doesn't believe in Desert Goatherd Adventures Volume II as a le reddit neckbeard XD
We'll how ardent will your prayers become when shit hits the fan and you're suddenly out of your comfortable 1st world life you've become so accustomed throughout your entire existence to the point wher eyou start to demand things to be given to you
>me me me
Okay Gorr
If you adamantly believe a god exist then you are a genuine retard.
>be adam amd eve
>the guy who created us told us that we could eat from every tree but one and still live in paradise
>lmao fuck this shot I'm eating that
>what do you mean its my fault?
Says the one who can't spell.