This thread is for the discussion of black history and culture. Feel free to input anything you like.
This thread is for the discussion of black history and culture. Feel free to input anything you like
>tfw white kids keep trying to tell me the Egyptians weren't black
I just got back my 23andme test and it said i was 75% Egyptian.
Uh this is a trap but things I'm up for talking about
-History of African agriculture and subsistence
-Eastern African and the wider Indian Ocean World
-Skillset of Enslaved Africans in the New World
-Fabric and fashion in Africa and it's effects globally
-The Neolithic Subpluvial
Anyways shoot questions if this pertains to them.
False flagging
Is Hulk Hogan an honorary black man?
What about Ric Flair?
Bump for answers.
>black culture
Is it true that the Islamic world enslaved large numbers of black people but castrated most of them - hence no black people in the Middle east or is that just pol talk?
Should Eritrea be an independent country?
Why does Somalia seem to be uniquely unstable and chaotic?
AIDS and slavery
Doesn't matter they are now
Somalia was never a unified state, it was a series of small port kingdoms with large amounts of land held, controlled and fought over by herder clans.
>Doesn't matter they are now
Unless of course one wants to learn on a board that discusses history.
>Somalia was never a unified state, it was a series of small port kingdoms with large amounts of land held, controlled and fought over by herder clans.
Is that all that unique though? almost all the sub Saharan borders were imposed and not organic yet they dont have the same magnitude of problems.
People decided they wanted autonomy and they got it, enough said.
Somali Clan systems and history, read about them because they aren't like those found in Sub Saharan Africa.
Somalia's main issue is less tribal and more religious. Nationalism and Barre mostly killed tribalism.
European slavers and oppressors getting decisively btfo
>People decided they wanted autonomy and they got it, enough said.
I was hoping that you or another user might be able to shed some light on the matter regarding the nature of the movement ie its historical origins, whether it was tied to certain individuals or resources and why it was such a long a violent affair ect.
>Somali Clan systems and history
Any feature in particular that stand out?
Is this the most successful slave rebellion in history?
Yes, and one of the sad ironies is that it is also one of capitals of slavery in the modern day with just over 2% of its population being enslaved.
What's even funnier is that they would be better off if they stayed under France.
Which would have probably happened had Napoleon not decided to reinstitute slavery there by force
There is one thing to asking very specific questions with some knowledge on a topic through personal research and then there is just being lazy and not taking cursory steps to atleast try and get it before asking.
United States has one of the highest slave populations on earth
Thanks for making me laugh. You are cute, negroboy.
>There is one thing to asking very specific questions
I dont think you get the idea of a general then. Would you at least recommend some resources on the matter?
> being lazy
Tad hypocritical coming form someone who thinks questions on why some groups obtained independence and others did not does not matter.
It's a discussion "the action or process of talking about something, typically in order to reach a decision or to exchange ideas." It implies two or more parties having some grasp of the topic and talking about it.
Asking the validaty of Independence rather than taking three minutes to read the meaning of Independence and waiting possibly hours for a responses that's not "lol niggers WE" is lazy.
My not acknowledging your misguided question is just conserving my time and redirecting what you're asking to do the base work yourself.
People are so lazy on here regarding African history and want to be spoon-fed instead of say googling "Somali clans" and going into Google books for a governmental or NGO history of it
What are Somalia's Development Perspectives?: Science Between Resignation and Hope? : Proceedings of the 6th SSIA Congress, Berlin 6-9 December 1996
>United States has one of the highest slave populations on earth
What does the state of the US (whose foundation was based on protecting the wealth of the landed elite) got to do with the irony of a a country whose foundation was the abolition of slavery re-enslaving its own population and continuing to suffer from that problem (all the mors?
It gets even worse when you realise that the re-enslavement began over two decades **before** the French started bullying the Hatians into making those ludicrous payments and continues to be a serious problem even after the French canceled the debt.
The United States Constitution is based on all men being created equal yet slavery persisted two centuries.
Idealism and economic reality collide often and your surprised?
Also the rulers were all descendants of the Haitian mixed race who had their own revolt to be given equal footing as white men. They never wanted equality of races they wanted equity with whites to exercise power over blacks.
There is no such thing as 'black'
>Asking the validaty of Independence rather than taking three minutes to read the meaning of Independence and waiting possibly hours for a responses that's not "lol niggers WE" is lazy.
Ive studied other African Independence movements, Eritrea is one that I have not and I was hoping that if there was an user knowledgeable about it we could compare and contrast.
>People are so lazy on here regarding African history and want to be spoon-fed instead
Would it have flustered your fanny less If instead I posted "to what extent are the ethnic/tribal problems afflicting Somalia simmilar to those of the Shona Matabele divide in Zimbabwe"
>What are Somalia's Development Perspectives?: Science Between Resignation and Hope? : Proceedings of the 6th SSIA Congress, Berlin 6-9 December 1996
Was that so painful? Have you not noticed that the generals that last more than a week tend to have helpful links and readings in the OP?
Make an effort and do cursory reading before asking basic questions
>Is it true that the Islamic world enslaved large numbers of black people but castrated most of them - hence no black people in the Middle east or is that just pol talk?
Yes and No. Most of the Africans enslaved by Arabs were East African women, while most of the Africans enslaved by the West were West African men. Yes, the African slaves were castrated for the most part, but they still affect modern day arabs a ton because lots of them descend from Arabs who had East African concubines
Why, after all these years, is the U.S. still accepting of white supremacy?
>The United States Constitution is based on all men being created equal yet slavery persisted two centuries.
The founding fathers didnt make any attempts to end slavery indeed they comprised their values to support it. Freeing slaves was never a key rallying point or cause in their independence movement unlike in Haiti where it was the opposite. They didnt go around telling slaves that they were fighting the British to end slavery.
You dont get that same cynical betrayal like you do in Haiti.
>Idealism and economic reality collide often and your surprised?
Where did I say I was surprised? Only that it was ironic that the only successful slave rebellion turned around quickly and **unnecessarily** and re enslaved its population despite promising them the opposite.
People don't go against their interests if they have no other options.
Factory, mining and other blue collar fields can all easily be replaced they will be more conservative against immigration, affirmative action and automation.
Professionals are always needed in cities and other nations and most people will never have the access to get the education necessary to reach those positions thus professionals "urban liberal elite" will not have the same scarcity mindset that goes hand in hand into white bias economics.
They're still racist though, just manifests differently.
Im guessing you arent the user in then?
wtf this isn't a school get out teacher
If you're white, you're racist. Best to just accept it and get on with your life.
>Louis Cain, a former slave, describes seeing another slave punished: "One nigger run to the woods to be a jungle nigger, but massa cotched him with the dog and took a hot iron and brands him. Then he put a bell on him, in a wooden frame what slip over the shoulders and under the arms. He made that nigger wear the bell a year and took it off on Christmas for a present to him. It sho' did make a good nigger out of him."
Isn't it racist to assume someone is racist solely because of their skin colour?
So diverse!
Seriously though, is this widespread in bongobongoland?
>In July 1825, King Charles X of France, during a period of restoration of the monarchy, sent a fleet to reconquer the island. Under pressure, President Boyer agreed to a treaty by which France formally recognized the independence of the nation in exchange for a payment of 150 million francs (reduced to 90 million in 1838). The Haitian president would have had little choice as the country, unknowingly to him, would have been blockaded by French ships if the exchange did not go the French way. After losing the support of Haiti's elite, Boyer was ousted in 1843. A long succession of coups followed his departure to exile.
>The enforced payment to France reduced Haiti's economy for years. Western nations did not give Haiti formal diplomatic recognition. Both of these problems kept the Haitian economy and society isolated. Expatriates bankrolled and armed opposing groups.
>niggers consider this a success
"The Niggerati was the name used, with deliberate irony, by Wallace Thurman for the group of young African American artists and intellectuals of the Harlem Renaissance. "Niggerati" is a portmanteau of "nigger" and "literati". The rooming house where he lived, and where that group often met, was similarly christened Niggerati Manor. The group included Zora Neale Hurston, Langston Hughes, and several of the people behind Thurman's journal FIRE!! (which lasted for one issue in 1926), such as Richard Bruce Nugent (the associate editor of the journal), Jonathan Davis, Gwendolyn Bennett, and Aaron Douglas.[1][2]
At a time when sexism and homophobia were common, and when the African American bourgeoisie sought to distance itself from the slavery of the past and seek social equality and racial integration, the Niggerati themselves appeared to be relatively comfortable with their diversity of gender, skin colour, and background. After producing FIRE!!, which failed because of a lack of funding, Thurman persuaded the Niggerati to produce another magazine, Harlem. This, too, lasted only a single issue.[1]"
I just find "Niggerati" a lulzy term.
Requesting a quick rundown on South Sudan
This could have been a good thread but then /pol/ came.
Start enforcing the rules, mods.
>Sudan = Muslim Arab, South Sudan = Christian black African
>Sudanese gov starts applying pressure on the South (where all the oil and good farmland is)
>send in the army
>SS gets pissed, rebels
>big war ensues with SS finally gaining independence
>after electing a Somalia-tier gov, immediately collapse into warlordism
Typical African story desu
All I'm seeing is a couple of people larping/falseflagging as black supremacists and everyone else responding in kind.
>-Skillset of Enslaved Africans in the New World
Like what? I'm genuinely curious. I'm swedish and I've never thought about it
Not him but they did invent a fair amount of things as slaves which is pretty fucking impressive
>having history
>having culture
Isn't it funny how Americans (doesn't matter if black or white). Have to "we wuz" cultures and history they where no part of (for at least 2 centuries), and even worse generalize it, by saying things such as Southern Europe is the same as Central Europe, and or ancient Egyptians are the same as Kongolese or Somali
mudslimes enslaved more blacks for longer. Nigger men, women and children. In fact, whites bought blacks from Muslim the trade was so prolific.
[Source Needed]
Fuck off or contribute.
Did haiti ever have a chance to make it? I've heard that the polish of all people helped them out even during the revolution but what happened after?
Well they were once Africans that lived in jungles that got caught and shipped to an Island. They rejected european civilization and they just went back to their normal jungle behaviour before they were slaves.
>affect modern day arabs a ton because lots of them descend from Arabs who had East African concubines
why did the Islamic Golden Age end
Didn't they try modeling their republic after france?
What exactly are you asking for OP?
There's plenty of topics to discuss concerning North Africa and the Horn of Africa but I'm having a hard time thinking of any Sub-Saharan (which I'm thinking is what you're really asking for) outside of the Zulu, who weren't as advanced as the North Africans, and the mysterious Nok civilization.
Pretty sure Arabs had West African slaves too?
>Did haiti ever have a chance to make it?
Depends what you mean by make it, they never would have been first world however they could have been much better. One of the big issues was that firstly huge political corruption and an Army whose main function was periodically overthrowing the government.
The second and probably most important issue was the decline in the value of raw sugar. The high value of sugar meant historically Haiti was one of if not he most valuable colony in the the New World (more so than all the 13 states) however around the post independence period production had picked right up and in order to be profitable it had to be made into secondary goods to be very profitable (see Jamaica - another sugar colony - which transaitioned to Rum and molasses to keep sugar profitable). Haiti with its instability and corruption failed to transition appropriately and coupled with Frances demands sunk deeper into poverty, corruption and predation by foreign powers
Best case scenario would be Haiti being kind of like Venezuela
I don't think you can say that anymore, it's now the democratic republic of bongobongo.
A lot of West/Sub Saharan empires seem to be empires of dust, once really rich and prosperous but it's heyday came and went.
>niggas hittin licks but cant stay hot
They did, but every time someone brings it up someone else shouts that Arab slavery wasn't as bad, even though for the most part it was straight up sex slavery.
Cry more you spastic monkey.
How did the Ethiopians manage to BTFO the Italians?
European support, Italians being a relatively poor nation and some bad decisions on the Italian part.