If culture is ultimately tied to a person's economic status, then how is welfare and increased social outreach NOT the solution?
If culture is ultimately tied to a person's economic status...
What the fuck Veeky Forums?
Because there is no commodity or service that can be profited off of.
that chick looks finnish as fuck
>tfw I spent too many years masturbating on young girls' photos
Because then the lines between people of economic status will be blurred, and the higher classes will be more influenced by low culture.
>If culture is ultimately tied to a person's economic status
I'm terribly confused. Are you referring to historic materialism or something?
>not the solution
Because welfare in America is dysgenic.
Let's call welfare recipient A...LaQuisha.
LaQuisha applies for welfare because DeShaun pumped her with baby making juice. And now she has no job and a baby. Unfortunately DeShaun is locked in for 15 years for raping a 17 year old schoolgirl of another race.
But that's no problem for LaQuisha! The government is glad to be big daddy via the welfare office. A certain political party is also happy that there's one more guaranteed vote on the roster!
Now LaQuisha is doing her nails with her other gurls. They tell her "Hey, they give you more money if you have a baby!". So LaQuisha lets DeShaun's brothers, Tryone, Tyrell, and TimeWarp, gangbang her. Now she has another kid waiting interim and she can collect more money.
Rinse and repeat. Majority of black communities are pre-apocalyptic.
Now in Scandinavia, a different type of homogeneous society exists and they actually use welfare as a sensible safety measure. Although immigrants have been mucking that up the past decade.
So you have low-investment parents being rewarded for having children who will have the same mindset. Meanwhile middle class whites slave wage so LaQuisha can get her perms.
>But more white than black on welfare...
In absolute numbers? Sure. In relation to percentage of population? Ha ha ha
go back to /pol/
Okay, tell me a different story about why black communities are fucked.
I'm sure you've been homeless and you've seen what shine these gems of humanity exude.
PS: I've been homeless and on welfare you twat. Welfare is horrible when it encourages vicious cycles.
>If culture is ultimately tied to a person's economic status
But... it's not?
Leftists need to understand that humans are not automatons without a personality or agency, and that environmental conditions are not the causal factor of every single behavioral trait.
>A certain political party is also happy that there's one more guaranteed vote on the roster!
It seems to me that the kind of people you describe, LaQuisha and her kids, are also the kind of people who are unlikely to actually go vote on election day.
They're paid and bused to voting stations.
But it's not in their interest. You can throw money at "culture". You can't throw money at the structure of DNA and genetics. Or at least in the same way they throw money at public schools and throw money at social services.
Unless you have voting machines that canvass areas and explain to them that support of a single party means support for her kids.
Of course they wouldn't go on their own initiative. But that's why you have rank and file political operatives to search for votes.
There's a reason Democrats have had the black majority vote for the past half century or so.
>But it's not in their interest
But it is, insofar as it's their tax dollars going to pay these worthless programs.
I often wonder how to break the leftist (read: cultural marxist) stranglehold on public opinion. It's crazy how many of the ideas which would be considered radical a generation ago (criminals act that way not because of moral deficiencies, but because of economic factors, for instance) are today accepted by mostly everyone.
Because it's better to be posturing as Lucifer than to posture as the God of Order.
Or in another metaphor, it's better to posture as a nurturing mother as opposed to a calculating father.
Not only that but you have vast amounts of people in charge of policy who will never face the blowback from the consequences of said policies.
It's alright to force new housing developments to build a portion for low-income residents. But the people who enact that live in gated communities.
One of the major problems of society is equipping decision makers with tools without placing on them the burden of the outcomes they create. As long as you keep the pensions sending checks to everyone, the assholes on top of the ponzi scheme can be oblivious assholes.
Nobody will ever take responsiblit
I think we can all agree that being poor isn't the critical component for someone turning to crime, since the biggest criminals are extremely rich.
>since the biggest criminals are extremely rich.
No they aren't?
>If x is tied to y
But that's wrong
Well it is true though. If you moralize crime, you are basically telling them to live in a life of poverty with no hope of escape or betterment, because its the moral thing to do. Meanwhile, they are bombarded by ads, music videos, and movies, showing lifestyles and opportunities that will always be beyond their legitimate reach. What do you think they will do? The majority are hypnotized by daytime TV and are paid off enough to keep them in their homes and lazy. The small minority, being enterprising individuals, will try to make money however they can.
>If you moralize crime, you are basically telling them to live in a life of poverty with no hope of escape or betterment
Or you know, improve your life through legal means, like getting an education and a good job.
Fucking idiot.
Are you implying people in poverty have the means and opportunities to get a good job and education?
It is the solution though. Just that other issues nullify it or those social outreach and welfare programs are ineffectively implementented or gutted overtime
>Woe is me I'm truly an authority in this shit because I was poor.
In most industrialized countries, yes.
You must understand, poverty isn't just a material state of affairs, it's a level of cultural and psychological development.
You can't address poverty without addressing the underlying problems, which generally involve family structure and performance within educational systems.
>culture is ultimately tied to a person's economic status
stopped reading here
Can't tell if bolshevik or /pol/.
Not that user but
The one thing they agree on.
As opposed to...you?
Tell me, what is your great authority on this subject? Why don't you walk into a welfare office in downtown Los Angeles and tell me what it's really all about.
Once again, tell me a different story about why black communities in America are mostly fucked. Do you think getting drops of white guilt from a towel would do anything to improve the desolate material, cultural, and material environment they exist in?
The government pays black women to mess around with a class of institutionalized life-long criminal and it pays, on behalf of, the child support of said women. This sort of setup is available to anyone but not to the per person ratio of blacks.
>family structure
Which is the primary reason why I think most black majority communities are beyond "saving". The vicious cycle of welfare has enabled a catastrophe. And the spectacular means of resistance are a fucking joke.
When I was a kid, I thought most adults had some sense of responsibility. Now I think most of them are pieces of shit who play monkey social games 99% of the time.
Is there a term for being tragically disappointed with a society?
>Is there a term for being tragically disappointed with a society?
blackpilled, no pun intended
Here's hoping nobody needs it.