Are trannies allowed in Islam?
Is a MtF tranny allow to get married to a guy?
In my opinion it is because gender dysphoria is real and sex change operations merely help clarify the creation of Allah.
Transexuals in Islam
In Quran - no, In Islam - depend on country.
The quran has no say in this because hormones and sex change operations didn't exist back then.
This belongs to /lgbt/ you dumb fag
Most Muslims think Gays should be killed, but only a few countries carry it out, saudi and iran is medically classifying homosexuality as a severe mental illness though and they have a legal procedure where you apply to a state-funded HRT and transformation
There's no Quranic evidence that gays should be killed btw, there's not even quranic evidence that says homosexuality makes someone a great sinner, only that its a great sin. The "kill gays" is probably a later meme, there's a few obscure hadith saying Muhammad let a feminine fuckboy sit with his wives because he was girly and it didn't matter.
>Most Muslims think Gays should be killed
"some" maybe, but not most
I live in Saudi Arabia
Just because you're a retarded leftists living with docile muslims in the west doesn't mean most of them are like that. I would be killed if I found out in my country and there was a bunch of evidence proving I'm gay.
You are gay.
Awh shit, i should've figured, you live in the cesspool of Wahhabism.
it's not just western Muslims that are sane, it's every Muslim except for you gulf nutcases
maybe you should take a look at the outside Muslim world aka any Muslim country that isn't in the gulf, and see that we don't crucify people for writing poetry or execute them because they're mentally ill faggots
fags and trannies need treatment to get back normal, not a sword to the throat, this is something most people would agree on
I was watching a street lynching of a faggot in morocco the other day, so there's that. Most muslims are barbaric, and I'm pretty sure 2-4 more attacks by retarded muslims in the west are gonna force sanctions and heavy profiling and screening of any muslims going over there, that's gonna be good for me since I'm also a closet atheist.
Fuck you and fuck your god.
Yeah you just outed yourself, you ain't saudi.
hey shitters there's nothing gay about trannies that have damaged bodies from birth and need sex change operations to pick the gender they feel the closest to.
Gays are another matter of a 100% male guy with a male body simply wanting to get laid with other men.
God is greater
Southeast Asian Muslims don't mind.
But this seems to be a holdover from their Hindu-influenced past, where trannies were a thing,
If a gay guy, who's otherwise a guy who works 9-5, suddenly had all of superman's powers, why shouldn't he incinerate every Muslim on the face of the planet? They would do the same to him, continue to do it, and would kill every single gay person they could- given the opportunity. Their only justification is that some guy wrote it down a thousand years ago; that's basically it. Some dude, just claimed that God gave him permission to murder certain groups of people, and murder anyone who disagrees with them. They have no actual proof.
Given that, they're just self-righteous murderers, who, if they wrote the same thing down themselves, and then did the same deeds (ie god gave me permission to murder those people over there), would be declared clinically insane; then why should he show them any mercy at all?
If Muslims as a group feel/think they are justified in killing every gay they come across, why wouldn't one gay be justified in incinerating 1.6 Billion Muslims, who, if they are completely genuine in their belief in islam, would kill him if the opportunity presented itself?
>If a gay guy, who's otherwise a guy who works 9-5, suddenly had all of superman's powers
Imagine what great deeds a muslim would do with those powers.
Far greater deeds than that gay guy
That's the crux of the issue isn't it.
Islam doesn't say just kill a gay guy.
Islam says kill the gays that are having gay sex
>we have Ancient Greek philosophers writings on trannies
>but Islam doesn't cover it
>>we have Ancient Greek philosophers writings on trannies
who cares what pagans think.
At least islam is relevant
In Islam, it is forbidden for males to imitate females and vice versa, so I'm pretty sure that transsexuality is a no-no, although Iranians seem to disagree with this for some reasons.
I think Iran does allow it, but I think they do demand that you completely change.
There's probably alot of gays that do this so they can get with other males. Nothing wrong with that though.
I believe all gays should change. That's the only thing that can explain homosexuality
>Quran is a timeless universal message
I hope you will be beheaded, you subhuman degenerate
good thing I won't you mudslime sack of shit.
Allah isn't real, stop believing in fairy tales in 2017, Islam is built around continuing its own existence and preventing people from leaving it you dumb fucktard.
You saudis have been american allies since 1933 anyway. You're white bootlickers and messed up the muslim world. It's all your fault
the gay guy will conquer the world and set up a dictatorship and demand everyone be nice to each other under penalty of death by snu snu. Its a stern, fair setup. After having conquered the world, I'll act flamboyant and feminine as fuck and the entire concept of masculinity will be destroyed by my new masterrace of fuckbois making masculinity obsolete which wont matter since robots will be doing everything and women will be taken care of as necessary to the race naturally. Straight men will essentially be mindless dicks to be used and tossed out by society, to grovel for pussy until the end of time whilst feminine fuckbois live in roman-esque palaces and get fucked endlessly thanks to modern tech that allows for asshole reconstruction and an infinitely tight ass. Sex will finally become pure pleasure, hedonism will rule, and we will orgy until the planet blows up
t. gay, vote for me
I'm a feminine twink guy.
>Allah isn't real, stop believing in fairy tales in 2017, Islam is built around continuing its own existence and preventing people from leaving it you dumb fucktard.
As usual, the answer is: it depends on the school. The pope of Islam didn't say anything on the matter unfortunately.
There's plenty of mention of "third gender" in hadith and sunnah:
"Third gender" societies, or (young) men who acted as women socially arose in many Islamic societies. This is pretty normal in societies with homosociality and regulated sexuality, see Edo era Japan or ancient Greece. This is a different phenomenon from homosexuality, since obviously the "bottom" takes on the role of a woman or even becomes one.
Obviously, in a lot of those it's a remainder of pre-Islamic social codes. But in many countries it is accepted by Islamic jurisprudence, most famously Iran which is second only to Thailand in the number of sex-reassignment surgeries performed.
This, incidentally, serves as a further proof that Islam is the most redpilled religion, since it holds that traps aren't gay.
I'm saving your post
>A mukhannath who had dyed his hands and feet with henna was brought to the Prophet. He asked: What is the matter with this man? He was told: Apostle of Allah! he affects women's get-up. So he ordered regarding him and he was banished to an-Naqi'.
doesnt seem very accepting to me, user
It depend on how you define what a female is. The shia clergy in Iran allow it , and there is also a pakistan cleric who issued a fatwa in favor of it.
If you ask me, trannies are allowed but I don't think they really change their gender, and so a mtf can not marry a man.
Allah knows better.
>can not do a 1 minute google search before screeching misinformation on a laotian sword waving forum
>what is mukhannathun
Depends on your interpretation, but pretty much outside of iran, no, not really.
Not even that, it's kill all people that are maried and have an extra-marital affaire if they are seen by 4 witnesses.
>Not even that, it's kill all people that are maried and have an extra-marital affaire if they are seen by 4 witnesses.
Yeah and that's clear.
Why are you bringing that up. Christians thought that was justified too a few hundred years ago
So what if I am a femboy/trap?
Iran says their gender is officially changed though
from what I´ve heard they "convince" sissy teenage boys to sex change surgery and hormone treatment etc.
>This, incidentally, serves as a further proof that Islam is the most redpilled religion, since it holds that traps aren't gay.
its spelled "femboi" user
For great justice. This sissy traps don't know that they'd be better off as girls
It was to put the Xanith out of harm's way.
but most do enjoy their penises
The prophet had two trap followers. One of them even had children, but the other didn't.
Both of them were described as feminine
I say that because gayness is irrelevent, adultary, gay or straight, is what is punished.
true. Family value destroying behaviour is what should be punished
No they didn't. Do you even know anything about medieval Christianity or are you just going by memes invented by Victorian Era pseudo-historians? The worst that would usually happen is a man would throw an adulterous woman out of his house and ask the local Bishop for a divorce. And that's the absolute worst, back then it was assumed women were not really in control of themselves and if a woman was wanton it was because her man didn't properly control her and because some other man was seducing her. So more usually the guy would be pissed at the seducer and maybe get some friends to run him out of town or beat him up before the town magistrate got involved and made it into a civil case without any public beatings.
But if she like made a habit of sleeping around he might just get sick of it and toss her out and and ask for a divorce.
The scripture said that adulterers are to be burned at the stake
Not this guy, but middle age christians did not applied the bible in the regard of adultery.
They killed for other things tho, like theft.
well too bad Christians can't follow their scriptures properly
Adultery and fornication were so widespread they would have had to keep the stakes burning 24/7 if anyone actually listened to that. Adultery as a sin meant it was treated seriously if brought to the church, but fucking execution? That's just old testament barbarism. Typically throwing a woman out and confiscating her dowry was the worst she would suffer, and that's only if the guy bothered to bring the matter to the Church. More often they tried to keep the matter private because as I mentioned earlier, most of the onus in the marriage was on the man. If the woman is wanton, it's seen as his failure to control her, so it's embarrassing to publicly admit before the church she has committed adultery. Most of his anger would be directed at her lover, or seducer as was the common term, for taking advantage of her "womanly weakness". Medieval society was not kind to seducers. A man could kill a seducer in revenge and not suffer any penalty from either secular or ecclesiastic courts.
New Testament motherfucker.
Nice changed retconned version of christianity.
Another reason to not take it seriously
>Adultery and fornication were so widespread they would have had to keep the stakes burning 24/7 if anyone actually listened to that
maybe in the west. Muslims actually followed these rules.
Because their punishments were barbaric. You forget that western Europe had to be converted to Christianity from a variety of pagan faiths, and that in order to do this they folded much of the native Pagan culture into local Christian traditions. Such as not executing people for fornicating.
Christianity didn't exist before the New Testament you stupid piece of shit.
i remember reading a while ago that sex changes are how iran deals with homosexual men
i don't remember if the state pays for them, but it is seen as a more acceptable form of existance to living as a gay man
But the essence of the matter is if you can marry a tranny/trap or not. You can in Iran as long as they've transitioned right?
Then what is the old testament?
The medieval Christians had secular laws, they did not follow old testament law.
The scriptures also describe how to sacrifice and what to wear, and nobody cared. it was a whole big deal when they jewed up some OT law to burn Joan of Arc at the Stake, and got them excommunicated.
Really, the OT for Christians under Catholic rule was a thing you used to find precedent for NT things.
Judaism, you retard.
This is all rich coming from a Moslem apologist, when the Quran is basically The Bible for Dummies with commentary by Mohammad
>tfw Ancient Buddhists/Hindus cover it
>but Islam doesn't