What have these nasty cunts ever contributed to the world except killing, rape, war and oil?
What have these nasty cunts ever contributed to the world except killing, rape, war and oil?
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persians and syrians were responsible for that, not arabs. All arabs did was invade those countries and force islam on them. There was no such thing as an "islamic golden age", there was nothing islamic about it
>there was nothing islamic about it
What makes you think so?
>languished in the dark age of ignorance
fuggin dropped
>lumping yemenis and omanis with degenerate oil states
i'm all for the islamic golden age but
>languished in the dark age of ignorance
is probably the dumbest thing i've read all week
islam has nothing to do with anything involved in the "golden age". Show me where all that science and medicine is in the qu'ran, sunna or hadiths. You can't because its not there. Its only called the islamic golden age because it happen in countries that muslims invaded. If it had anything to do with islam, it would have continued, and muslim societies would still be making scientific advances till this day. Instead, islamic societies have been backwards shit holes ever since that short lived "golden age". Except for the ones that embraced securalism like the ottomans...well thats the only one
They were critical in Roman trade seeing that Yemen and Abyssinia controlled the Western Indian Littoral
so, dear op, what have you contributed to the world except shitposting and the enlargement of your mom's vagina by going right through it 12 yers ago?
and don't you dare wewazzing
>short lived "golden age".
The Islamic Golden Age went on for 600 years and only ended during the Mongol invasions.
>. Except for the ones that embraced securalism like the ottomans.
Lol. The Ottomans banned the Printing press and were not in any way Secular. Their Sultan was the Caliph ffs.
>persians and syrians were responsible for that, not arabs
Ibn Arabi
Ibn Battani
Ibn Khaldun
All were Arab.
Non-Arab Muslims contributed far more to academics and sciences then Arab Muslims ever did.
>Non-Arab Muslims
Every single one of those Arabs that i mentioned were Muslim. Every single one.
I said NON-ARAB Muslims, is your reading comprehension that shit?
>Ibn Sina
Just a few Iranian ones.
>Ibn Sina
Mate Ibn Sina and Avicenna are the same person. Literally go look it up if you don't believe me. Also this doesn't refute my point that the Islamic Golden Age did happen, because every single one you mentioned were Muslim and many of them stated that Islam led them to seek Knowledge. Khawaraimi states this in his own book, so does Al-Hazen. Yes not all of them are Arab, so what? It's called the ISLAMIC golden age, not the ARABIC golden age.
exactly. The west has been having a golden age for at least 3,000 years now
>many of them stated that Islam led them to seek Knowledge.
Yeah, they would say that. Yet, none of them ever demonstrated or explained how.
>The west has been having a golden age for at least 3,000 years now
The fuck? the ''West'' didn't even exist 3,000 years ago.
The "West" doesn't even exist now
"There are single zip codes in New York and Massachusetts that have produced more of enduring value scientifically, artistically, ethically, politically, than the entire Muslim world has produced in 1000 years. ""
- Sam Harris
>none of them ever demonstrated or explained how.
Read their own fucking books if you want them to explain it. The bottom of line is, they themselves have said that Islam has inspired them to seek knowledge.
>who were the greeks
>Sam Harris
Sam Harris is nothing more than a Militant New Atheist trying to abolish the role of Religion having any accomplishment of value. He says this bullshit not just about Islam,but also to Christianity and Judaism.
(((Sam Harris))) doesn't criticize Judaism. I wonder why...
>The bottom of line is, they themselves have said that Islam has inspired them to seek knowledge.
yeh, and like I said, THEY WOULD. They were religious. Of course they would pay homage to their religion. Its an empty statement unless they can demonstrate how islam in anyway contributed to their knowledge. They can't, because islam has nothing to do with science or medicine at all.
why did you post a pic of Adam Sandler?
>who were the greeks
A bunch of Pedos who molested kids? You are completely and utterly delusional if you think the ancient Greeks had the same values and civilization as the Modern West.
you're meant to say ben stiller not adam sandler....he doesn't look anything like adam sandler
well how's yemen doing these days
so you want to argue against the entirety of acedemia that the greeks weren't the founders of western civilisation?
>A bunch of Pedos who molested kids?
and 12 year old boys openly prostituted themselves in times square as recently as the 80's, whats your point?
I never said the Islamic Golden Age never happened.
>s an empty statement unless they can demonstrate how islam in anyway contributed to their knowledge. They can't
Like i fucking said. Read their fucking books. They explain how many of the Surrah's and Hadith's inspired them to seek Knowledge and Science. There is an entire fucking Islamic school that is devoted to this. They are called the Mu'tazilites
Oh look guys, an angry muslim, color me suprised. Here, I'll tell you something that will make you feel better. Muhammed sucks cocks in hell and aisha is a fucking whore.
They would have said the same thing if they belonged to any other religion. They would have pointed to verses in their scriptures or epics too. There's nothing special about islam. In fact, its probably the most anti-intellectual and ignorant religion out there
>Sam Harris
Asking Sam Harris about Religion is like asking Pinochet about Socialism. He is completely biased about Religion having done anything good in the world
what he said about islam is still true
>ad hominem
>refuses to acknowledge posters arguments or evidence
yeah you're done here, kiddo. Pack it up
there is nothing to acknowledge. Once again:
>They would have said the same thing if they belonged to any other religion. They would have pointed to verses in their scriptures or epics too. There's nothing special about islam. In fact, its probably the most anti-intellectual and ignorant religion out there
Its up to the poster to demonstrate how islam is special in inspiring knowledge, and what it has to do with science and medicine
>Oh look guys, an angry muslim
Do you actually believe the fucking shit that
just came out of your mouth? Are you actually that Insecure?
>They would have said the same thing if they belonged to any other religion. They would have pointed to verses in their scriptures or epics too. There's nothing special about islam. In fact, its probably the most anti-intellectual and ignorant religion out there
Not an argument. The fact other religious people think their Religion inspired them to seek Knowledge and Science doesn't refute my point that Those Muslim scientists have stated and explained how their religion inspired them to seek Science themselves, and like i said. There are entire Islamic Sects and schools like the
Mu'tazilites who devote themselves to Knowledge and Science, Who justified it from the Surrahs and Hadiths.
>Do you actually believe the fucking shit that
>just came out of your mouth? Are you actually that Insecure?
you're the one throwing a tantrum and swearing like the muslim baby that you are. Because you're insecure in your "religion" and in your arguments
>you're the one throwing a tantrum and swearing like the muslim baby that you are.
So you do believe your bullshit. I'm from Ireland you dumb cunt, i live in Dublin.
so what? there are muslims in ireland too
oh and
>an angry irishman guys, color me suprised
>Stealing Eastern Roman and Persian shit and translating it is now a golden age.
I mean Western Europe a shit and all but your not fooling anyone Ahmed.
Most of them are just normal people trying to go about their lives, like you. The Saudi government isn't all that much worse than the US government anyway.
Oh piss off, You Insufferable Imbecile. Moot was right, Veeky Forums turned to be nothing but /pol/ with dates.
>A region who still live in the middle ages
you're such a stereotype, i love it
Yeah, the US government is clearly significantly worse than the Saudi one.