Are Italians really descendants of Romans?
Are Italians really descendants of Romans?
Yes, neither the Goths nor the Lombards had the numbers to replace millions of Latins.
Do we really need to go though this question twice a day?
nah from chinese i think
They are the descendants of the Romans but then again so are many other ethnicities in the world such as the French or even English and Italians can also be called descendants of ancient Greeks or Normans. The Italian people as a whole are descendant from a myriad of different historical people's but out of all of them the Romans shine out the most in regards to genetics, linguistics, culture etc
>millions of Latins
Rome was only partially Latin even in the Kingdom let alone the Republic or Empire.
t. anglo triggered he's not a roman descendant
No. Romans were originally those native Latin speakers of latinum. During the 1st AD Rome was flooded with immigrants from Africa, Asia and Europe.
Modern day Italians are mostly of the moorish variety. Roman genes died out.
"I don't know how genetics works."
>triggered mudblood
so, romans were blacks
Romans were always a minority, racially speaking. Modern Italians are descendants of Rome, of the Etruscans, of the Magna Greeks, of the Sabines, as well as of the Langobards, Goths, Normans, and everyone else who has contributed to the genepool over the past 3,000 years.
They mainly descend from the people living in Italy at the time, plus slaves, immigrants, and Hannibal's army.
What do you think, that only romans reproduced in Italy?
There needs to be a distinction between nationality and ethnicity.
The latins were the original Romans, but by the the time of the empire the Latins weren't the only romans.
You should be asking if there are any real Latins left.
The genetic profile of the Italian peninsula have been basically the same since Roman times. There are genetic researches proving that, just google it.
Don't believe in meme answers like "no, they were flooded with immigrants and mixed with them!!" because that's literally wrong. The north african admixture is way before the Romans.
"nothing can make me believe..."
There's that famous Roman stubborness!
Latins and etruscans were probably descendents of magna greeks to begin with. Romulos and Remo were literally the sons of a Greek king in their creation mythos and the real life archeological findings also lead to the conclusion that Rome was a greek ethnic city, At least at first.
Mussolini kind of looks like he's related to Scipio Africanus.
If only he were as smart as him.