>some schizophrenic jew claims to be the son of god 2000 years ago
>his ideology is extremely inconsistent and incoherent
>this is enough evidence for atheists to refute the concept of god
>some schizophrenic jew claims to be the son of god 2000 years ago
>his ideology is extremely inconsistent and incoherent
>this is enough evidence for atheists to refute the concept of god
name 1 (one) inconsistent and/or incoherent statement by Jesus in the new testament
You can´t say for sure that he had psychosis, maybe he just pretended to be the son of god to influence people.
>implying that there aren't refutations of every argument for God that are regularly used in nearly every discussion of religion
poor bait
Although he had the right age to have psychosis, it normally breaks out around 25 - 30 as far as i know.
fuck i thought i was about out of the time period that that could develop
the point is a delusional or lying desert person shouldn't be enough evidence to refute a higher being
quantum physics shows us there is an extremely high chance of there being more dimensions. why is it so hard to conceive of a 4 dimensional entity that put our universe in motion?
that's a possibility, it's just that. I think of myself as an atheist rather than an agnostic because I think that it's more likely that the concept of gods is just an idea humans came up with to explain nature, not because I think there is no chance at all that something we would call a god exists
>claims to be the son of god
He probably never did that. Only one of the gospels (John) features him saying anything to the effect, and the notion would have been pretty blasphemous to a devout Jew like he seems to have been.
that seems unlikely because he could've just said jk lol when they were gonna execute him and then he would've been free to take his act on the road and manipulate people somewhere else because fraudsters are cowards like that. the fact that he stuck to his story to the bitter end suggests that he was either the real deal or a total loon.
or he was an ubermench in the Nietzschean sense
creating value in a vaule-less world to absolve existential anxiety from the average person
or he wanted to be famous after death? What would you do, live another day and die in another horrible way or become the most famous person ever
"I have not come to abolish the law and the prophets" is clearly inconsistent with mainstream Christian practice at least.
>the point is a delusional or lying desert person shouldn't be enough evidence to refute a higher being.
It is not enough evidence, but i think someone who comes up with the idea that a god exists should at first prove that the term or concept has a foundation, or otherwise someone could say: I have a new word, it is wabadiwabadu, prove that it doesn´t exist.
didn't nietzsche die insane?
if he was faking he would've had no way of knowing anyone would remember him and he would've been just one of countless traveling rabbis that existed during that time.
>didn't nietzsche die insane?
That he died that way does not refute him as well as this desert dude.
yes and mass shooters can't seek fame as their motivation because they'll be just one of many countless young adults who lost their shit
>creating value in a valueless world
this is incoherent; obviously the world isn't valueless if you can create value from it. . .
mass shooters are insane user
>creating value in a valueless world
First of, that is not my comment and yep you are right.
the overman is one who realizes the world is nihlist in nature and gives value to it for the sake of humanities sanity
not an argument, and I'd love to hear what mental disorder you think the columbine shooters had
If you think wanting to shoot up your school, kill your classmates, then actually going through with it, doesn't constitute some kind of mental disorder you have the problems kid.
again the world isn't nihilist if value can be created in it. the real question is what makes something "valuable."
they were textbook sociopaths
>lack of empathy
>proclivity for violence
>delusions of grandeur
thats what the ubermench is user, they literally lie to people to create value. Something is valuable if a powerful enough person wills it to be. This is Nietzsche. This is what he means to overcome nihlism. lie to yourself and you will value into existence
sorry, but that isn't an identifiable mental disorder. and should i agree with you that it is, that doesn't disprove the point that it's possible that Jesus died seeking fame. I could simply claim that he was insane, just not insane enough to think he was God.
Something has value if it can be used to make you happy, healthy, strong.
that is technically a mental disorder, but it's not insane. they still were fully aware of the consequences of their actions.
>lies are valuable
that is a lie
i dont know man i think it could help society if we have a good group of overmen
No, its anecdotal evidence.
Besides, its not an athiests job to prove that god doesn't exist.
>lies are valuable which is why you should trust me heheh
lie isnt exactly the right word to use, sorry. more like create. in the same sense that we "created" society, we should "create" new values.
And how can we get such a group? If they should be elected then it´s implying that the ones that vote can judge them right, if they elect themselves then there would be a lot of fights among groups who would claim to be good, leading to the strongest to win,
i agree,the world has the illusion of being nihlist though
something like influential artists and philosphers. obvisouly we dont want another national socialism to happen
Implying that we can judge philosophers right, there has been none who was uncontroversial.
>implying god wasnt uncontroversial when he was the giver of value
>sociopaths are not insane
*tips katana*
they aren't though. being diagnosed as a sociopath would not work in court to get a verdict of not guilty by reason of insanity. why? because sociopathy doesn't damage your ability to reason, it affects your ability to empathize. it's not insane to be an asshole
oh I didn't know we were discussing legal insanity specifically, in that case you're right but at the very least I hope you'll concede that sociopaths are severely mentally deficient
define severely mentally deficient. you can live a fairly normal, successful life with sociopathy, perhaps even aided by the ruthlessness it gives you. you are mentally deficient, but not in your ability to reason. if any large mental deficiency can make you insane, than someone who is in a car crash and suffers a head injury to the part of the brain that affects ability to speak could be deamed insane for losing the ability to speak clearly but still being able to think clearly.
they are deficient in the sense they lack normal human brain functions
they lack brain functions, but not functions that effect their ability to reason properly.
yes they are mentally deficient that is my point
we aren't talking about simply whether they have a mental deficiency but whether this mental deficiency is so severe that it causes them to be insane
we've already established that by the legal standard it doesn't however I would argue that "sanity" requires a shared brain capacity that sociopaths lack and yes this also includes people who suffer brain damage. what i mean is that if your brain is severely abnormal it cannot be considered a "sane" brain which explains why sociopaths are insane if i may put it plain.
I would see sanity as being specifically about your capacity to understand what's going on around you, think logically, and not have debilitating delusions, whether paranaoi or visual. sociopaths can be quite intelligent, they can even form normal relationships if they choose to (even if they do so for manipulative reasons).
i hear what youre saying but i don't think sociopaths *really* understand what's going on around them because of their deficient brain capacity
There's something called integrity for a higher idea.
This thread is retarded. pls delet
if he was lying about who he was then he had no integrity
They aren't deficient in brain capacity.
they are deficient in the ability to empathize
That's not enough to consider them insane. If it was that's EXTREMELY ripe for abuse to discredit people or ruin their reputation.
Not if he was working for a higher idea.
if ones reputation is damaged by someone calling them insane it means people must believe it might be true
a lie you mean
If you want to consider universal compassion and salvation a lie I guess.
if jesus was a liar then his salvation was a lie
it's not though, that's not the reason for his coming. he came to suffer the punishment for our sins so that we may be forgiven. that purpose is not exclusive to him from abolishing the laws of the prophets