Ok anons , how the hell did they build it? Do you think wed ever be able to pull off a similar feat?

Ok anons , how the hell did they build it? Do you think wed ever be able to pull off a similar feat?

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Using water shaft to lift stones and laborers and engineers to do the planning and structuring.

It's not even that nice honestly. Look how uneven it is. I don't see why African-Americans are so proud of it.

You retarded subhuman, that was the original covering

Shhh, don't tell him, you will ruin his /x/ fantasies.
But really op, stop watching history channel crap. There are several good explainions about the pyramids that make perfect snese

What a fucking waste of time it was.

>Do you think wed ever be able to pull off a similar feat?
You do realize there are over 113 buildings in New York over 600 feet? And one World Trade Center is 1776 feet? The pyramid is only 455 feet

Kind of like my life

height isn't what's amazing about it m8

we could easily build a pyramid today that shits on them in every single way possible
we don't do it because there's no reason for it, they're inherently impractical constructions good for nothing but looking at

Well what is?
If it's their overall size then there are many constructions that match or exceed their volume. If it's their aesthetics then that's a personal assessment that's hard to qualify, but the answer is still yes. If it's the fact that they were built by (comparatively) primitive people, then no, we can't do that today because we're more advanced now.

then what happened to it then, smart guy? obviously weren't that advanced if they didn't make it well enough to last

jewish engineers, read the bible heathen

There's a retired construction worker who has done experiments moving heavy objects with ancient methods, and he proved that one doesn't need modern tech to move large stones. Let me see if I can find the video on youtube. I think he was looking at stonehenge, but similar principle.

Here we go.

Entire conspiracy community = BTFO


based Wally Wallington

>We don't do it
Speak for yourself.

>/pol/ack is insecure about a 5000 years old structure

Why do they ruin other boards?

We don't know.

One of them even has 8 sides only visible during solstice.

Wally "the Wall" Wallington

A lot of slaves

It was stolen, tore apart brick by brick. They didn't build it for a day where the people will be illiterate mongrel savages

Most historians agree that the builders of the Pyramids were paid skilled workers whose quarters was built near the pyramids and a large amount of them are also buried nearby with burial gifts, there's alot of murals detailing their daily lives and the pledges to pay and feed them and even the exact daily quota of cattle that was given to them.


Well isn't that point.

WE CAN'T BUILD IT AND NEVER WILL. Because we are too materialistic, we have no transcendent spirituality that warrants such a devotional sacrifice of time and labour to religious pursuits.

That's why everything we build now, while large in scale is glass and temporary in nature, we are transient and nomadic people who seem to only care about economics and our developments will not survive down the ages.

>Ok anons , how the hell did they build it?

1: Take rock
2: put on other rock
3: repeat

>Do you think wed ever be able to pull off a similar feat?

Nigger, we pull off feats of engineering that surpass the pyramids literally every single day. We don't build more pyramids because they're useless, not because we don't know how.


All Pyramids Have 16 Simultaneous Sides
Rotate In Same 24 Hours Of Earth

Autist detected

bait or not bait?

He's either a troll, in which case there's nothing to be gained from engaging him, or, he's a nutcase, in which case there's nothing to be gained from engaging him.

No, he's neither of those things. He's a hopeless romantic instead. Maybe a bit of the latter.


Funny, isn't it?