The Hitler Debate

fuckin shit man...

I got redpilled by some stormfag on /pol/ and tricked into reading about Hitler and i gotta say its hard to hate the guy. I definitely dont like him but Ive come to this conclusion. If he didnt kill millions, he isnt all bad.

Lets face it, if Hitler didn't go all final solution on the Jews, Pols, Slavs, and gypsies... he would have a bigger following today.

he wasnt as bad as Stallin, this we know for fact. But could he actually be taken seriously if he hadnt killed so many?

He cant be taken seriously because he was a autistic man child

so was Einstein, and his work is nearly worshiped by math and science.

>if hitler didn't do the things that made him hitler he'd be a pretty chill dude, i'd have a brew with him chugh

Pray tell, what exactly did you read?

no he wasn't, he banged chicks left right and center.

I suppose invading poland western europe and Russia arnt considered achievements

He's right though. If he didn't kill the Jews, Poles, etc he'd just be seen as a German Napoleon. Tried to take over Europe, early success, then defeat.

>I got redpilled by some stormfag on /pol/


Except he wasn't a good commander, or Fuhrer

He was exactly what Germany needed after the Weimar Republic, he should have let the military men handle the military though.

What are you basing this on? What books have you read about the Wiemar republic or about Hitler's ascent and the early policy of Nazi rule?

holy bait!

>a guy who killed millions of innocents wasn't as bad as the guy who saved millions of innocents

Daily reminder:
PLEASE ignore threads if they feature "/pol/", "redpill" or any version of "Hitler dindu nuffin"

>saved millions of innocents

what did he mean by this?

>Stalin saved millions of innocents.

>He wasn't as bad as Stalin

Stalin came into power when Russia was an agrarian peasant shithole, and left it one of the world's foremost superpowers. Hitler left his country a pile of rubble. Hitler was a loser, and it confuses me why people worship a man who has ruined everything for everyone.

Also people that compare Hitler to Napoleon are mongs that showcase their ignorance about both men.

>communists believe this
You people are the most sad delusional motherfuckers on earth

I don't recall Napoleon being such a shit general/leader that other generals in his army attempted to assassinate him for being so shit.

For all social Darwinism of /pol/ why won't you faggots accept that Hitler was a loser, a terrible leader, general and just an all around awful person? He lost the war. He is worthless and a failure.

In Mein Kampf, Hitler laid out his plan to replace the Slavic natives of Eastern Europe with German settlers. This would require the mass murder and enslavement of millions of Slavic people. To deny this you would have to deliberately ignore almost every Nazi book or pamphlet since the 1920s. You would have to ignore Mein Kampf and all of Hitler's other writings, as well as post war memoirs like Albert Speer's

But muh 60 grazillions starved in the holodohoax.

Kulaks dindu nuffin. Dey wuz good bois.

>Hitler laid out his plan to replace the Slavic natives of Eastern Europe with German settlers.
Empty platitudes

>Stalin saved millions of innocents.

He literally did this just by stopping Hitler.

So Hitler was an outrageous liar then.

Yes actually.

Wow, horseshoe theory right here.

It was his main driving impulse according to his closest friend Albert Speer. If he succeeded, Germany's population today would be over 200 million. Germany would be the world's strongest country, and could easily establish global hegemony

Well i mean that guy on pol said it with such conviction, it was very convincing.

Fuck off crypto-/pol/beard

He didnt murder a single jew or slav.

>Being retarded enough to be convinced by /pol/
Either autist or underage

Where is the problem, exactly?

Not if you fail, then they're considered failures.
Hitler was a failure, he's the sole man responsible for the death of fascism, millions of people and the fact that white people can't even walk around without being called racist. Fuck him

Read about the invasion of Poland, it was one of their worst campaigns, Germany lost 285 aircraft and almost 1000 tanks. It was a shitshow

He was desu, he lied until the very end

"the fuhrer has just been killed while fighting heroically in the frontlines of berlin!"

thats because everyone working in the mathmatic or science field is an autistic manchild

Except hatred of the Jews, poles, Slavs and those responsible for Versailles is what gave him a large following

The problem is the Slavs you're trying to colonize are literate, armed with tens of thousands of tanks, and willing to sacrifice for their nation. And instead of being run by an inbred like in 1914, the country is now run by an ultra intelligent and hugely popular revolutionary-poet-priest

I think you're actually the autistic one for not being able to detect obvious sarcasm.

Yeah, and there's currently a big wall between Mexico and the US

>he wasnt as bad as Stallin, this we know for fact. But could he actually be taken seriously if he hadnt killed so many?

Lmao, Stalin did nothing wrong