Why was WW2 propaganda so hilariously terrible?
Why was WW2 propaganda so hilariously terrible?
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Because those generations hadn't been conditioned by years of memetic warfare.
can you believe this is actually supposed to be anti axis?
If I lived during the war in the US and knew nothing about the Axis, then I'd join them as a soldier as soon as I would've seen this poster.
This is a poster celebrating the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor by the Italian illustrator Gino Boccasile, who worked for Mussolini's propaganda ministry and later enlisted in the Waffen SS.
Because you're a jaded millennial that is entirely alienated from the values, traditions and institutions of his ancestors.
No, it's pro-axis.
This thread, it was made for me.
Silly user, that is a Magic The Gathering card.
time for some removal :D
only one thing that would be worse than being a ruddy cripple, and that's a damned coward
Can anyone translate this?
This, basically. not everything had to be communicated through memes and "witty" but fallacious one-liners.
But a lot of these don't connect to identifiable traditions at all, they're just "this guy bad" on a poster. The US had actually lost a lot of its deep culture by WWI by merging its 3-4 existing cultures and importing lots of Europeans, I think these posters might be a bit cringey in the same way that Le Facebook Commie Memes are cringey, where they have no deep mythology to draw from so they resort to pasting dry text opinions over zelda screenshots or something.
I suspect our native Veeky Forums memes feel more natural merely because we've built up a crude shared mythos, so they have material to draw from other than [lol you recognize this reference] and [i put this in here purely to serve my specific agenda].
This user is definitely right though, 1st world people have build up a partial cultural immunity to that sort of rootless advertising so it's had to get more elaborate -- but honestly its not that much more elaborate. It's still pretty obvious and cringey today when the morality tale of the month gets jammed into some piece of popular media. See /tv/ for enough examples to make you vomit, I'm sure.
>Too bad if it should hit you in the last minute.
Doesn't this imply the Germans are losing the war?
Did it work?
I dunno OP. You get deluded stormfags still repeating Goebbels propaganda and thinking its true.
>Their religion is iron and their god is blood
>thread for general WWII propaganda
>OP is a stormfag
my grandfather who was in the merchant marines used to tell me that you could fuck Italian women for an apple
which was fucked since were Italian americans
Sure thing, though guy
Are you stupid?
Top kek, can you believe this shit? And despite all of this, Japanese American men still volunteered to fight and they did so with distinction. Talk about thick skin amirite?
>that ken burns ww2 documentary
Man, their American officers were dicks.
Because governments had total control of media institutions back then.
If they had Vietnam War tier coverage, propaganda wouldve been btfo.
And continues to be, you mean.
Actually, it was a propaganda poster by Gino Boccassile. After the Italian armistice with Allies he switched to the Germans. Here, he kept drawing posters for the RSI. Then, after the war was over he played a huge part in the economic boom of 1960s by drawing advertisement posters for a a huge number of Italian consumer products. He never reneged on his Fascist beliefs, also.
As opposed to todays propaganda surrounding "global warming", immigration or leftist policies?
>New serialized manga
>Mickey's army
>Takhashi Haruka (Not quite sure how it's romanized, but it is the name of the illustrator)