Why have civilizations throughout history considered men without balls to be the best servants/bureaucrats/government...

Why have civilizations throughout history considered men without balls to be the best servants/bureaucrats/government officials?

What is it about Eunuchs that makes other people trust them?

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Can't cuck you, or if they do then you don't really care since as a noble you don't love your wife and he can't get her pregnant.
Can't do nepotism since they have no kids to pass their title on to, and if it's a eunuch-only title then nobody else wants to lose their balls for it.
Can't abuse their power to take your throne becase nobody would follow a guy who literally has no balls.

As someone castrated at a rather young age I can say the lose of sexual desire frees up your time greatly.

You also don't fuck harems and you can have greater trust because you lack progeny to fight to get on throne.

Didn't stop eunuchs from gaining power, just greatly reduced it.

I don't know, ask this guy.

Eastern cultures seem to like effeminate men. I guess everyone there thought traps were hot

In The Last Emperor, the young Pu Yi has to make a big purge of corrupt eunuchs to make China great again. They were literally serving themselves off the imperial budget.

what the fuck

poor bastard

>As someone castrated at a rather young age


WTF, were you really castrated? What's the story here?

Can you still get hard?

Chemical castration by 15, balls lopped by 18.

Eh kinda

Are you a tranny?


>there are perfidious eunuchs posting on Veeky Forums at this very moment

>age 15

Where the fuck do you live that this was allowed? What did your parents say?


No I'm a female now
My parents welcomed my transition well

I'm 90% sure historical eunuchs weren't girls (male)

How suicidal do you feel?

I realize that but you don't have a sex drive
Not much. In my extra time grind my WoW characters. It's pleasant

>Why have civilizations throughout history considered men without balls to be the best servants/bureaucrats/government officials?
They mostly didn't, though, only a handful.

>No I'm a female now
No, you're a castrated male now.

>getting rid of the only reason people like trannies
The dick makes it better fag

Kinda, I am just a eunuch
Because I never saw any benefit in being sex driven
Chemical castration was easier ten years ago. I was importing pills manufactured in NZ from Fiji, my parents really didn't know shit and just chalked up my lack of further puberty to just be in my nature
You aren't me, stop
I'm not, suicide never crossed my mind.

Still want a relationship, though people tend to want sex.


I'd like to keep my muscle mass and bone density, but I do recall wanting to be sexless from a young age.

But now I want to breed until I have a football team.

The focus ability of a man + without the distractions of the female form = Very good brain

Very interesting.
What age are you now?
Do you regret somehow your decision?
Did you do it because you had a massive sex drive, a massive perversion that you wanted to cure or just to get more focus in your brain?
What kind of doctor did you ask to remove your balls?
Do you have any health issue from this?

Can't fuck Emperor's concubines and produce children

I'm 23
I do not regret it
I did it because I hate my balls
I asked my GP

>No I'm a female now

Men who aren't chasing pussy get a fuckload done.

You aren't me stop.
I just had no desire to go down the path of manhood that meant nothing to me.

I qualified as someone with gender identity disorder, while under a western rubric of diagnosis I do in fact fit in with thar, i don't see myself as a man. I think it's more complicated than that but generally speaking that's ignored. Regardless I am thankful to live in a time where I can make this choice.
It's better than doing it myself and dying from the infection

>I'm a female now

That is interesting decision, was it easy for you? The decision l mean.

In the absence of a sex drive they can focus more on their daily tasks, they will also have no family that will distract them, nor will they cuck their ruler and sire a bastard with the queen/concubine, which can lead to dynastic infighting. All they have and are is dependent on their benefactor, no one else will help them. And a life for a eunuch outside of a royal court is no life at all. They're weak and effeminate so they can't do harsh peasant work. This made sure that they remained fanatically loyal to the monarch.

Though there were times when eunuchs became too numerous and started ruling from behind the scenes, China has many examples of this.

Not only China, the Ottoman empire had this happen as well with the Janissaries

the janissaries werent eunuchs tho, butthey did act like a para-political force and helped drag the sulatanate down a lot

but the ottomans did use a lot of eunuch slaves, they were trustworthy by ottoman standards, as in they wont breed your wives when youre not looking

some went on to become important state officials and the like, some acted as harem guards or secret service agents, some were just designated boipucci

They were just not allowed to have heirs.
But the harem guards were cut (for obvious reasons)

Janissaries were not castrated you mong, I wrote this more than a dozen times and there are still some illiterate cunts who spout BS as if they know it to be true. Fucking half-ignorants are the worst I swear.

I blame John Green

i think it's from a meme i saw somewhere, this guy got told from his teacher that janissaries got dick cut to not waste any test and be strong warriors, so since he wasnt getting laid he was thinking of cutting his own to get a massive test boost

This, mostly.

Imagine your best bro, except now you know he'll never try to bang your girlfriend.

Did he spread this?
Ahh, it's always the memes.

Eunuchs were simultaneously trusted and mistrusted. Consider the following:

You're the emperor. As per tradition and politics, the rich and powerful aristocracy of your empire as well as foreign powers looking to influence you send you women as gifts. Most are just bribes meant to make you happy and remember the gift-giver fondly when you decide to hand out important titles and treasures. Some, however, are trained noblewomen whose mission it is to manipulate you in bed to the advantage of their family.

But you can't just make that woman's uncle the prime minister or whatever, no matter how hot she is. Her family is already the richest and most powerful in the empire - after yours - and it'd bring them that much closer to the throne. Just one bad day for you and lucky day for them and poof, your head is on a spike and now her uncle is on the throne fucking your harem.

So you'd want to hire professionally, not through nepotism. But, uh oh, all the qualified people are men by default in this era. You can't risk a bunch of strange men anywhere near your harem or there's a real chance the child that ends up killing all the others and ascending after you isn't even yours.

So eunuchs are the logical solution to this dilemma. You as the ruler can trust them to do their jobs without threatening the things you care about - your dynasty and your harem. Incidentally, this is also why slave women were preferred over noblewomen for harems, as there was less risk of a slave woman's massive family alliance showing up with a private army to overthrow you.

Of course, this also meant those eunuchs were dependent on the state bureaucracy alone, expanding and corrupting it beyond the simple machine it might have once been to better enrich themselves. And it also means that the aristocracy of your empire have less personal access to you for bribes or resolving personal grievances, making them hated.

>dick cut...

its called being circumcised

I actually wrote a paper on this comparing Byzantine And Chinese eunuchs. Simply put:

-they flourish in imperial cults because they are a buffer between imperial power and the populace and therefore control access to power
-counterbalance to the power of the aristocracy as they are reviled by society and rely heavily on the emperor for their societal status and recognition. The emperor could therefore rely on them because they were completely dependent on him, unlike aristocrats who have their own designs and family to think of. Being able to have children and further your line was a key part of status in the archaic world view.
-women and eunuchs both wielded soft power behind the scenes and made natural allies since they spent so much time together within the imperial household.

Interestingly as well prechristian Roman sexual attitudes were a little more liberal. In the republican era Eunuchs were sex toys/slaves for women because they wouldn't get pregnant. They only took the testes rather than the whole thing like the Chinese. Eventually in the practice was banned and eunuchs were not allowed to be created within the Roman Empire so they were imported from the east and became super valuable slaves.

>I'm a female now

That fucking illiterate.

I know this is changing the topic a bit, but I read somewhere about a revisionist perspective that frames the Ottoman's decline as the rise of a Republican tradition. Does that argument hold any water at all or is it just revisionist garbage?

How did Eunuchs piss?

>Ottoman's decline as the rise of a Republican tradition
pls explain

>No I'm a female now

Let me start by saying I don't agree with it, but I know piss about the Ottomans post 18th century until their collapse.

The argument referenced the gradual loss of power of the sultan. The guy mentioned that historians traditionally referred to this as a "decline."
He then referenced how "decline" isn't used for Republican movements/overthrows in Europe, and he suggested the same should be true for the Ottomans.

castration means removal of testicles

When Chinese made Eunuchs they cut their entire dick off with a sickle and put a little plug in the urethra and you weren't allowed to drink for 2-3 days. They would then take the covering off and pull out the plug. If peepee started leaking out the operation was a success. If nothing came out you would die a horrendously excruciating death.

Eunuchs apparently really struggled with bladder control if the entire dick was gone, they used to constantly dribble pee and there is even an expression in Chinese "to stink like a eunuch" kek.


This is what I was talking about.

I think a few anons here have read Walter scheidel's "Rome and China" there is an entire fascinating chapter on Eunuchs.

Upon castration the testicles are lost. The testicles provide the production of Testosterone. This stimulates our sex drive and creates semen. Men without balls have no desire for sex and don't feel attracted to people. Therefore there is less interference with sex and more time left for work.
Also in the Ottoman Empire servants that worked in the presence of women had to be castrated so they wouldn't be aroused by the sultan's family and friends.

>Men without balls have no desire for sex

How do you explain hypersexual MtF trannies?

They get an increased stimulation of estrogen which is present in the female's body.
Back then it used to be less technology, just grab knife cut balls

>i'm female now
I've got news for you, sir.

Simple OP, they didn't have the balls to go against the Emperor/ruler.