Will the Anglo ever be punished for their crimes against humanity?
Will the Anglo ever be punished for their crimes against humanity?
Other urls found in this thread:
>For Great britain, all races and peoples are equal
such scathing wit, paesan
God is punishing the anglos as we speak
>bring civilization to humanity
>crimes against humanity
>le eternal anglo meme amirite xddddd
Fuck off.
>t. beady eyed anglo
>raping and enslaving millions
Nobody asked for your "civilization". You fucks dont even know whats good for yourselves, how can you have the unmitigated gall to presume to know what's good for everyone else?
No culture is ever punished for their misdeeds.
The Mongolians were never punished for their of Euros, The Middle East, and Asia.
The Arabs were never punished for their subjugation of African Christian Kingdoms.
The Africans were never punished for their domestic genocides and the selling of their own kind.
And The Euros will never be punished for their extortion of the known world for all its worth.
Historic Atrocities are nothing new, and by no means does any level of apologizing or blaming fix any of it. If you think one race is blameless in the grand scheme of things, you're blinding yourself, and if you think one is worse than another, you're trying to justify racism.
>inb4 oinky oinky
>inb4 different kinds of slavery
>inb4 not all muslims
>inb4 any more pseudo historical bullshit about "muh race" and "muh atrocities"
They are once again confined to their miserable little island, that is punishment enough.
By burning muslims in their sleep?
Sorry for making you speak our language ;)
What about the goodly merchants in your country? Do you decide what is best for them? If they wish to trade with the Anglo why shouldn't they? If your chieftain decides they are not allowed, isn't he breaking the non-aggression principle?
Isn't it ironic that the only thing that brought the anglo down was themselves?
Because the people with guns and ships are objectively superior to the pack of baboons who haven't even managed to invent the wheel yet.
their descendants got MANCHU'd
MONGOL'd so hard Baghdad literally never recovered
the continent that has been a basket case hell hole since decolonization?
WW1 and WW2 would like a word
Still waiting for that 'reality' desu
This,I don't like angcucks but other shitskins need to realize that they're simply lower then all euros,shit even memedonia has quite the contributions to civilization.Just accept it
>inb4 sumeria""
Researchers are still studying regions of Europe and have an extent to which have found very high culture in archeological finds with huge city states around 5000 bc.
bump for anglo shaming
as we all speak English
>The Mongolians were never punished for their of Euros
Literally the history of Mongolia from 1400s-1800s is being TURKICed, SLAVed, CHINKed, and MANCHUed.
Where does this contemporary minority of haters come from?
It seems to me that there has been something of a migration of users.
Or perhaps it's merely a consequence of our fairly recent vote to reclaim our own sovereignty.
>This,I don't like angcucks but other shitskins need to realize that they're simply lower then all euros,shit even memedonia has quite the contributions to civilization.Just accept it
>They are once again confined to their miserable little island, that is punishment enough.
they still own part of Argentina
it makes the Argies get Argie from time to time
Incas were superior than europeans, buddy.
Not even close sweetie now run along spicims
Not even a snownigger but nice try mudcuck
Not an argument.
They were superior anyway.
Where are you from pal?
I think he is an australian, and I was going to ask him the same thing.
>talking shit about anglos
He sounds like a typical balkan/east euro nigger to me
No they weren't I don't need an argument to baboons
How am I talking shit about anglos I defended you cucks earlier in the thread I'm welsh/Sardinian.What are you btw?
I'm your American overlord who else
The Anglo is getting weaker by the day.in a few decades he will have brought upon himself the punishment he deserves.his fate is to be colonised and divided like he did to the peoples around the world
> mfw anglo become extinct
> humanity
Nice meme but Anglos are also human
>Butthurt colonial savages
>Jealous continentals
>The Eternal Anglo using the whole situation to have banter once again
>t. heritagless mutts
Wew. Almost took you guys serious there haha.
>Nobody asked for your "civilization"
That's the whole point of colonialism you moron, you don't get a choice.
>That's the whole point of colonialism you moron, you don't get a choice
Then don't call it 'civilization' you dumb bong. Just say what it is.
t.larping abo aussie
Nice try
Are we trying all races for their crimes or just white people?
Because if we didn't try all races for their crimes that would be...
It's funny because """minoritys"""" lump all whites with anglos like literally all of Europe
Why not?
A taste of civilization was a by-product of their being under our yoke.
They were lucky we gave them the pity we did desu senpai.
Was South Africa the hardest "country" in Africa to take for England which one was the most difficult
Probably not
You're alright. Don't be white the next half century
Plenty of powerful WASPS in America and we rule the world.
T. Rich Northeastern Anglo American who went to an Ivy on a 4 generation legacy
Just a matter of time Nigel
Pay for what?
Inventing accountable democratic government and rule of law?
Civilising half the world.
Repelling Russian, French, and German runs at hegemony multiple times?
Building rail ways , dams, and pipelines all over the world?
this one is an anthropophagus ajskajsakj
>ooga booga I don't need arguments
>I'm american
Why am I not surprised?
Showing off "european" (((superiority))). Nice!
It is important to remember that when one accuses the Anglo of crimes that he did to one's people, the Anglo, smiles slyly and either plays dumb or just cynically admit it, saying "might makes right".
Of course after hundreds of years of complete rape of the world, people have wisened up. Recently there was an Indian intellectual who said that India did not need a snivelling post-Brexit Britain as a trade partner unless they paid reparations in advance and returned all stolen Indian artifacts housed in the British Museum back to India.
This is the only way to deal with the Anglo, to treat him with contempt when he is weak, or he will be up again to his old wicked tricks once more.