Whose fault was the Black Plague?
Whose fault was the Black Plague?
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>someone's fault
Maybe rulers and officials who didn't call quarantines or the mongols because those flees supposedly came with them.
So you're saying it's the Chineseses fault?
Blacks. It's in the name.
>Warsaw (spared)
Yeah, I wonder why. The eternal Pole strikes again.
Warsaw wasn't even a part of Poland back then you doofus.
Poland avoided the plague because Jews could not get into the country to poison the wells
Genghis catapulted infected bodies over castle walls during sieges so...
>Poland avoided the plague because Jews could not get into the country to poison the wells
Jews were in Poland since like 10th century.
The real reason is that the Polish king ordered a quarantine at the borders.
Pope for letting the Genoese crusade into the caucasuses
This, but it wasn't Genghis, he was long dead.
(((I don't know)))
>tfw chinese
>tfw i sleep at night knowing a disease from my country destroyed many european cities and lives
and yes i know a lot of us died as well but not as much as you fags
You must have a lot of friends.
Well he is Chinese, there's like a million of them.
do you?
Asia suffered from the plague as well, idiot
>and yes i know a lot of us died as well but not as much as you fags
>and yes i know a lot of us died as well but not as much as you fags
what is reading comprehension
This with bad hygiene
Seeing what they are capable of as of today, I wouldn't reject this theory.
Cats preparing for the next Satanic ritual and forgetting to catch rats.
why would anoyone give two shits about warsaw in 14th century is beyond me
american education strikes again
G*rmans on another autism spree to weaken their neighbors. Like they say, evil things congregate together.
How do you know it wasn't a cover-up?
This, the Polish are God's gift to mankind to combat the Eternal Teuton and his (((puppets))).
Not properly disposing of the deceased which contaminated the water sources and the food supply!
The dense population combined with lack of hygiene (pests as well) and commonsense only accelerated and prolonged the plague!
Cremation is the only logical and safe way of disposing a dead body!
Then Europe would have been ours because we'd have attacked at the same time.
>Trying way too hard: the post
the scots tried
>attack england while they're plagued
>soldiers catch it
>bring it home
>half the population dies
The only protection Muslims need against disease is Allah.
>calls out other's education
>refers to the 15th century as the 14th
The Jews did admit to playing a role with the plague. A very prominent Rabbi in fact. Put that together with the fact that Jews have been caught poisoning the wells multiple times historically, there is a pretty good chance (((they))) had something to do with it.
>Poland avoided the plague because Jews could not get into the country to poison the wells
Literally this. It's not a coincidence Poland was free of Jews at that time.
Why should I listen to a Jewish mouse prophet?
>Yeah, I wonder why.
Poland had a huge number of Jews living in Poland, they tended to be very clean. This avoided the spread of disease between communities.
The new king also updated all of the infrastructure throughout his kingdom.
George W Bush
>its le jews xdddd
you're an idiot. The king had guards around the border to stop people from coming in and poland was a cold poor uneducated shitshow already anyway, nobody wanted to go there, so the plague didn't spread as much, though it still did
This man should get a perma ban according to the sticky
mods wake the fuck up
>Literally this. It's not a coincidence Poland was free of Jews at that time.
Polish king literally had a Jewish lover at the time of the plague and sired a few children with her.
Jews lived in Poland since 10th century at the latest.
The Chinese suffered from something worse than that also known as Mao Zedung
>The king had guards around the border to stop people from coming in
To quarantine them,
>and poland was a cold
During the climate optimium? Nope.jpg
14th century was prosperous in Poland, that century was a springboard for the Polish Golden Age.
>uneducated shitshow
Poland just had its university founded.
>nobody wanted to go there
It was actually the highpoint of colonization and immigration with literally hundreds of towns founded over a few decades.
>tfw you will never live in medieval europe
>tfw you will never annihilate entire Jewish villages
>tfw you will never avenge the death of your family and destroy the (((people))) who caused it
>tfw you will never live in a village that used to be a prosperous Jewish community until we killed it's inhabitants and took all (((their))) assets
Why even live?
t. ahmed al azizi from France
We taught you how to use forks, frog.
yes it was retardo
It fucking wasn't. It was a fief of Bohemia since 1320s.
>15th century
yeah no, warsaw was briefly a indepentent duchy but the king fixed that rather quickly
bohemia had nothing to do with warsaw
It was a duchy that wasn't a vassal of the Polish crown until 1350s. And Warsaw wasn't an important city until 1400s. It was reincorporated into Poland in 1526.
But the Muslims also got hit by the plague
I dont think you can blame somebody about this, as bacteria wich os black death has evolved naturally and was spread by ticks on rats, wich moved with cargo true Mongol empire, i believe that you could postpone black death in europe if Genghis Khan would have died, but eventually Black death would have reached europe.
But without black death feudalism wouldn't have collapsed in europe and it would be backwater place, and we probably would live in renaissance, cause without HUGE human workforce shortage after black death there would not be need for europeans to innovate, we probably wouldn't ever start renaissance(way of course would, but probably coser to 18 -19. century). not to mention many overpopulation problems europe would face (due to no advancements in agriculture at that time, mass starvations would occur in europe, not to mention that all pesky lords would fought against each other wich would make centralized states imposible)
disease spread with things, not to mention during that age poland did not have population to secure the entire border,n ot to mention army, poland just wasn't that wealthy at that time, and traders wit wich the rats and ethics traveled, didn't get intro poland (there were minor breakouts of black death, but it didnt reach epidemic levels) not to mention that poland in that time actually had one of biggest jew communities, and as user stated before, jews were the rare ones who washed themselves, and their clothes so disease has hard time spreading
Yersinia pestis'
>implying you didn't
underrated post
Poland didn't exist then, all of what is modern Poland was submerged under water and only emerged in the 16th centenary as a result of tectonic lift.
>Be king of Poland
>Hear about the Plauge
>Tell foreign merchants to fuck off and not come back until epidemy ends
>Kill anyone who wants to cross the border
>Let in only Jews, because they are hygienic
>Don't go apeshit religious, don't burn cats, main rat hunters, like other Europeans do, because pope told them to
>Push hygienic and healthy norms throughout the country
>Tfw policy so successful, some user several hundred years later thinks 1/3 of Europe died because of your inside job
Are you trolling or just stupid?
So black plague created industrializm and therefore colonialism? Wew
A large amount of them?
God's fault for creating a flawed mankind and God's fault for creating the plague.
Or was it Devil whom the God created as well?
Jews and witches
Allah didn't do shit for them against the Khans
ur mum
Yeah no feudalism was already on it's way out. At most you would of had maybe 100 years of delay.
Maybe even less so or none at all, considering the black death devastated the economy of the continent at a time where the middle class was at it's peak. Starvation would of been reason enough to innovate in agricultural techniques.
>Warsaw (spared)
You don't poison your own wells. Let's put it that way.
The story that the stupid medieval people, at the instigation of their even more stupid clergy, killed thousands of cats and so died in even greater numbers during the 1340s epidemic as a result is popular and widespread. A quick Google on relevant key words will turn up a plethora of articles of the “strange true facts about history” clickbait variety that repeat the story, such as “That One Time The Pope Banned Cats And It Caused The Black Plague” or dozens of others. These articles are marked by a total lack of any reference to source material substantiating claims about a general medieval massacre of cats, a lack of any references to historical analysis of the Black Death or a lack of any such references that actually mention any massacre of cats. Why? Because it did not happen.
It's one of those pseudo historical urban myths that keeps getting repeated despite the fact it’s complete nonsense. And it gets repeated because it feels right to many people – it makes our ancestors look stupid and makes us feel "smart", it blames the medieval Church for something that popular culture says is the kind of thing the medieval Church would do and it’s a nice story with an ironic ending. So no-one actually bothers to check on one rather important element: whether it is actually true.
The few versions of this story that bother to give anything like some substantiation claim that cats were declared servants of evil by Pope Gregory IX in 1232 or even that he declared that they should all be killed. That sounds highly specific and substantial, though some might notice that 1232 is over a century before the first appearance of the Black Death in 1347 and wonder why it took this long for any supposed cat massacre to cause the plague. Other versions of the story say the antipathy towards cats began with Gregory IX’s papal bull and then grew until the lack of cats in Europe made the plague particularly catastrophic.
But did Gregory IX declare all cats evil or order their destruction? Actually, no. The “1232” reference seems to be to Gregory’s papal bull Vox in Rama, issued in that year, which addressed an alleged outbreak of devil worship in Germany. This bull gives a description of the ceremonies of this group of “Luciferians”, which includes many standard tropes found in lurid medieval ideas about heretical practices. This involved visions of a giant toad, initiates kissing an emaciated pale man and finally a statue of a black cat coming to life and speaking with the initiates. Nowhere does the bull associate this diabolical cat with cats generally, condemn all cats or call for their slaughter. Yet the claim that this bull somehow did cause massacres of cats continues to be made, usually with no reference to any supporting evidence at all.
Don't be so rude, just call them Jews.
What is the one child policy
Poles, God's chosen people.
>a real country
dukes of Płocks were bohemian vassals around that period, so it's not as absurd as you seem to think