>Say Italy wasn't in the wrong in WWII
>"What?! Italy sided with the Nazis!"
>"We sided with the communists."
>"That doesn't matter, they still sided with the Nazis which makes them evil!"
Say Italy wasn't in the wrong in WWII
what they did in ethiopia was wrong
what they did in greece was wrong
what they did in france was wrong
what they did in albania was wrong
what they did in libya was wrong
name a state that has never done anything wrong
>"We sided with he communists.
The soviet union destroyed the third reich.
The Soviet Union was a distraction that used American lend lease that helped America destroy the Third Reich.
because communist genocide is sooooo much more tolerant than fascist
>we were in the wrong as well so they werent in the wrong
don't move the goalposts, italy was in the wrong in ww2
Define wrong
i would say that yeah theyre in the wrong, but comparing them to nazis or communists is bullshit
Just because they did wrong things does not make them I'm the wrong. Britain did wrong things during WW2 but only Eternal Anglo shitposters claim they were in the wrong during WW2.
>Just because they did wrong things does not make them I'm the wrong.
in this case it certainly does
England, Germany, Russia, Japan, China
All were in the wrong and massacred civilians for sport with no tactical motivation in mind.
The English lied to two different allied countries about defending them and let them fall, then bombed hundreds of thousands of women and children for no strategic gain. The Germans culled the mentally and physically ill and waged a war of total aggression. The Russians raped millions and took over countries while massacring the locals. The Japanese tried to make Asia Asia by making Asia Japan and ethnically cleansed local populations to do so. The Chinese were communists and Chinese.
Italy was only sided with the Axis to protect the Italian people, just as America was only sided with the Russians to win WWII. These are two of the few countries that did not have an aggressive, blood thirsty motif in their actions.
Plenty of states that did nothing wrong, also plenty of states that did *nothing* from a geopolitical standpoint.
In this thread what begs the question though is "was italy in the right" during ww2 and here when confronted with things it did "wrong" from a generalist viewpoint the correct reaction isn't, "well other people did it tooooooo". As it doesnt actually refute the point made, merely admits the normality of the immorality and simultaneously ends the previously established discussion regarding the "rightness" of Italy during ww2.
People i disagree with.
Just accept and own up to it Luigi, there's no need for backpedaling and revisionism. We have our very own Cheeto Benito as well.
youre literally arguing semantics though, every organisation and society in history has done wrong things, or else it wouldn't be in history. The degree to which it was wrong is what needs to be discussed. Saying that there is a perfect state that never did anything wrong is a coping mechanism for idealists
>or else it wouldn't be in history.
It's history if it's recorded for posterity not if it accomplishes some arbitrary standard you or some equally arbitrary institution sets.
As to the rest of your post, no.
i mean id agree with you if you can name a single state that hasnt done something that can be construed as wrong
Host of pacific island states, states that existed for very short periods, unrecognized states, new states until they do.
And lets not forget you in your youthful faggotry decided to hyperbole and throw in EVERY society and organization in all of history which could include my grandmas community center sewing circle if I wanted.
We didn't side with the Communists, the Nazis put the Communists on our side by invading them you stupid fucking nigger.
The Italians sided with the Nazis AND the Communists in 1940. Remember the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact? Where the heroic anticomintern pact gave half of Eastern Europe to Stalin?
Fuck me you fascist apologists are morons.
>Plenty of states that did nothing wrong
Such as?
>We didn't side with the Communists, the Nazis put the Communists on our side by invading them you stupid fucking nigger.
nice revisionism.
States that did *nothing* from a geopolitical standpoint.
>communism is bad
Nice American propaganda.
>being this wrong
Uncle Joe says hi
>what they did in albania was wrong
But they didn't do anything in Albania, except escape an assassination attempt.
So the Sudanese genocide of darfur is okay because it did "nothing" from a geopolitical standpoint?
>Just accept and own up to it Luigi
They never will because they will always point fingers at Germany. Same with Polish involvement and collaboration in WW2 because in both countries revolve a large amount of their identity and rhetoric around perceived innocence.
So your point was incorrect?
You mean the Uncle Joe who was Hitler's best buddy for three years?
Italy sided with Germany by choice, not due to an ongoing war thrust upon them. OP's argument is a baffling false equivalency made stupider by the fact that Italy's alliance with Germany meant effectively siding with Stalin given the disposition of conquered Poland.
>You mean the Uncle Joe who was Hitler's best buddy for three years?
Bullshit. They had an uneasy allaince, hated each others guts and knew they were going to war one day.
>Italy sided with Germany by choice
Not exactly. They weren't prepared for a war and wished to avoid it but sanctions against them by the international community forced them to pick a side. Mussolini was furious when Hitler annexed Austria and wanted it as a buffer state. Most Italians didn't really care for the German nation.
I can move the goalposts if I damn well please, fucker!!
Italy was basically just wanting to expand colonially just like every other major european power had did in the previous 100 years. But because they were later than the others they were evil.
Mussolini was an idiot for joining with the eternal hun, that was his only mistake.
I used to work with an Albanian lady. She got upset when she found out I enjoyed snapper turtle soup
"eating turtles! you are as bad as the Italians!" she said.
she also assured me that Germans are cruel and Greeks are haughty
Cooperation between Italy and Germany was on another level than the between United states and Union of councils.
Il Duce's only wrongdoing was siding with Germany
>But because they were later than the others they were evil.
Have you seen the shit they did in their colonies?
we didnt side with the communists because they were our BFFs. just happens nazis declared war on everyone.
>literally who states
my god
Building roads and stuff? Yeah. Have you seen what Belgium did in Congo?
Seriously don't be "that" user. We don't need Duceboos being a thing
Not an argument, friendo.
Mussolini forced his own hands.
>Attack Ethiopia with the excuse to end slavery, officially kinda do but unofficially don't
>Can't even win without resorting to gas like a cheating cunt just because they did not have them.
>WOW how was I supposed to know the Society of Nations would be mad at me
>in the wrong
they went full retard
you can call that ''wrong'' if it helps you understand things
>san marino
prove me wrong
By simply existing they've done the world wrong.
They're Jews
they were founded by people from rab
>Italy was only sided with the Axis to protect the Italian people, just as America was only sided with the Russians to win WWII. These are two of the few countries that did not have an aggressive, blood thirsty motif in their actions.
You are a fucking moron. Protect the guineas from who exactly? The Ethiopians they aggressively invaded? The Libyans, who were ethnically cleansed by Italian bloodlust? The Albanian state? Greece, just hanging out aggressively minding its own business?
Fuck you, you should be fucking shot you fascist sympathizing worm
The UK
more than wrong, they lost
the losing side is always wrong
Nazism is literally natonalist socialism i dont get how different siding with socialism is to nazism as a scapegoat
>Americans learn that "Nazi" is shortened National socialist
>Now they think that Nazism is "literally natonalist socialism"
yes hahah that's always what my commie grandma says
>The Libyans, who were ethnically cleansed by Italian bloodlust?
Mussolini considered the Berbers to be Italians you retard.
It was founded by a guy fleeing religious persecution in the 4th century
>Japanese internment
>Residential schools
>Electing weedman
>no rab concentration camp
All Canadians are unironically subhuman therefore a sin and wrong
Belgium and Italy don't even have a land border.
Made me think
Not even close
Well she wasn't wrong.
>Where the heroic anticomintern pact gave half of Eastern Europe to Stalin?
And later western "freedom fighters" gave half of Europe to uncle joe. Wow, such heroic.
Yeah, giving half of Europe to commies surely equals to non-friendly relations. But it's not suprising, considering FDR's administration was full of soviet agents and basically Stalin's puppet
if anyone planned that it was hitler
He held the laces in on the kick heard round the world
That was wrong
Rhodesia literally did nothing wrong
With the Pacification of Libya initiated in response to a major rebellion by indigenous Libyans against Italian colonial rule, there were mass deaths of the indigenous people in Cyrenaica - one quarter of Cyrenaica's population of 225,000 people died during the conflict.[26] Italy committed major war crimes during the conflict; including the use of illegal chemical weapons, episodes of refusing to take prisoners of war and instead executing surrendering combatants, and mass executions of civilians.[27] Italian authorities committed ethnic cleansing by forcibly expelling 100,000 Bedouin Cyrenaicans, almost half the population of Cyrenaica, from their settlements that was slated to be given to Italian settlers.[28][29]
The Italian occupation also reduced the number of livestock by killing, confiscation or driving the animals from their pastoral land to inhospitable land near the concentration camps.[30] Number of sheep fell from 810,000 in 1926 to 98,000 in 1933, goats from 70,000 to 25,000 and camels from 75,000 to 2,000.[30]
From 1930 to 1931 during the Pacification, 12,000 Cyrenaicans were executed and all the nomadic peoples of northern Cyrenaica were forcefully removed from the region and relocated to huge concentration camps in the Cyrenaican lowlands.[31] Tthe camps had poor sanitary conditions as the camps had an average of about 20,000 Beduoins together with their camels and other animals, crowded into an area of one square kilometre.[32] The camps held only rudimentary medical services, with the camps of Soluch and Sisi Ahmed el Magrun with an estimated 33,000 internees having only one doctor between them.[32] Typhus and other diseases spread rapidly in the camps as the people were physically weakened by meagre food rations provided to them and forced labour.[32] By the time the camps closed in September 1933, 40,000 of the 100,000 total internees had died in the camps.[32]
Remember when FDR partitioned Poland with the USSR? Neither do I.
>if anyone planned that it was hitler
>FDR: I do not regard the Communists as any present or future threat to our country, in fact I look upon Russia as our strongest ally in the years to come. While I do not believe in Communism, Russia is far better off and the world is safer with Russia under Communism than under the Czars. Stalin is a great leader, and although I deplore some of his methods, it is the only way he can safeguard his government.
Also first pres who recognized Soviet Union as legal state. It seems hitler was just convenient excuse for flip-flopping commie in chief.
>Remember when FDR partitioned Poland with the USSR? Neither do I.
I remember when he sould us to his commie comrades. Great ally, we totally could count on him.
FDR died before the end of WW2, so he obviously didn't have an impact on post-WW2 negotiations because he was kinda dead at that point.
he didn't have impact in agreements with Stalin during conferences in Teheran and Yalta? lmao
for this
>Implying anyone that invented pizza is evil
>Say Italy wasn't in the wrong in WWII
It was in almost every way. Dumb burger
t. Italian
>When someone tries to cite the "holocaust" as fact
Everyone's favourite island, Australia. Failing that the forgotten islands of New Zealand.
Don't forget that the USA used 2 atomic bombs on 2 different Japanese cities. They remain the only country in the history of the world actually using nuclear weapons in any war.
New Zealand
The alternative was a land invasion which would've killed millions of Japanese and Americans alike. The Soviets might have also invaded which could have resulted in a split country like Germany. Not saying that the bombings weren't bad, but the alternative would have been a lot worse both for the present and for the future of Japan.
And the Japanese gov is partially at fault for ignoring the various ultimatums.
I hate Americans more with each passing day.
>t. Italian
Sure thing Jamal.
The amount of jewish wealth still in Swiss vaults must be enormous