What's your biggest crypto fuckup, Veeky Forums?
What's your biggest crypto fuckup, Veeky Forums?
switching btc to usdt on august 1. I'm happy for everyone who didn't fall for the meme, but I really fucking hope it drops so I can get back in
Never done a dgb tier fuck up though
Sending 1 BTC to beggar in a /b/ thread back in 2012
>fell for the tether meme
Are you dumb? Do the opposite of what biz says or don't listen to them at all. Take everything on here with a grain of salt cause the majority are under the age of 24 and fucking retarded.
I wanted to invest 600 euros into an alt coin. I was considering UBIQ and... ANS. Yeah when it was dirt cheap.
You guessed it: I went for UBIQ. Exactly one week later, ANS mooned to heavens and UBIQ is still going nowhere..
It's not so bad as I managed to catch the ANS rocket pretty early afterward but still, to this day I try to not think too much about how much money I would have made with a different choice..
I don't want to say because I still think it could come back up and don't want to scare people.
PTOY is mooning right now. They have a big announcement coming out.
Welp I guess you fucked up then.
do opposite of what biz says
OMG, that Twitter account was -erm- ''suspended''.
how many BTC did actually Gary pay?
cute bear
>put $700 on zencash
Good lesson tho about not falling for shills.
I tried participating in one of those stupid Telegram pump & dump groups.
Of course, I was dumped on.
putting my entire life savings into ETH at $400
me too at $415. Not larping. only took a couple months but I'm only down 12% now
okay, fasten seatbelts:
>me, brandnew noob into cryptocurrency
>spend 30 bucks into ETH
>just at the right time
>made it 65 bucks, from one day to the other
>whoop whoop!
>"lets have a closer look at this cryptosomething..."
>find out about IOTA, read whitepaper and so on
>it will be listed soon at bitfinex
>create account at bitfinex
>all in at IOTA while it is .64
>"this totally will rise, i'm sure"
>IOTA going down to .28
>so i just made 65 bucks into 20
>find out about PnD
>join telegram groups posted on Veeky Forums
>"cmon goy, easy money, trust us..."
>run right in into the first scam i see
>made 20 bucks into 5
hard learning courve.
i was sitting on this 5 bucks for weeks, while lurking on Veeky Forums, trying to make any gains with it and losing trust in anything, especially myself.
now i made this $5 into $25, so i am doing good.
Yah, 25 bucks, how pathetic... i'm so sorry for not living in a first world country where i can mow my neigbors lawn and make this in a hour, because my neighbors got killed and their "garden" is a minefield.
but some day i will get out of this shitpit, the first step is made.
Selling off 343 ETH at $5
>Went with XMR instead of ETH in Jan 2017.
>Currently have a margin trade 11.5BTC in the red, been trading myself out of it with a fairly good success. Was 15BTC earlier this week.
>Yah, 25 bucks, how pathetic... i'm so sorry for not living in a first world country where i can mow my neigbors lawn and make this in a hour, because my neighbors got killed and their "garden" is a minefield.
jesus i laughed for like a minute
>gets scammed by telegram pajeets
>the only reason i am poor is because i live in a war zone
>i'm so sorry for not living in a first world country where i can mow my neigbors lawn and make this in a hour, because my neighbors got killed and their "garden" is a minefield.
>but some day i will get out of this shitpit
best of wishes, user. i do think crypto has the most to offer for still developing world economies. there is still plenty of demand ahead, there will be more future booms.
Buy $MSP since ICO. Currently have 15000msp and I cant get out.
Please help
Didn't sell everything when I made nearly a 3x profit.
Now I'm sitting on a 1.5x profit.
Shit man xmr is buy and hold, not margin even long.
It was two different fuckups.
The margin trade isn't in XMR.
If I went into ETH instead of XMR in Jan. 2017, I would have made 200K.
Went I bought in, XMR was actually more expensive than ETH.
Still holding that XMR though, and it's 300% up.
pro tip: if your american neighbour offers you a lawnmowing job for 5 bucks, reject it, it's way too low
Went all in BCH at 0.24. I have trouble sleeping
bought MYST at $3.90
going to be holding these bags until 2020 at least
I tried to buy like 10btc but was short a couple $ in my bank account so coinbase rejected it in 2015, so I just gave up
>What's your biggest crypto fuckup, Veeky Forums?
being a nobeaner
Selling Bitbean at 30 Satoshi and buying Ark for like a dollar, still think Ark is gonna moon thou.
Buying Kurrent after falling for the Steemit "research" thankfullly didn't lose out on much
>Bought BTS mid-moon at 3am in June
>Went to sleep
>My holdings went up 60% in 3 hours
>and dropped 90% in another 4
Never playing shitcoins while I sleep ever again
took way to long to buy coins because "I wanted to do more research before I buy something" wasted 2 months like this not buying when everything went to the moon, bought eth at 350 thinking it was the "dip". Turns out it was the dip of a fucking big correction
good luck user - I hope you make it
bought XVG and RDD at 11-13 sats.
Sold most of it around 40-50 sats not thinking it could go any higher. Could have made about 4-5 grand off each. Luckily still have 250k tokens of each, but could have had so much more if I were patient.
Also only invested 500 into eth when it was 30 dollars. I knew about it since it was 8 dollars last summer, but never pulled the trigger.
Since I didnt follow ANS, how much would you have made?
>dgb tier fuck up
i know that DGB is the biggest known dip to this board but this coind made me some incredible money, other anons made huge gains too
it's just that people are to stupid for crypto no matter the coin
sometimes you just have to drop your bags and walk away, a coin won't zig zag for days
Your mother grandma
None, he claimed right before he suspended his account that "BTC-E stole all my digital assets."
Considered buying 2k € worth of OMG at ATL. After it mooned for the first time I was hoping it was just a P&D and go back.
Now I cry every time it moons but am still too proud/greedy/anxious to buy some...