White and Asian Beauty Standards

According to my research--i.e. based on firsthand accounts--white males find different features attractive in Asian women than Asian males do. In fact, the discrepancy is so severe that oftentimes Asian males will be dismayed at the apparent homeliness of an Asian female which a white male perceives as attractive. Why might this be the case? Do you have any theories, Veeky Forums?

Disclaimer: I do not intend this as a joke or incitement, but rather a conversation about cultural differences. Please no low effort racebaiting, /pol/ posting, c*ck posting, or r/asian_masculinity screeds: serious discussion only.

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Different cultures have different beauty standards.

Can you articulate what those preferable features are?

I know in Nipponese and Korean media it's always the really white looking girls that are depicted.

>really white looking girls
Bit of a cultural glass you're looking through. In the East Asian culture, the Japs/Koreans aren't "white looking" but rather fair skinned. Their standard of beauty isn't based on european race, but on class perception.

In the East Asia, they distinguish fair skinned and dark skinned as a difference in class, not race. Those with darker skin = over exposure to sun from working outside in the fields/labor intense conditions. Those with fair skin = work inside buildings in educated conditions.

Its weird that in the west, everything revolves around race but in the east its about class.

>In the East Asia, they distinguish fair skinned and dark skinned as a difference in class, not race. Those with darker skin = over exposure to sun from working outside in the fields/labor intense conditions. Those with fair skin = work inside buildings in educated conditions.

Interesting. What about highly developed East Asian nations where many members of the working class no longer labor in agriculture or other fields which require long periods of sun exposure, such as Japan?

>you think asian women will like you because white women don't
Or something to that effect

desu I just never found a white woman who shared my values, whereas quite a few Asian women do. They're becoming rarer though.

The perception is changing a bit, but its still there.

A huge chunk of Japanese are now fair skinned due to modern remedies, beauty product placements always place emphasis on the virtue of being fair skinned. These are also prominent throughout advertisement/fashion/etc. In the subcultures, there's Gyaru, the dark skinned/tanned girls. They are viewed as sexual/primal/delinquent types. The negative connotation with dark skinned still persists in a bit more indirect way.

Still there's no real active discrimination against dark skinned, just indirect or rather unconscious bias is present.

What the fuck are you talking about? Asians are some of the most racist people alive. My dad unironically thinks Hitler had a lot of good ideas but the world wasn't ready for them yet.

I think he means Asians generally don't have the same "color-tiers" understanding of race that Americans have.

Koreans and Nips are typically the same shade, after all.

>According to my research--i.e. based on firsthand accounts
and how many white males did you interview who fapped to JAV

I think your "research" is flawed, naturally there are cultural differences in how beauty is perceived but there are a variety of different tastes and no overwhelming difference such that you can make some bold clickbaity claim about the vast majority of white males as they might on this /r/asian_masculinity subreddit

He was right

You're a retard if you think Hitler's main issue was racism. Racism was the NORM during Hitler's time across the European/American/Anglo culture.

The problem of Hitler wasn't racism but rather he attacked western Europe nations who were neutral or wen't in for the fight. Hitler threatened Europe.

The Hitler as a racist demagogue is a modern invention created to wash away the historical racism that was so prevalent throughout. Its to make a devil out of an aggressive dictator.

Also, the main point, Asians can be racist. Thats not related to Asian beauty standards.

wrong. Asians are obsessed with white people and want to be them. just look at anime

would fug the monkey on the right

Hm. Is this bias against darker skin applied to Southeast Asians living in Japan, or halfies? I've heard that half Filipinos can experience some discrimination.

Use of caucasoidal cranial proportions in anime (if such a pattern really exists) probably has more to do with the global dominance of Western media than anything else.

What you say doesn't contradict the person you're responding to. We can argue the morality of Hitler vs the West, etc... nonetheless, it is true that being a fan of Hitler usually indicates a high degree of racism.

SEA in Japs do experience some bias there. Halfies too, but both can easily get along. There are dark skinned Japs too.

All it takes is being cultured enough on both instance to negate the bias. The bias as far as I could tell is mainly due to them thinking halfies/SEA aren't cultured in Japanese things. Which I think is nationalism.

Nationalism seems to be strong in just about every country, some are overt and try to bring up their country/ethnicity's exceptionalism. "Japanese spirit" "American dream" "Chinese hardwork" "Spanish passion" etc. I've heard enough nationalism to understand these are just coming from lack of exposure or understanding of other people.

>white males find different features attractive in Asian women than Asian males do

>nonetheless, it is true that being a fan of Hitler usually indicates a high degree of racism
No. In fact, Hitler's popularity in SEA/Japan/etc are not due to racism. They don't care or even know about Jews and the killings. They mainly think the uniform is neat looking and hes a foreign leader somewhere. So its purely due to fashion/ignorance. SEA has nothing to do with Hitler historically so literally no one knows who he is.


I can't pinpoint them exactly, but in my experience oftentimes when a photo of a white male with an Asian partner is posted, Asians remark something to the effect of, "whites can't distinguish between ugly and beautiful Asian women".

No, white people have greater genetic diversity and on the whole are more attractive - subjective I know, but I've been to Tokyo.

Anime's progenitor Osamu Tezuka was inspired by Disney's art style which explains it.

Pic related could never be an actress in Asian countries, not even in southeast Asia

>I know in Nipponese and Korean media it's always the really white looking girls that are depicted.


This is Chinese commercial btw.

Europeans are one of the most genetically homogeneous groups in the world.

she's fucking ugly to me and im white

The white cuck version.

I'm not at all good at biology so I've probably used the wrong terminology. I meant that Europeans have more varied hair colours like red and blonde, and the same with eyes.
Anecdotally, I think the east Asian facial structure is also a lot less varied in regards to jaw and cheek definition..

>According to my research

Pic related could never be an actress in east Asian countries.

>Anecdotally, I think the east Asian facial structure is also a lot less varied in regards to jaw and cheek definition..

It also seems this way to me, but I don't think it's objectively correct. I've read that this perception may mint from the fact that, being socialized from an early age among others of our race, we are less adept at recognizing subtle differences between faces from another race.

Is that Ted Cruz?

haven't you ever seen the magic school bus?

>wash dirty white clothes
>makes them yellow
WOW what a terrible product

>t. Tyron

In reality they love black


>wash man
>man gets dirty


Eh, she could, probably as an antagonist evil mother in law in dramas
t. Asian

Is all this afro-revisionism just black americans desperately grasping for a history or heritage?
Or is it simply race driven arrogance.


I think it's merely bored antagonism

>ching chong

No, I'm Chinese and I can honestly tell you I and most people around me do not like blacks(for aesthetic reason, not because of race). Our society basically share similar values of beauty and skin colors with Japan and Korea.

Those blacks in Guangzhou have been caused some "displease" to some Chinese ppl in recent years. CCTV was just trying to "embellish" the relationship between Chinese and Africans.

well plastic surgery in south korea aims to make people look as caucasian as possible, i.e. double eye lid surgery, jaw-shaving and nose job being very prevalent.


this gives a good (although biased since it's vice) insight.

and neither are you

Nigger, amerindians also like pale skin. They are a symbol of nobility. It's commom to like a cute who doesn't whore around like a fucking cheap slut.

Would they consider Lucy Liu attractive?

Chinese did leave a make in Kenya though and Asian trade to Africa as well as African trade to Asia did occur for thousands of years.

I'm the result of it

>implying you like the hammer head on the left
There are a lot of variations between cranium size and morphology between asians. Also anime is made to look asian, not european. Sorry, stormcuck.


Yes, of course. Chinese don't like blacks for aesthetic reasons, doesn't mean we don't want to trade with Africans, and certainly doesn't mean we resent black people like white supremacists do.

I don't even find Lucy Liu attractive, and I'm white. Stop this meme already, it's been like 15 years. She's never been attractive. Look at her. She's rancid.

In my experience it's like flat earthers who've lost complete trust in education and thus listen to anyone with enough loudness telling them whatever it'll take to feel better about themselves.

This is for Black Asiatics, Black Indigenists, Black Europa at least.

Chinaman here

The Asian beauty standard has indeed been affected by Caucasian beauty standards very heavily, however to a lot of asian people a full on caucasian person still looks very weird and alien to them in real life. Imagine living next to 99% asians your entire life and some hay haired rat nosed American with weird eyes comes to your town
Asians, much like African-Americans prefer the half, where it's still familiar enough to be asian, but still attains some of the facial aesthetics that they deem to be attractive from the caucasian genepool.
Basically at the end of the day the whole world seems to agree that mixed raced people are universally attractive. I'm interested to see how this will affect society in the future

Uh that's not true, a lot of Chinese had prognathism, low nasal roots, wide noses, etc... It's mostly a matter of skin color because I know a few women who are Igbo and lightskin, that where thin or slightly curvy with almond eyes who had a really positive experience.

Really at this point it's cuteness because a friend teaching English in Korea is doing well too. She's tiny, cute and dark.

jesus, i didn't realize that normies had such wierd views of what attractive asian women looked like

are you a good looking blasian?
because as much as the black and asian mix is hyped up I've never met or seen an attractive black and asian mix. They all just look like ugly black folks

I don't care about your ideas and ideals of beauty

Which features though? Because as a white male I actually seem to value the same things in females as asians, while I do not really share many things with my fellow whites. I have a great aversion to veins - even slight ones, they make a female seem old (especially o the feet, as whites have the fat tissue located in a few spots, on the other hand asians have it located more evenly on the whole body - which causes the slight yellow-ish coloration), I love a petite figure and a cute face. No strong potruding jaw. Also fair skin >>>>>>> darker skin. What is considered "hot" in our cultures doesn't seem attractive to me at all. Am I a Mongol rape-baby or what?

t. ugly

no that's because you're a weeb who posts on Veeky Forums and has been looking at Asian people from Asia for a better part of your adolescent and adult life. You're different than your average American faggot who thinks Asa Akira is a 10/10


I don't understand why did you relpy to me. What you said has nothing to do with my post.

Many Asians also have prognathism, low nasal roots, wide noses, not just Chinese. The pretty ones are usually rare.

Just googled her. Jesus Christ how horrifying, how can people even find that attractive?

Are you trolling?

She is adorable. Maybe you prefer some lips and jew jaw and nose on there.

a lotta white people think she is like the hottest asian ever

he's talking about Asa Akira not Ai Uehara you dumb dumb

Ai Uehara is the cutest

This desu
Asians prefer Caucasians with slightly softer features like Russians more than typical western tougher and sexier looks

As a half Asian, kiko mizuhara is the most attractive asian chick.

You're out of your fucking mind. She looks like the chinkiest chink I ever seen.

>Asa Akira
that was fucking terrifying


Amerindians too.
>slightly softer
That's my jam. youtube.com/watch?v=OqpMFsnN7hM
I was talking about that girl on the other's post photo.

She has visible negroid features like the puffy lips, eye and head shape - not very attractive at all.
Literally what and how. People have shit taste desu

Dude, you are literally a Pedo, wtf are you talking about.

Asians can be attractive but tbqh, it isn't the looks that's the problem, it's the cultural differences.

I dated a Vietnamese girl in college and their families are extremely conservative and demanding on a whole different scale than the typical Western family.

Too childish

Agreed. Kiko Mizuhara's lip looks negroid. Too big for typical asian girl. Looks weird as hell.

Pedophilia is attraction towards pre-pubescent girls. She's 24 going 25 in few months.

Are you confused or something?

>kiko mizuhara
>negroid features

Lol you're a dipshit and probably a racist as well

Nein, ich bin ein fremd geborener Deutscher.

I can smell the Kang blood just by looking at her. Pure asians or bust.

She looks like she is 13. Therefore are attracted to someone who looks 13. Therefore you are attracted to 13 year olds. Therefore you are a pedophile. QED

that tiny sliver of side boob is tasteful af. tasteful grills deserve tasteful cummies

She's half American, yup not typical Asian feature

If I wanted a negress now I would demand a negress. Now I want an asian girl, not a negress.
"claps two times"

Yeah her father (standing behind her) looks extremely negroid right guys. Must be an Irishman baka

being attracted to 13 year olds isn't pedophillia, pedophillia is pre-pubescent. most males are attracted to young teens, making them pedophiles according to you

>she looks 13
Looking 13 is not 13.

She's way past legal age. The problem isn't her, its you. You perceive her to be a child and label any attraction towards her as pedophile. This is your own perception.

Honestly you two should seek professional help before you hurt somebody.

t. libertarian sexpat

>liking fertile youth is a bad thing
Stop being brainwashed by propaganda. Young females right after puberty are attractive and fertile, no need to wait until they get all saggy and shit. Just because everyone says it's wrong doesn't mean it's not natural, you cannot override your attraction no matter what. Also pedophilia is attraction to prepubescent girls, if you want to be more precise hebephilia is what I'm talking about and it's completely natural, so you can fuck off.
Probably cucked by Jamal. Either way, she looks like a dindu and that's enough for me to drop her. Nothing wrong with having preferences.

do you propose that we extend statutory rape and child pornography laws to people who you personally perceive to be younger than they actually are?

Please never come to Asia


1. being attracted to girls under the legal age of whatever state or country you live in is not a mental illness, nor does cause you to have an uncontrollable compulsion to have sex with them
2. not only can it not be cured, but should you go to a psychologist for this reason, they will turn you down for fear of being held responsible should you have sex with someone under the legal age

Beauty standards in nearly every place a far more flexible than people give it credence

>You differ from what I perceive as correct & normal just because society tells me to, so you're sick in the head
Fuck off mate. It's how nature intended it.
God willing I shall.

So, Anri Okita then.