>more prosperous per-capita than Europe AND America at the turn of the 20th century
>now a failed state
What went wrong?
>more prosperous per-capita than Europe AND America at the turn of the 20th century
>now a failed state
What went wrong?
Falling for the agricultural economy meme. Or maybe not falling for it hard enough?
an influx of german war criminals following WWII. if anyone knows how to make a failed state, it's the germans
Also the military dictatorships and the democratic governments were both shit at managing the country, e.g selling grain and meat to the anglos while not developing heavy industry.
What exactly did Peron do to ruin Argentina? And what did his predecessors do that worked?
Perón tried to save the country by developing an industrial base for the economy. The military and the elites thought that they could keep the same standard of living just by selling meat and wheat well into the 20th century and sabotaged him, ruining the country, they are what went wrong.
Perón was military himself.
Triggered a pissing match between left wing and right wing populists that lasted from the 40s until the 80s and crippled the country.
Can you elaborate?
Fuck off. These guys didn't help but our economy even when we were at our best (early XXth century) was doomed to fail. Little to no manufactoring, with no plan B in case our massive exports stopped. And then they stopped.
You need rule of law to move from an agricultural economy to a manufacturing economy.
The juntas prevented this.
What Peron did to the economy (with a very questionable degree of success) is he basically installed protectionism, on a country that mostly relied on exporting raw goods and importing manufactored ones. Now that would've made sense after the great depression, where the globalized economy collapsed, but in the 40s it was coming back, and he decided strongly against it. Look where that got us.
Argentina literally taxes exports.
Non whites
They needed the Falklands and the mystical powers thereon.
>lasted from the 40s until the 80s and crippled the country.
More like, from the 40s onwards.
They betrayed their Castillian rroots and became a meme masonic Italian+Galician abomination that was doomed to fail
> masonic
Argentina is an officialy catholic state dumbass
>Argentina is an officialy catholic state dumbass.
Founded by a mason and ruled by masons
did you draw that
ok never post it again
>ok never post it again