"Islamic Terrorism"

Can we talk about the history and emergence of "terrorism" in the Islamic world? Where does it come from, and how did it come about? Is it a modern phenomenon?

Does anyone have relevant statistics as to the national backgrounds of most "Islamic terrorists"? Is it mostly an Arab problem? After all, there are lots of different cultures and nationalities which have embraced Islam as a religion, and of those groups Arabs are a minority, and then the Arab world itself can be further divided into various cultural/religious subgroups.

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The existence of the Taliban should make it clear that this isn't just an Arab problem.

It's mostly a Sunni problem.

Aren't the Taliban a local movement? It seems like a separate phenomenon.

Sunni radicalism got riled up in the face of an invading secular power, with a lot of money flowing in from Gulf monarchies.

The Taliban's form of Islamism is connected to pashtun nationalism, but they are definitely Islamists. The two are sort of melded into one.

Do you mean something specific with this term? Is it distinct from "Muslim"?

I suppose from their perspective, it isn't distinct.

Usually the word "Islamist" refers to Muslims who want an explicitly theocratic government, and want to enforce Islamic law through state institutions.

It originally came from Ireland

OP's talking about terrorism in the Islamic context.

>what is Hezbollah

Yeah and the mudslimes were inspired by the IRA

Hezbollah is roughly equivalent to Native American tribes who fought the US government.

They're more of an anti-colonial movement with strong religious tendencies.

>kick Jews out of Judea
>not kicking arabs back to arabia

You're thinking of Hamas. Who are justified in wanting the Jews gone by the way.

Hezbollah rose up as a response to Israel's invasion of Lebanon.

you seem to be lost ahmed al-poltard
your board is here >

Taliban is rooted and supported not only in Afghanistan but also in Pakistan.

The movie HyperNormalization mentioned that it was invented by Iranian Shiites. The whole movie is online for free somewhere.


I'm actually an American Christian who hates Muslims and Nazis.

But Israel really has to go.

t. blood libel truther

If a bunch of foreigners showed up in your land and said it belonged to them and their religion, Chaim, you'd do everything in your power to fight them as well.

Oh fuck, wait, that already happened.

>if a bunch of distant cousins moved back home and started buying unused desert from you you'd definitely sperg out and start killing them.

Yes, if I figured out Canadians were trying to quietly buy up swaths of my country to create a French ethnostate, I'd probably start attacking them.

If you lost a war with a French ethnostate, I would probably laugh at you, and then laugh even harder when they won multiple additional conflicts and dropped white phosphorus on your children.

Are there any groups within the Sunni world that have a particularly good track record when it comes to not supporting terrorism? I mean ethnic/national groups.

alright but you'd still be a nigger

Kurds post-Saddam.

Back in Ottoman days though they were pretty bad. Communism and feminism mellowed them out.


Nobody ever used fear for political purposes before the IRA.

Israel is in almost no non-symbolic way an 'ethnostate'
Arab citizens of the country have the same rights and Jewish ones, actually quite a bit more.

Germany was in almost no non-symbolic way an 'ethnostate'
Jewish citizens of the country had the same rights and German ones, actually quite a bit more.

Hitler did nothing wrong.

>Israel is in almost no non-symbolic way an 'ethnostate'

Congrats, you've entered moron unworthy of dialogue territory.

Would you care to explain in what ways the Israeli governments treat its Jewish citizens differently from its Arab ones? The only one that comes to mind immediately is the military draft, which most Jews are subjected to and most Arabs are totally exempt.

>immigrants get DNA tests to prove jewish by blood
>government very much not under arab influence
>interbreeding rates are low

That's all you need.

>>immigrants get DNA tests to prove jewish by blood
this was discussed and never implemented and has nothing to do with people who are already citizens are treated.
About 14% of the current Knesset is Arab, slightly less than the actual representation in the Israeli population
the Jews and Arabs are not known for being deeply in love with each other. What in the name of Allah does that have to do with government policy?

Immigrants are by definition not citizens. Arab citizens of Israel have full political representation, and since when does rates of miscegenation been indicative of anything beyond degeneracy?

I would also like to add that if they did ever implement blood testing to determine Jewish ancestry, it would be the greatest blessing the Palestinian Arabs had ever been bestowed.

I thought JIDF was a meme.

not an argument

Blood libel was true, even Jewish historians admit it.


Tatars, Kazakhs, Bashkirs and Kyrgyz people.

Read "Passovers of Blood" by Ariel Toaff

" Toaff wrote that these critics had misunderstood his book, which argued that the ritual use of small quantities of dried blood in magical curses had been a real practice among medieval "Ashkenazi extremists", but that this was unrelated to the accusation of ritual murder which was the central claim of blood libel"
you people really are complete ignoramuses aren't you?

Jordan. their King is a direct descendant of Muhammad (Pbuh). The leader of Hezbollah is also a direct descendant of Muhammad

How do we kill the cancer that is Israel?
Pic related is from Hilary Clinton's leaked emails.
America literally fucked over Syria to make sure Israel keeps hold of it's Nuclear Monopoly.

... No one can be this retarded can they?

gonna need an actual source on that


it started in the 7th century...

>gonna need an actual source on that
Literally go to Wikileaks, Type ''Hilary Clinton's leaked emails Israel'' and see it for yourself if you don't believe me.

okay but it doesn't indicate Israel told or directed them to do this. Seems to be Hilary's idea.

and it clearly indicates helping israel was not her only rationale.
She thought overthrowing Assad would result in Syrians becoming free.

>okay but it doesn't indicate Israel told or directed them to do this. Seems to be Hilary's idea.
Unironically doesn't matter. It still doesn't refute my point that America fucked over Syria, and that making sure Israel keeps hold of it's Nuclear Monopoly was part of the motive that led them to do this.

>hilary does dumbass things to help Israel
>this is shomehow Israel's fault

a large number maybe even half of ISIS members are Chechen & North Africans.

Iran supports sunni and shia terrorists (Al-Qaeda, Hezbollah, Houthis)

saying all terrorists are sunni is retarded

also ISIS isn't sunni
>inb4 Islam is religion of peace meme
no Islam is the most brutal religion on earth I'm just stating facts

all sunni scholars say killing non fighting people and women and children and old people is forbidden.

yet ISIS still does that e.g: Manchester

the Quran says killing anyone who says the shahadh is forbidden

yet ISIS still kills shites and other sunnis who are against them.

>all sunni scholars say killing non fighting people and women and children and old people is forbidden.
Al Baghdadi has a pHD in Islamic studies so clearly not.
>the Quran says killing anyone who says the shahadh [sic] is forbidden

>That pic.
Thank God Hitlery Cunton isn't president of America. Assad needs to win the civil war. Anything that is good for Z*onist interests, is something i oppose.

do you think America and Europe becoming Islamized would be good for the Zionist cause?

you know the guy who won bombed Assad last month?

>phd = right
I'm talking scholars from a thousand year ago

sorry not Quran it's a hadith

I'm guessing this thread did a pretty good job of answering your question, OP.

>>this is shomehow Israel's fault
If it was done to benefit Israel. Then yes, absolutely.

cough cough cough

>do you think America and Europe becoming Islamized...
Couldn't care less. It's America and the West's fault for funding rebels and terrorists all over the Middle East for Oil and Israel. You shall reap what you have sowed you cunts.

those goalposts have blurred right past me.
I'm gonna go kill somebody and steal all their money to give to you. It'll be your fault

>I'm gonna go kill somebody and steal all their money to give to you. It'll be your fault
If it was done for my benefit, then yeah it is my fault.

I'm literally doing it to benefit you. You're going to prison user.

I think you two are running on different ideas of what 'fault' means.

It would be his fault if you robbed and murdered someone planning to give it to him - if he hadn't existed, that person wouldn't have been robbed and murdered.

It doesn't mean he'd be responsible for the man's murder and death.

Started in the 600s and is still going strong today.

Islam is cancer.

>Can we talk about the history and emergence of "terrorism" in the Islamic world?

Apparently we cannot OP

Terrorism is a modern phenomenon, it couldn't start in a pre-modern era.

The Chams. They have every reason to turn into SEA Taliban types, but haven't. The violent Muslim ethniticies today have always been belligerent and violent cultures. Islam just changed their memes.

>Iran supports Al-Qaeda
Stopped reading here. You are a retarded
They are a Shia demonimation you retard.

>Iran didn't support Al-Qaeda
Multiple wanted Al-Qaeda terrorists are currently living in Iran, Hezbollah and Al-Qaeda used to train togther in the 1990s

Sa’ad bin Laden, who is Osama's son, before his death in 2009 was among the top Iranian based Al Qaeda officals. another Iranian based top offical too is mustafa hamid. faggot

>Houthis is a shia branch
that's zaidiyyah you fucking retard, houthis AKA: Ansar Allah, is an Iranian supported terrorist organization

>Iranian shiites invented a thing that harmed Iranian shiites and made Israel even more powerful
Thanks, not going to watch that garbage now

>isis isn't Sunni
How can you even think this

never underestimate the ability of humans to follow only the narrative that suits them

A lot of influential Sunni clerics, including former Grand Mufti of Egypt, issued a fatwa which said that Wahhabis are not Sunnis, and that you can be a Sunni only if you follow one of the two orthodox schools of Sunni Islam: Ash'arism and Maturidism. I think it's called Grozny fatwa.

That doesn't change the fact that they consider themselves Sunni and religion is generally a self identified thing

>religion is generally a self identified thing

Not in Islam

Yes it is

Sunni means you take from the quran and sunnah, ISIS does things that are forbidden according to the quran and sunnah, therefore ISIS is not sunni

That's like the Pope issuing a decree that only Catholics and Orthodox are recognized as Christians.

Roommate was from Israel, told me all about this situation.

First of all, "Arabs" (meaning all Muslims) are seriously and violently discriminated against by the local Jewish population. My roommate's family advocated for Arab rights and was ostracized. Many Israelis think of Arabs as less than human.

But that's just the average people. I'm sure you'll say, "But what does the GOVERNMENT do to Arabs?" as if the government is not made of average people whose views can affect their work. Well, I'll tell you.

Israel is sorted into a system of small villages (~400 people) and these villages are the basic local government structure in Israel. But they're everywhere. You can see multiple other villages from atop one village's hill. Anyway, these villages are allowed to decide who can move in, and of course, they normally disallow Arabs to move in. It's like redlining in America. Also, businesses can refuse to hire men who have not served in the military. Guess what this means? No Arabs working in their business. So they can be denied the most basic life necessities, housing and work, and through denying work, food and clothing, for no reason other than racism. The government permits this by refusing to intervene. Almost like they don't want Arabs in Israel either!

If you go by autistic legalistic definitions, then yes.
Thankfully, most people aren't autists

No it's not. According to Islam, you can be an infidel even if you claim to be a Muslim. For example, if you say that Muhammed was a faggot but self-identify as a Muslim, you are still considered an infidel.

That's implying other people have jurisdiction over your beliefs, which isn't true
It's no different in other religions

No Islam is special.

Ok, habibi

if they practically practice different religions with different rules that bind them why would you put them in the same category? sure they originate from Sunni background if that's why you mean by a non autistic definition. but that doesn't mean anything

The Quran and the Sunnah do not say that if you do not act every time with accordance to the Sunnah you stop being a Sunni.

Political Islam is a response to modernity. Traditional Islam as it is still practiced by hundreds of millions of Muslims in places like the Sahel, Sindh and Java, is a highly syncretic religion, absorbing elements from animism, paganism and Sufism. As these traditional communities are disrupted and societies are urbanized, the new lower middle-classes of the urban Muslim world seek a return to a more "pure" form of Islam, as practiced in the beginnings. This is only going to increase with the modernization of Islamic countries in Africa and Asia.

Now, the reason why this Political Islam also develops terrorist tendencies is really because of Muslim culture. Similar developments in countries like Brazil, for example, have evangelical protestants attacking shrines of other faiths and destroying them, just like Protestants destroyed icons during the Reformation, but they don't bomb anyone the way Islamists bomb Sufi shrines in Pakistan. Islamic terrorism, therefore, emerged because Islamism in its essence condones violence and martyrdom, and once people began looking for the roots of Islam to follow, they found it there.

"No true sunni puts sugar in his porridge."

Not him, but it's a good movie.

It goes on about how shiites cranked up self-flaggelation to allow stuff like having schoolboys clear out minefields. Then sunnies stole the idea and ran with it until they got the human bomb concept.

Israel, Palestine, Syria, Iraq and are all mentioned and you come to learn how stuff spiraled out of control because Kissinger played Assad (dad) and it backfired.

>why would you put them in the same category
Because that's how language works you moron

No but there are specific things that are mentioned in the books that when done are ruled against with leaving Islam (when you do x you're not a Muslim anymore)

lad I'm not talking about linguistics here you fucking retard

You're framing it in a linguistic way you retard

But there's nothing wrong with that position.

>If you go by autistic legalistic definitions, then yes.
No other kind of definition counts in Sunni Islam.

not him. perhaps not, but that still wont stop orthodox christian people of thinking of themselves as christian

>Nobody ever used fear for political purposes before the IRA
You say that almost as if you believed it yourself. That's objectively false