NEOBNT token changer

NEOBNT token changer

Read responses.

I dont understand is this good or bad ?

2 scams forming an alliance. Wow

Depends on your view of bancor

>NEO with Bancor


Explain in mongoloid terms

Deja-fucking-vu. I know I've read the exact responses before.

Send NEO to NEOBNT smart contract and receive BNT.

Send BNT to NEOBNT smart contract and receive NEO.

So trade without an exchange using cross blockchain smart contract.


Sell the ";)"



Holy shit it's real guys

Is ";)" rumor or news?

(( ;) ))

Ayo, way a minn...

So you sayin' that we now have a scam (NEO) built into a scam (Bancor) built into a scam (Ethereum)?


this validates my reasons to buy bancor. Don't listen to the trolls these are both great tokens which imo.. will moon BIG LEAGUE

I still believe 90% of BNT FUD is accumulating LARP

Meh I like Neo but I'd rather have them minimally involved with the likes of bancor


lol there are a LOT of reasons to dislike Bancor.

-very centralized and shady
-abysmal token performance
-for some : run by jews
-has the most obnoxious army of shills of Veeky Forums who spam the board daily with dozens of stupid threads.

I would argue they are the most entertaining shills since all you poltards get fucking emotional everytime seeing a bancor thread.

>muh dezentralisation
>will change soon and it will be so fun spamming screencaps of poltards
>see above
>see above

Hi I bought BNT after being shilled. I don't own NEO. Is this good for Bancor??? Please respond thanks u

I am not saying bancor is good or bad. But it CAN NOT MOON because of the way it works. No, there is no way possible it just can't. Do some more research if you do not believe me

Hi u sound dumb. Why can would a coin not go higher value??? Why would coin be on sale if can't get higher? Why even have on markets then? Plz help me understand thank you

Stop thinking we mean moon in the pump and dump way. If lot's of people buy through the smart contract it can rise.

I might just have to buy some bancs because of this!

No, likely dynamic.

news ;)

Eth was shilled here like crazy at $5, don't be mad when you miss this plane too.

yes because you can exchange your soon to be useless bnt for the next eth #future

How would this be possible? Ants isn't an eth based coin, is it?

Cross blockchain made possible by cosmos I think

Exactly but a lot of people are misinformed thinking it will moon. It can have steady gains, but will never moon.

It can rise in value but not in quick spikes like all other coins. The more people buy this coin the more coins there will be made and the more they will be worth. (Confusing I know) But it will never moon because there is an unlimited supply of Bancor to be bought so supply and demand does not exists with Bancor.

The more BNT that exists the more it's worth

Explain this

Cross-chain asset exchange agreement:

NeoX has been extended on existing double-stranded atomic asset exchange protocols to allow multiple participants to exchange assets across different chains and to ensure that all steps in the entire transaction process succeed or fail together. In order to achieve this function, we need to use NeoContract function to create a contract account for each participant. If other blockchains are not compatible with NeoContract, they can be compatible with NeoX as long as they can provide simple smart contract functionality.

World coin index finally updated their shit

>straight forward question from a nobody
>stupid emoji response

this is not news, this is nothing

am i wrong or do they have 0 token changers right now? why should i give a fuck unless i see official confirmation they are releasing x on x date?

and what about the other 200 coins that get shilled here and die?

fucking cherrypicking retard

Fractional reserve

$25 by midnight?

Just sold. Gonna buy back in for 300k.

not happening, bro

neo is fucking partnered with bancor you retard.
also bancor aims for going cross chain with help of cosmos

kikes of Bancor

point out to where i doubted any partnerships? i've followed bnt very closely, i was in the fucking ico. their partnership isn't the question, the question is the IMMEDIACY of the tokenchanger's release. do you just buy coins at marketprice whenever you see a random tweet?

learn to read you piece of shit


>Bought 1000 neo



brainlet here, could you explain?